Tron Legacy Deluxe Identity Disc mods?

I just looked into SMD strips and I like the idea but sheesh a bit out of my price range. I may by some El material and tear the converter out of those holder and mount it in the disc and use the batteries that came with the disc to power it. I have to try and figure out if it would be too much power or not plus i need to find someone to machine the rings for me. This project keeps getting more expensive all the time.
I just looked into SMD strips and I like the idea but sheesh a bit out of my price range. I may by some El material and tear the converter out of those holder and mount it in the disc and use the batteries that came with the disc to power it. I have to try and figure out if it would be too much power or not plus i need to find someone to machine the rings for me. This project keeps getting more expensive all the time.

Uh, did you read some of the earlier posts in this thread?
At least for me, the 2AA EL inverters that I've seen are too big to physically fit inside the disc (at least the toy one) and the EL is not nearly as bright as you would think...

In order to have a chance at this you'd have to start fresh with two shells and custom make (thinner) diffuser material for both the inner and outer rings. And even then, the glow of the EL might not be bright enough...
Not sure why it was blue in the clip, may have been an error in the editing. I've been drooling over the podcasts like a hawk. In the clip where the Sirens actually attach sam's disk, it does the loading sequence in white, and it's definitely an up close and personal shot. You even get the hear the speech Sark made in the first one by whats sounds like a female voice processed through Mactalk.
I actually have my whole system working on the original batteries that came with the disc now (still = 9volts). I was just using the 9v batt for testing purposes since it's easier, but it's really too big to fit in the disc. The 6 little button batteries light the whole thing up just as bright and they fit inside with room to spare! Not sure exactly how long they will last just yet.

You can see the button batts in these pics:



To start I'm totally newb on this. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction about recasting the blue outer disc. If I'm totally inept in making one from scratch would you be willing to cast another one and ship it to me? I'd be willing to pay for materials, shipping and your time.
I have seen ALL the footage that is out there. And from what I personally see...

It looks like there is a stark white, a blue, a white-blue, and a white-teal as far as the blue-ish colors go. To see the white-teal look at the last trailer when the red or orange (cant remember) guy is on his cycle with his disc held out... it cuts 2 scenes to seem like it's sam that is getting attacked but when it cuts to the guy getting hit, he plunges over the side of the track into oncoming traffic. You can see it's more green. Pause to see the white with teal hue.

I personally wish they woulda stuck to the original color scheme. Seems a bit confusing.
I have seen ALL the footage that is out there. And from what I personally see...

It looks like there is a stark white, a blue, a white-blue, and a white-teal as far as the blue-ish colors go. To see the white-teal look at the last trailer when the red or orange (cant remember) guy is on his cycle with his disc held out... it cuts 2 scenes to seem like it's sam that is getting attacked but when it cuts to the guy getting hit, he plunges over the side of the track into oncoming traffic. You can see it's more green. Pause to see the white with teal hue.

I personally wish they woulda stuck to the original color scheme. Seems a bit confusing.

This guy/girl? on the right definitely has a more greenish hue than sam's bright white on the left.

According to the Disney "Program Center" the color meanings are: Blue : Individualist , Orange : Leader, White : Activist, Red : Supporter. That could be total bollocks, but, it's on the disney site.
That kind of makes sense in that it would also represent the program typesL the leader would be like an OS, supporter would be antivirus and other support programs, individualist would probably be programs like the old Tron and activists would probably be something else i can't think of. Of course i'm probably way off lol.

Edit: I nearly got the original C ring out except for a 1/2 inch at one end that is still being stubborn.
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Does anyone know the ETA for the Kevin Flynn Deluxe disk? I know it's not exactly OT, but I'm wondering if I should buy an extra mod kit for it too?
Does anyone know the ETA for the Kevin Flynn Deluxe disk? I know it's not exactly OT, but I'm wondering if I should buy an extra mod kit for it too?

ggemini over at the unfiction flynn lives forum recently posted pics of kevin flynn's and rinzler's deluve identity discs:

View topic - Tron Merchandise

notice the clear rubber and inner c filter in kevin flynn's disc. using gel or coloured leds(or whatever you end up using) or maybe even tinting these should solve the problem for most people in getting different colours lit up. when these get released, there'll be more potential for different types of mods. :thumbsup

lastly, i made another recent visit to the tron popup shop in culver city. i noticed that all their toys were wired to an ac plug.
IMG_3683 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
it wasn't lit up, but one of these days i might re-visit and ask them about that. being a bit more familiar with the electronics, i wonder if they realise that it takes more than just applying the appropriate power to the terminals to have them lit constantly on.
soldering those eight points on the circuitboard to a ground wire or circuit trace is what's needed for the basic conversion. diagram:
tron disc mod 3 variant. simple battery mod | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Thank you so much for your disk mod diagrams. Thanks to you, my boyfriend did the simple battery mod on my disk and it now stays lite permanetly. It didn't take too long either.

Now, I just need to order Soulinertia white plastic ring castings for my Quorra disk and I am set.
Thank you so much for your disk mod diagrams. Thanks to you, my boyfriend did the simple battery mod on my disk and it now stays lite permanetly. It didn't take too long either.

Now, I just need to order Soulinertia white plastic ring castings for my Quorra disk and I am set.

you're welcome. :)

the biggest challenge in my mod appeared to be showing how it was done to the point where others understand it, than actually doing the mod itself. glad for those that were able to accomplish it. ^_^

i'm also glad soulinertia is providing those castings to provide us more choice in mods. unfortunately at the moment it's out of my budget range & time -especially during the holidays.
Hey Soul, how hot do your lights run? I'm looking at trying my hand at a thermoplastic mold myself and am worried about the heat those LEDs put out.
I don't think they get too hot. But I haven't left them on for an extended amount of time. I'll do a battery test one of these nights soon to see how hot they get and how long they will last.
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