Things you're tired of seeing in movies

Characters who are told/warned not to touch/do/open something, and yet they always end up doing it and causing disaster. They're usually shown as weak/disobediant etc.
One thing that drives me nuts (I call it the Galactica syndrome) is when our team of protagonists act like antagonists towards one another. The writers do this so that everyone has "depth" but it becomes unnatural when they can't actually achieve anything against their real enemy.

I found the second half of daredevil treaded those waters. The walking dead did it as well in the prison arc. But Galactica was the worse. Despite having an actual military structure, our heroes continually withheld all intelligence from each other in their fight against the cylons
Great points. You're a veteran correct? Were you a pilot? If you don't mine me asking
Nope, I was a ground-pounder in the Army, resigned as Captain. I have called in air strikes in training before, and some got hairy.
I've always been interested in WW2 planes, so I've watched a lot gun camera film over the years and talked with countless WW2 fighter and bomber pilots. I have flown in several WW12 planes, such as B-17, B-24, P-51 among others...
My avatar shot was taken of my in a Mustang cockpit in complete original WW2 pilot gear, an hour before going up in it, before intercepting two WW2 bombers and a trainer over the Gulf of Mexico, then buzzing an Air Force base as well as a civilian airport at very low altitudes several times. It was, far and clear, the best 2 single hours of my life.
My avatar shot was taken of my in a Mustang cockpit in complete original WW2 pilot gear, an hour before going up in it, before intercepting two WW2 bombers and a trainer over the Gulf of Mexico, then buzzing an Air Force base as well as a civilian airport at very low altitudes several times. It was, far and clear, the best 2 single hours of my life.

That must have been a dream come true. I'd like to do the same, but in a Me-109. Unfortunately, there isn't a single surviving 2-seater in the world currently. Though I read they are working on a Messerschmitt somewhere to convert it to a G-12 (the 2-seater version, that is)
One thing that drives me nuts (I call it the Galactica syndrome) is when our team of protagonists act like antagonists towards one another. The writers do this so that everyone has "depth" but it becomes unnatural when they can't actually achieve anything against their real enemy.

I found the second half of daredevil treaded those waters. The walking dead did it as well in the prison arc. But Galactica was the worse. Despite having an actual military structure, our heroes continually withheld all intelligence from each other in their fight against the cylons

One of the biggest problems with Galactica is that every single character in it, without exception, was a complete dick. I hated every single one of them with a passion. I didn't want the humans to win. I didn't want the Cylons to win. I wanted them all to fly into a star and die horrible, searing deaths.
One thing that drives me nuts (I call it the Galactica syndrome) is when our team of protagonists act like antagonists towards one another. The writers do this so that everyone has "depth" but it becomes unnatural when they can't actually achieve anything against their real enemy.

I found the second half of daredevil treaded those waters. The walking dead did it as well in the prison arc. But Galactica was the worse. Despite having an actual military structure, our heroes continually withheld all intelligence from each other in their fight against the cylons

Thing is, that happens in real life all the time. In the US, the various military branches tend to do that to one degree or another in order to either make themselves look or another branch look bad. In the case of individuals it's in order to get ahead, withhold vital intel or important information in order to present it themselves so they get the credit and look good. In some cases it's about power, like Hitler's persona secretary during WW II, although on paper he wasn't that high up or command that much authority the reality was that he was actually immensely powerful because he controlled access to Hitler, if you wanted to see Hitler you had go through him first and if he didn't like you and/or what you had to say then you wouldn't get to see Hitler or if you did it was at his convenience and possibly too late for the information to matter. Did it matter to him that he could be hampering the war effort, no, because all he cared about was himself and power.
Yeah, I agree that BSG was accurate for people competing against each other even though they had the same big picture goal. I saw that all the time in the Army among the stuff pukes...
Big pet peeve of mine: Munitions launched or dropped by airplanes...
A fighter plane strafing the ground, and the bullets are in a very tight, straight line and evenly spaced.

On a similar note, one of the things that always bugged me about "Saving Private Ryan" is at the end when the Mustang flames the Tiger and Ryan says "Tankbusters, sir".
8th Air Force Mustangs had much better things to do that day than shoot at tanks (like, for example, protect bombers from swarms of angry Jabos).
A 9th AF Thunderbolt would have been a much more appropriate choice, since troop support was their job, and they had gotten pretty good at blowing up tanks - hence one of the Thunderbolt's nicknames during the war: "Tankbuster" (Mustangs were never called Tankbusters).

I love Mustangs as much as the next guy, but it would have been much more realistic, and I think exciting, to have seen a Thunderbolt in that scene.
OK, 78 pages so I can't read the whole thread, but has anyone mentioned being sick of people being able to escape tricky situations through air vents or hatches on lifts (or elevators for my overseas cousins)?
Nope, I was a ground-pounder in the Army, resigned as Captain. I have called in air strikes in training before, and some got hairy.
I've always been interested in WW2 planes, so I've watched a lot gun camera film over the years and talked with countless WW2 fighter and bomber pilots. I have flown in several WW12 planes, such as B-17, B-24, P-51 among others...
My avatar shot was taken of my in a Mustang cockpit in complete original WW2 pilot gear, an hour before going up in it, before intercepting two WW2 bombers and a trainer over the Gulf of Mexico, then buzzing an Air Force base as well as a civilian airport at very low altitudes several times. It was, far and clear, the best 2 single hours of my life.

Sounds like an incredible experience. I've been inside a few WW2 bombers.. can't imagine what it'd be like to fly in one.
The stereotypical, greasy used car salesman is a way overused trope. Although I've never stepped into a used car dealership once I can't imagine that used car salesmen are anything like what we see on TV & in the movies.
The stereotypical, greasy used car salesman is a way overused trope. Although I've never stepped into a used car dealership once I can't imagine that used car salesmen are anything like what we see on TV & in the movies.
I have. They are.

Okay, some of them are. It's like any other profession--you have people with integrity, people with none, and everything in between. I've dealt with car salesmen/saleswomen (new and used cars) that were sincere, decent people, and others that seemed to have used the stereotype as their role model.
people shooting stuff over a huge distance, with a weapon like beretta or glock and hit every single time.

same as heroes always hiting bad guy, but badguy never hits anything at all. best excample SW stormtroopers.

i mean, if they all are clones, the original must be pretty bad at anything. :p
The stromtroopers in ANH were supposed to miss, Tarkin's entire plan revolved around the heroes making it off the death star alive.

But there's nowhere saying that they couldn't have winged one of them. I mean, come on, a shot to the arm wouldn't have killed Han, Luke, Leia or Chewie (I mean, they're laser blasts, so their wounds would cauterize after being hit). Heck, we've even see Leia get shot in the arm in Return for the Jedi and continue to live. A shot to one of their arms would have put that "it was too easy to get out of there" suspicion to rest.

BTW, how does the garbage masher on the detention level factor in for the whole "let's not kill them and make them think they escape" plan? I mean that damn near crushed them, and it took R2 shutting it down. What if they had gotten killed in there by the creature or the masher (especially if R2 hadn't shut them down in time)? That kinda defeats the whole "it's a part of Tarkin's plan" thing.
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BTW, how does the garbage masher on the detention level factor in for the whole "let's not kill them and make them think they escape" plan? I mean that damn near crushed them, and it took R2 shutting it down. What if they had gotten killed in there by the creature or the masher (especially if R2 hadn't shut them down in time)? That kinda defeats the whole "it's a part of Tarkin's plan" thing.

I don't think so. It not like Tarkin planned their escape route for them, he just made it easier for them to escape.
The stromtroopers in ANH were supposed to miss, Tarkin's entire plan revolved around the heroes making it off the death star alive.

Stormtroopers are basically bad shots to begin with. Those helmets can't be easy to see out of let alone aim a weapon with, and why are they even wearing armor anyway if one shot anywhere they get hit kills them. If it were me, I would ditch the armor and walk around buck nekkid and not have to worry about getting killed from an accidental stray shot from an angry bar attendent. I think the armor actually attracts the laser blasts. I think they are thinking like the ant mentality. Lets just fire a bunch of times in that general direction and surely we'll hit something at some point. But, it's just like the red shirts. If you pit a Stormtrooper against a Red Shirt, the Stormtrooper would fire 100 rounds and miss everytime, but the Red Shirt would die anyway.

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