Two Pilots engaged in Neural Bridge: Gipsy Danger and Cherno Alpha online

The Cherno Alpha chest/head piece is really looking great!
For the materials used, you're getting a remarkable amount of detail in there. Subbed!
Nice work! Your foam skills are great and the suits are coming really coming along!
I would love to do a pilot costume but there are just too many projects ahead of that one.

Keep it up!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Sadly this isn't all freehand, most of this is pep files. All the piston work though, and most of the detail work is freehand by myself as SriLANKing's pep files appear to be mostly empty spaces and free floating pieces...makes working out how it all fits together a lot of guess and check :p

Bit o' progress but I'm a little annoyed. First off the cod piece looks like a giant foam diaper...


But the real problem I'm having is a spacing one...gonna have to fudge things around a bit because as it is the abs aren't fitting flush with my chest:

So the next step is to pad things out so it all fits properly...though if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears
i'd scale up the abbs a little more, it's probably because your (actual) torso is long, gypsy's height is from his legs
and sorry for the files, they do need a lot of work....
This is looking really good!
I would use hopolstry foam to hold the chest in place.Then the chest should stay in place. Sort of like the inside of a helmet.
The rest may need straps, and buckles. Like with Ironman, or Halo armor.
i'd scale up the abbs a little more, it's probably because your (actual) torso is long, gypsy's height is from his legs
and sorry for the files, they do need a lot of work....

I think you're right SriLanKING. It's not your files so much as it is that...well I don't have effeminate proportions and massive shoulders. Unfortunately I can't really scale up the abs anymore because they're all secured (had to secure them to test the fit) so to replace them would damage the spine and hips...

Looking at Gipsy's blueprint though there are a lot of gears and pistons around the ab/chest joint that I may be able to use to hide the seam better...
so we've had some progress. My shoulders are done for the moment:

They're rather simple at the moment since I'm planning on installing some stuff into them, and I wanna see how they align with the biceps first. I'm thinking of adding fans to help keep me cool...or speakers to blast pacific rim music as I walk around so we're perpetually walking around with epic background music :p

Hailee's done with her legs:

And she's still short

Or maybe I'm just freakishly tall...
I love how much fun you're both having with this. I think that's my absolute favorite part of this hobby and the majority of the people in it.

Keep up the great work!
Have you seen these?

Of course! :p They're one of my 6 pieces of primary reference for each of the Jaegers. Unfortunately the angle they offer isn't very unique, meaning I really only use it examining discrepencies between my reference (like the armor plating on the interior underside of the knee joint).

How are the lifts for weight? They look great so far :)

They each weigh about 5 lbs or so? They'll be tricky for hailee to walk around in for a length of time but that's mostly because she's so tiny she's only got like 6 inches on Peter Dinklage...
This is incredible. I've been looking for someone who is working on Jaeger suits (not the pilot suits). Its looking great so far. Can't wait to see the final product. Also, would you ever consider building any other Jaegers in the future? Like my favorite: Striker Eureka
I'd love to figure out a way to easily make Striker and include a nerf version of the chest rockets, as well as Crimson Typhoon and its digigrade legs...unfortunately the convenience of already having pep designs didn't apply to Striker and Crimson when we started work...perhaps in the future? Or if we get a request to make them for someone and they're paying...
it's amazing how a morph suit can make any guy look like a middle aged dude while it makes any girl look curvaceous...o.0

Anyways, Hailee's got her biceps done, and we're padding out her head today:

We also bought morph suits as undersuits, so I decided to test out my assembly so far:

We're also planning on adding a 170mm orange LED integrated fan to my chest piece as part of a larger cooling plan (involving thermoelectric coolers and heat sinks and other fun stuff mounted to my morph suit...) but that'll be coming later...maybe not in time for halloween...
You mentioned orange LED's for the central fan. Are you also going to put the white lights that can be found scattered all around Gipsy's body?
Oh more than just the floodlights, I'm gonna add the green and red aircraft warning lights that are all over Gipsy too :p Those are for Comicon though, halloween is just getting the superstructure done. Speaking of which:



And of course: Elbow Rocket!

The hands unfortunately are still a work in progress...and I'm running out of money to buy string to make them mobile...
I am looking forward to seeing Cherno Alpha complete. It's legs are similar to human proportions. So I am assuming that it will have the most accurate representation out of the two.
I wish it had gotten more screen time. It was a wonderful design. I am happy you are making it.