UD Replicas Dark Knight with mods


Sr Member
I've been on the forum a while and I'm finally starting to get my costumes ready ahead of Halloween :love Here's some photos of my Dark Knight costume. Just to give some quick shout-outs, the suit is UD Replicas, cape from coofunkcurly, cowl and neck guard from GCFX, grapple gun from Gordon Gekko, and batarang from Celtic007.

Sorry I know the shots don't have the best lighting, I may get better pics when I can wear this outside during Halloween and not look like a complete weirdo :lol


Here's a shot of my gf and I dressed as a themed couple when we went to the Disneyland Mickey's Halloween Party this past Monday. That was my first time ever in the full costume and trooping around, and man did I learn how ridiculously uncomfortable a urethane cowl can get after half an hour!

Found another pic from Disneyland with better lighting

As for the mods, first thing I did was find a way to attach the cape to where it's supposed to go on the movie suit. I did this with a combination of snaps and magnets, actually held up during my entire outing at Disneyland. Someone even stepped on the cape and took it off my jacket, didn't damage it at all and I was able to put it back on at the park.

Second thing I did was make the gauntlets with 2 rows of fins. All I did was separate the fins (UD makes them in 2 rows but they glue them together), paint some chopsticks black :lol, jammed it in between and glued it on, and then did some light leather shaping to get the 2 rows more separated.

Lastly, the waist area, a fun topic when it comes to the UD TDK suits. I was able to tighten the waist by using 2 large safety pins (painted black) in the mesh area under the leather spine of the jacket. I then had to cut the wings of the leather spine pieces and glue them to take off about 1.5" on each side; otherwise they'd just be hanging loose. Very easy mod and it looks great. There is a small bump down at the bottom of the jacket where that softer leather part scrunches up, but with the cape on you can't even see it, plus it serves as a nice little hook of sorts to help keep your belt on.

For those who may wonder about my neck guard, all I did was cut off the UD jacket neck guard (very easy to do, just need scissors!) and use the GCFX neck guard, positioned so that the jacket sits on the bottom of the neck guard. I did encounter a minor issue while trooping around Disneyland where the back of the neck guard would pop out of the jacket when I bend my neck forward just a bit. So this week I came up with a velcro solution to attach the back of the neck guard to the jacket and keep it from popping out.

To those with UD suits who might want to do some of these things, these mods are plenty easy. I'm not an experienced costumer or craftsman by any stretch, most of the guys on this forum will blow me out of the water with their skills.

See attachments for more pics, including my mods. Enjoy!


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Very nice. I unfortunately have to wait for my suit to be delivered next year. It would've been awesome to have it for Halloween.
So as I understand it you glued the safety pins to the spine to make it tighter? Could you explain the waist mod in depth a little. I'd love to do it to mine
So as I understand it you glued the safety pins to the spine to make it tighter? Could you explain the waist mod in depth a little. I'd love to do it to mine

Yeah I probably didn't explain this well enough as it's a pretty simple mod. You take safety pins and just pinch the spine mesh together, like how apparel stores make their clothes fitted onto their mannequins. What this does is it creates a lot of slack on the leather spine pieces, so to reduce that slack, you'll need to trim the wings on those leather pieces and shorten them. You can glue or hand stitch the leather spine pieces back together.

If you decide that's too much cutting for your taste, putting the cape on hides the extra slack, in case you want to maintain the resale value of your suit. I just did it b/c I care a lot about details and didn't want that showing when the cape billows as I walk around.

I trooped around without zipping the jacket and pants together around the back, but I tested the zipper last night to see if this waist mod still allows you to make the suit a one piece, and the zipper still works. Took a little bit longer to zip it up but it wasn't all that difficult and I didn't think it put any stress on the zipper.
To help with a urethane cowl wear a bacalava underneath. Wore mine for two separate instances of 5 hours each with no issues.

Can you share a link or photo of your balaclava? The ones I've seen don't have an open mouth area large enough. I wear a dive hood underneath btw but it doesn't cover any part of my face.
Looks great! I also have a UD suit and a cape from coofunkcurly that I'm looking to attach in the more authentic way. Can you explain alil bit more how you did that and where the best stores to get the materials would be.
Looks great! I also have a UD suit and a cape from coofunkcurly that I'm looking to attach in the more authentic way. Can you explain alil bit more how you did that and where the best stores to get the materials would be.

Sorry I didn't get a chance over the weekend to take some pics. Hard to explain with words but what you need are snaps, some hard leather, and earth magnets.

I got some inspiration from this guy on the leather and snaps:

If you get really stiff leather you probably won't need the magnets. My leather guy used fairly stiff leather but the weight of the cape still pulled the corner up a little, so I reinforced it with magnets and that did the trick. Ideally I'd rather not use magnets, if I had to do it again I'd get the stiffest material I can find, maybe something stiffer than leather.

Lmk if you still need me to take pics or if that's pretty clear to you. You can get those materials anywhere.
How tall are you and what are you body sizes? I'm curious about TDK sizing, I have 42 chest but I'm only 5.8" 165 lbs I tried on a Med Jacket and Med pants and was too big for me, the jacket overall fit nice I have wide shoulder and 42 chest and filled it out perfectly, it's just that the sleeves were too long, and the pant were way too long, the knees didn't line up, I would definetely need small or extra small for the pants and probably a Small jacket.

How tall are you and what are you body sizes? I'm curious about TDK sizing, I have 42 chest but I'm only 5.8" 165 lbs I tried on a Med Jacket and Med pants and was too big for me, the jacket overall fit nice I have wide shoulder and 42 chest and filled it out perfectly, it's just that the sleeves were too long, and the pant were way too long, the knees didn't line up, I would definetely need small or extra small for the pants and probably a Small jacket.


I just remembered, the sleeve length on the jackets are somewhat adjustable because of where you can mount the gauntlets. You can probably fold the sleeves a bit around the forearms and then use the gauntlets to hide the folds.
Nice look. I would do the safety pin mod... but damn, cutting the neck part out of this expensive jacket?

There's got to be another way to do the neck piece? Is it possible to fold it inward? What do you think? Any ideas of doing this without ruining the jacket?
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