Tomb Raider Reborn

Division 6... I DO in fact work in a Surplus Store! o_O

I think we're both right... it's a mishmash and improvised... which is good news for us because it gives us freedom to create :D

This anyone on the forum?

Since she has used one of the pix I posted so she has either visited the forum or my Flickr page.

If you are a member here then please share your work.:thumbsup
I was looking for the lighter Lara finds.
Looks to be a customized WW2 Army Air Corps Zippo lighter.
You can get them custom engraved but will have to find a source for the wings to glue on the top.
The vintage 1941 brushed chrome would probably fit the bill.

Sorry I haven't been on the forums lately. Life just caught up with me...a major part of my car failed and I'm having job issues. So finances for my Tomb Raider costume just got put on the backburner. But let's see if I can address some things...

Kristenhenry70 - Hm, that is a thought on the canvas. I'm really unsure of my quiver. I'm not sure if it needs to feel less stiff. Do you know what material it's supposed to be made out of in the game. The more I look it, the more I'm not liking my leather cording on the quiver. Stands out too much. On note to the holster, would there be a way for me to soften mine up a bit. It's quite stiff.

I just discovered your tutorials for your quiver and strap. Oh holy moly! I will definitely be using the tutorial on the strap. Alas, I don't think I have the funds anymore to mess with my quiver. Still need to make more arrows too. But thankfully I have all the materials for that except for needing a couple more 60cent dowel rods.

Division 6 - As usual, you bring an insane amount of detail to this. I think because of you and Kristenhenry70 many more Lara Croft costumers have a better idea of how to make their costumes screen accurate. What's your opinion on my holster? See anything that needs to be changed? (other than adding the little exterior pouch.)

tk4679 and Mathew - Thanks guys! I appreciate the encouragement. :)

Agent Chaos - I'm not entirely sure, I'll have to measure mine, though I will tell you the one in my photos is too long. (It was two braided leather cords from Hobby Lobby - as neither by themselves were long enough. So make sure it's longer than 40". However, I found 3 yards of brown braided leather cord at Michaels. :) )

WHOA! The link of that Cosplay Island build looks awesome. I'm jealous.
Kristenhenry70 - Hm, that is a thought on the canvas. I'm really unsure of my quiver. I'm not sure if it needs to feel less stiff. Do you know what material it's supposed to be made out of in the game. The more I look it, the more I'm not liking my leather cording on the quiver. Stands out too much. On note to the holster, would there be a way for me to soften mine up a bit. It's quite stiff.

I just discovered your tutorials for your quiver and strap. Oh holy moly! I will definitely be using the tutorial on the strap. Alas, I don't think I have the funds anymore to mess with my quiver. Still need to make more arrows too. But thankfully I have all the materials for that except for needing a couple more 60cent dowel rods.


I don't *know* what material the in game quiver is supposed to be, but my guess is an animal hide or a rough homespun material with a lining. Of course it looks rather ridgid on her back, but I think that's because it's a 3d model. The surface detail seems to show wrinkles, which is what gave me the impression of softer fabric.

Anyway when it's full of arrows it will have shape and a bit of stiffness.

That pic that you posted on your blog (Shannan's outfit) you had pics of the Rangers' quivers and they were just canvas drawstring bags stuffed into leather shells.

If I'm going to send you turkey feathers, I can send you a canvas bag too. You can use it or not... it will be free. But at least not costing anything means you have nothing to lose. :)

How much time till your shoot anyway? I *may* be able to make you one that you could just slip yours inside of for stiffness if you like.

I wouldn't worry about softening up your holster. It isn't going to look any different in pictures. That being said, saddle soap or Neets Feet oil will soften leather and make it more supple. But that isn't what i'd work on if I were you. If anything you need to rough it up a bit... unless you want to keep it pretty for other things... then just leave it be.

Did you put keepers on the back with d-rings yet? other than that, your holster is fine. I prolly have an extra clip on leather mag pouch lying around (though it is prolly lighter colour than your holster but you can fix that with paint.) Another freebie if you can use it.

[Not in need of an enabler... just love to help out my sister-cosplayers]

Hi guys,

First of all, amazing thread! I'm working on my own Lara costume from this game and have been doing a bit of research over the past few weeks. This thread has had a lot of helpful information :)

I found the Timberland boots on ebay, just waiting for them to arrive now! Also going to make the pants myself, since none of the ones I've found so far match Lara's ones very well. So now the mission has turned from finding the right pants, to finding the right fabric to make the pants from.

Just got a few questions though, so if anyone can help me out that would be great :)

I'm considering getting this walkie talkie for my costume and painting the faceplate yellow. As far as I can tell, this is the only difference between the Bubba and this model. Would love to hear your thoughts

I've also been trying to track down a suitable rope to have hanging off the back of the belt, and have been looking at paracord on this site - 550 Paracord. Since Lara's rope looks olive and black to me, I'm considering the Coyote Brown/OD colour scheme. Would the 50' length make a thick enough bundle? Considering getting the 100' length anyway, but without seeing the bundles next to a person it's hard to determine which size would work better.
Hello and Welcome to the discussion.

For the walkie, painting the face should be fine since there is no text that will be covered.

Kristen should be able to help you on the rope question.
So this is where I am at with the bow and quiver.
The bow needs a bit more weathering.
Quiver needs weathering and the wrapping.
For the wrapping I picked up some Manila Rope that has a nice brown color.
I went with rope since the high res PC pix look like rope to me.


Also here is a set of pix showing how I made the quiver.
I used some cotton duct material I had in one of my boxes of sewing supplies.
I used the heavy aluminum top off a party tray sized Michael Angelo's Lasagna as a stiffener inside as well as the top off a can for the bottom.
These are sandwiched inside between the inner and outer sleeves.
This then received a watered down coating of Gesso to stiffen the fabric.

Hi guys,

First of all, amazing thread! I'm working on my own Lara costume from this game and have been doing a bit of research over the past few weeks. This thread has had a lot of helpful information :)

I found the Timberland boots on ebay, just waiting for them to arrive now! Also going to make the pants myself, since none of the ones I've found so far match Lara's ones very well. So now the mission has turned from finding the right pants, to finding the right fabric to make the pants from.

Just got a few questions though, so if anyone can help me out that would be great :)

I'm considering getting this walkie talkie for my costume and painting the faceplate yellow. As far as I can tell, this is the only difference between the Bubba and this model. Would love to hear your thoughts

I've also been trying to track down a suitable rope to have hanging off the back of the belt, and have been looking at paracord on this site - 550 Paracord. Since Lara's rope looks olive and black to me, I'm considering the Coyote Brown/OD colour scheme. Would the 50' length make a thick enough bundle? Considering getting the 100' length anyway, but without seeing the bundles next to a person it's hard to determine which size would work better.

yes... those midland radios are the right ones. I bought a pair of those, painted them yellow and now myself and TheLadyNerd have awesome 'talkies!

Don't use 550 cord.. that's far too thin. it is black and green, but it's 3/8 climbing rope. You can find it most places, but if you have no luck PM me. I work at an army surplus store and we have 100 ft. bundles there for under 10.00

I was looking for the lighter Lara finds.
Looks to be a customized WW2 Army Air Corps Zippo lighter.
You can get them custom engraved but will have to find a source for the wings to glue on the top.
The vintage 1941 brushed chrome would probably fit the bill.


As mentioned earlier the Air Corp logo is the same used on the current issue Enlisted Aviation B.O.S. Collar Disks. We stock them in my store. We also have cheap Zippo knockoffs which could easily be painted to look like this distressed lighter, and the insignia glued on.

This would be a very inexpensive prop to make.

Don't use 550 cord.. that's far too thin. it is black and green, but it's 3/8 climbing rope. You can find it most places, but if you have no luck PM me. I work at an army surplus store and we have 100 ft. bundles there for under 10.00

Thanks for the head's-up about the paracord being too thin. I found a high-res image that shows the rope, but it appears to be more of a dirty beige colour rather than green in multiple shots.


Have found some rope that's a close match on, but it's rather pricey. If you have anything similar in your workplace, I'd definitely be interested Kristen :)
Thanks for the head's-up about the paracord being too thin. I found a high-res image that shows the rope, but it appears to be more of a dirty beige colour rather than green in multiple shots.


Have found some rope that's a close match on, but it's rather pricey. If you have anything similar in your workplace, I'd definitely be interested Kristen :)

I do have that same rope.. I'll look tomorrow when I'm at work and see if we have that colour or something close. If so, a 100 ft. bundle would run 8.95 plus shipping which would prolly be about 10-15$

I do have that same rope.. I'll look tomorrow when I'm at work and see if we have that colour or something close. If so, a 100 ft. bundle would run 8.95 plus shipping which would prolly be about 10-15$


That would be super, especially if you can get some pics of it :)

Shipping would be to New Zealand, but we can sort that out later
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