TMP IRON MAN - New Photos Feb 2011. Page 72.

Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

as for the reviews from the people that have there suits i would enjoy it if they would keep them coming i really appreciate seeing these images it gives me ideas for the future when i receive my suit..

I do find it weird that Harmonic Distortion's Join Date is June of 2008 right in the middle of you making your suit.. maybe it is just a coincidence...

I really hope that all the steam boils down and everyone can just get a long. and be Constructive..
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

I'm curious about the choice of a black bodysuit, versus a reddish one.

I DO like the contrast of the black and the red, but wouldn't it look less like armor hung on a bodysuit, if the bodysuit was the same color as the armor?

For a screen accurate Batman costume, a lot of guys will spray/brush latex onto the exposed areas of a fabric bodysuit (such as a Spandex, nylon/lycra) and then color the latex with something that matches the color of the rubber armor that takes up a larger area. Most often guys will use Plasti-Dip for latex armor, but there are off the shelf paints such as Nu-Life Vinyl and Leather Spray for urethane armor, unless you wish to mix your own paint.

Has anyone thought of that for an Iron Man application? I simply can't take the time to read through this monumental thread. :D

Nu-Life has a BUNCH of different colors.



Even if you used a base color and overlap it with a light coat of another, you should be able to get a color pretty close to the shade of the Iron Man armor, if sprayed over a coating of latex that's been brushed or sprayed onto the exposed area of the fabric.

And then of course you could use the shiny, silver Spandex bodysuits for the Mark II.

Just a thought. :)
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Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

The Red bodysuit will be darker than the Muron red color.

We are using NCS colors to base the suit on.
Its important that the red is a bit darker than the armor so it does not stand our of the armor and get more attention.

But it will also be offed in

Dark Grey

Or other colors.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

had a 50 degree afternoon here in Illinois...did a quick suit up so I can start planning how in the WORLD I am gonna do the ab and lower back sections LOL. I want to be able to turn...but dang...I just keep scratchin my head how to keep seams looking right...where to to attach...attach to what....etc....

I do NOT want to start cutting the ab and lower back sections and find I regret it....all to gain just a little mobility. At least if I keep them uncut, I can use some elastic to connect them at the edges and you'll probably see about an inch of my actual bodysuit.


WOW this is looking great man i didnt knwo you were from Illinois i am from Henderson KY right below Evansville Indiana..

once i get my suit together we should meet up somewhere and get some shots of ours together..

you are only about 4 hours away
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

had a 50 degree afternoon here in Illinois...did a quick suit up so I can start planning how in the WORLD I am gonna do the ab and lower back sections LOL. I want to be able to turn...but dang...I just keep scratchin my head how to keep seams looking right...where to to attach...attach to what....etc....

I do NOT want to start cutting the ab and lower back sections and find I regret it....all to gain just a little mobility. At least if I keep them uncut, I can use some elastic to connect them at the edges and you'll probably see about an inch of my actual bodysuit.


Looks great on you!(y)thumbsup great vid btw priceless lol
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Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

your butt fell off :lol:loldid it hurt the casting..?? or the paint..??

i really enjoyed seeing that video i am getting so excited.. it looked like your head couldnt move... can you move your head in it???
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Looking good! :)

The head wont really move unless your cut up the neckseal in 3 or two parts. (3 recomended) Tis will make the neck parts give and slide over eachother.

For the midsection. Well if your afraid of damageing the midsection know you can always get some more from us.

I advice you to use velcro on the sides that you rivet to the front and back of the plates. Glue will not hold it propperly in the long run. Another thing is to put snap buttons on it and directly atach it to the BASE Body Armor Suit Eqipment or another undersuit.

I devided my midsection up in two.

The Lower was the midsection lower parts rivited directly to the pant.
2 parts front and back. I took on the lower parts first then inderted and slided the other parts down behind the lower midsection. Then tigehen them on the sides with Velcro.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Yes your correct. It will give in some more. But if you lay the top midsection armor on top of the bottom it will bend outwards making your tomac look bulcky because the upper armor willl press the upper midsection. So what you want to do is to have the top midsection in fact under the lower midsection. This will hold it. But WAIT with doing this til you got some time to experiment. I might also recomend you to possible get another midsection set and use two sets for better overlapping if you plan to cut it.

Section 1. Overlaps 2. :)

But i recomend you to do the neckseal. That will be someting better to start with

Here you se the problem that i exerienced.





These problems happend because i took an eleastic strap that was to tight from the bottom front and back pant.
The pants angled inwards by the crotch to much. That comibined with the overlapping of the plastes not beeing long it tilted this way.
Its important that the overlapping should be atleast one Rib of midsection. That is why i recomend you to consider a second set.
Will give you more to work with.
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Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

I would really like to see some pics of how TMP cut his neckseal for movement so i can get an idea of how it has been done..
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

ya know, this whole lighting-up-the-eyes thing I keep brainstorming about...
Here's an idea....

I have an old HP hx4700 pocket pc. it has a 4" lcd display.
It has an SD slot, that I also have a removable SD Slot 1.3 megapixel camera.

What if-
I disasseble the sd card camera and see if i can relocate the camera with some wire hacks. Perhaps...mount the camera lens in the center of a really snazzy arc reactor.

What if-
I totally close off the eyes and put ALLLLL the bright lights in the mask I want.

What if-
Since I can't see anyways...I put the pocket pc in front of my face, connected to the camera and i use THAT to get around.

If nothing else, surely there are some clever spy camera/glasses setups out the one's Tom Arnold used in True Lies!! LOL...

that sounds very intense but it might work.. you might mess around with these

i dont know about the size of the camera's but im sure you can always find smaller..
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Looking trough an LCD screen is not advived. figuring out distance is very hard. Just try to close one eye and se how easy it is to figure out distance to things. You whould end up walking carfully.

I belive Steve L. Fixed the eyes. I got some pics i can post. Its a solution.
Will post pics later of the neckseal.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

hmmm...actually found this site;

They have small displays, for $180 that connect to rca jacks. Sooo in theory, I could get the Apple AV cable, connect my iPhone...and launch the camera application and the glasses would provide the display for me.

hmmm....this is getting interesting.

Sounds like a great idea, Decatur. I'm sure you'd adjust to the depth of field with a bit of trial and error.

My question is about the camera. You say you're going to use your iPhone (woot I have a 3G version)? That's an expensive camera to use. Although if you put a wireless bluetooth headset in the helmet it would be the world's coolest helmetphone.

Seriously though, is there a lower cost option you could try?

This is only 53$ (from that mjelectronics posted above) and has a microphone too :)

Keep pursuing this!
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Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Id be tempted to put one camera in the back of my head to see behind me. Or even one in my palm. The question would be how you would toggle through the different views.

What kind of video input does your Asus have (been wanting one of those mini's for awhile now myself)? Surely there's an RCA-to-whatever converter?
Good luck with this.
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