The Walking Dead Season 4

You could say the same thing during the situation where the Claimers found Rick, Michonne and Carl, with guns on them, Daryl being beaten to near death, Carl about to be given the Deliverance treatment. Rick was completely unarmed, yet he managed to successfully take out Joe, which afforded Michonne and Daryl a chance at getting the drop on the captors and Rick giving "Deserved It" Dan the Psycho stabbing. Clearly, Joe and company underestimated Rick, had him and the others trapped. All it took was that underestimation for Rick and company to get the upper hand. Just because Rick and company are now in a railroad car, doesn't mean that the Terminus people won't make the same mistake. And when they do, Rick and company are going to get the upper hand.

I don't think the situations are remotely parallel. They're vastly outnumbered, outgunned, and out-organized. If the Terminites are smart—and so far, they've proven themselves smarter than all of our heroes combined—they won't ever let Rick get the upper hand. For them to have survived this long, they'd have had to see all sorts of escape/bargaining/negotiation attempts. They're ready. It's going to take brains, and not just guns and luck, to get Rick's crew out of this situation. The ultimate mind eff would be to have the next episode be—surprise!—a 10-minute season finale. Prologue, opening credits, Rick and crew on the barbie, end credits. That's the most likely scenario in real life; but of course they'll pull off some unlikely escape as usual. I have the feeling that I'll be disappointed no matter how it plays out.
I always wondered if the Neighborhoods and Funeral Home on the way to terminus were baited traps made by the Termites to catch people off-guard. Make anyone that finds the place complacent, flush them out with a few walkers, and pick up anyone who runs out in the chaos.

I said the same thing when I saw all the full cupboards during the Daryl/ Beth episode. For walkers to then suddenly appear and then Beth getting snatched makes me think that they're using those places to draw people in, make them stay the night and then send the walkers in to drive whoever is inside in to the open, kind of like they did by shooting at Rick and co's feet to force them around Terminus.

All in all I was pretty disapointed with the finale, other than the throat rip. Good god that was a good scene.
I don't think the situations are remotely parallel. They're vastly outnumbered, outgunned, and out-organized. If the Terminites are smart—and so far, they've proven themselves smarter than all of our heroes combined—they won't ever let Rick get the upper hand. For them to have survived this long, they'd have had to see all sorts of escape/bargaining/negotiation attempts. They're ready. It's going to take brains, and not just guns and luck, to get Rick's crew out of this situation.

You know, you just backed up my point. Again, it's that underestimation of Rick and company and their overestimation of themselves that's going to lead to their downfall (which is exactly what happened with Joe and the Claimers). Terminus may have does this sort of thing a hundred times, but this is one hundred and one, and their gonna be caught off guard.
And one more thing. I had a serious problem with the blocking of the scene where the random guy gets overtaken by walkers. Never mind why he was out there all alone. You know how in sitcoms when they show everyone around the dinner table, there's no chair closest to the camera so everyone's face can be seen? Here's this guy surrounded by walkers...except nearest the camera and Rick and company. All the guy had to do was sprint through the very large gap. All someone else had to do was yell "Run this way!" I suppose they were trying to make a point, but it was clumsy.
yeah my Zombie world attire would have me looking like Prefontaine... just short shorts, headband and running shoes. Just running everywhere.


I'd take a leisurely jog away from it.

A couple zombies?

A good run away.

A hoard?!?

"Where you going? We gotta fight!"

*me way off in the distance... running*
And one more thing. I had a serious problem with the blocking of the scene where the random guy gets overtaken by walkers. Never mind why he was out there all alone. You know how in sitcoms when they show everyone around the dinner table, there's no chair closest to the camera so everyone's face can be seen? Here's this guy surrounded by walkers...except nearest the camera and Rick and company. All the guy had to do was sprint through the very large gap. All someone else had to do was yell "Run this way!" I suppose they were trying to make a point, but it was clumsy.

You're not the only one. My Dad said the exact same thing during that scene.
And one more thing. I had a serious problem with the blocking of the scene where the random guy gets overtaken by walkers. Never mind why he was out there all alone. You know how in sitcoms when they show everyone around the dinner table, there's no chair closest to the camera so everyone's face can be seen? Here's this guy surrounded by walkers...except nearest the camera and Rick and company. All the guy had to do was sprint through the very large gap. All someone else had to do was yell "Run this way!" I suppose they were trying to make a point, but it was clumsy.

That scene was in there as a nod to the comic, it didn't serve any other purpose.

Could he easily gotten away? Most likely but the guy didn't in the comics either
Michonne :1 ( gov daughter)

Little girls Lizzy : 1( blew away chick during prison attttack) friendliest don't count ( sister)

they're making a come back 4-1 ha
It did seem like there was a commercial every 5 minutes

And what was with the rat comercials last week? There was one that showed some girls in a bathroom doing makeup and takeing selfies ad then they scream and there's rats on the floor. Then there was one in a nursery with rats. No "coming soon" or any info?
That scene was in there as a nod to the comic, it didn't serve any other purpose.

Could he easily gotten away? Most likely but the guy didn't in the comics either

Yes, the guy could've run away and Michonne killed a group close to that size by herself a few weeks ago. I think the scene was another step showing the transformation from farmer/clueless Rick back to leader Rick. Carl wanted to run in and help but Rick saw all those walkers and decided that this stranger wasn't worth the risk to what was left of his group, or more importantly, his son. That episode was pretty focused on Rick wanting to protect Carl. Rick's transformation was complete by the last line of the episode. It's supposed to get you excited for next season and Kick Ass Rick.

The biggest thing that bugs me is that I don't think that Maggie said Beth's name once since the prison fell. Her focus on Glenn was so all encompassing that she forgot about her sister? Come on.
The biggest thing that bugs me is that I don't think that Maggie said Beth's name once since the prison fell. Her focus on Glenn was so all encompassing that she forgot about her sister? Come on.

True, or when Daryl and Rick were talking at the car and all Daryl said was "She's gone". Not hey someone took her or she may still be out there or I dont know lol.

Also, going off of the time line they've had a crappy week and a half even though it seems longer.

1. Spanish flu
2. Gov attacks prison
3. Kidnapped by cannibals
Just wait.

4. Beth is the secret leader of the cannibals.

5. Godzilla has yet to appear on the timeline yet.

6. Vampires are not far behind, to be followed by

7. Aliens. Oh snap. and then finally

8. Henry Winkler guest starts for the Jumping the Shark episode. And they bring in the cast & writers from ER for an episode where terrorists take over the hospital where they've found refuge, but at the same time the hordes of dead converge on the place surrounded by hordes of infectious beetles, which also eat people, and it turns out that BUM BUM BUUUUM~~~ Shane is not really dead!! But he has miraculously healed, and holds the secret to saving the human race, but he will not share it unless Rick admits that Carl is his son and rules the galaxy with him...
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The question on my mind is what happens after our plucky heroes (inevitably) clear out the Soylent Green factory that is Terminus, will they take up residence in Terminus like they did the prison which would be the logical thing to do in real life but might not make for good television, or will they take on Abraham's mission mission and hit the road for D.C., assuming that Eugene really is and knows and what he says he is and knows or hasn't admitted to being a fake yet?
Terminus will likely burn to the ground. Crap is gonna go crazy in the place with fights and gun fire. Some things will burn down or exploded from it all. Maybe the religious group leader will do it himself as a purge the sins thingy. Eugene will die as fraud, but they'll move on to the DC area anyway.

Plus if they stay at terminus, anyone that knew what happened there and escaped ( someone like Joe & the rough riders cause they seemed to known about its lies) would show up with a group to try to take it for themselves or revenge. Then Rick & crew would be defending a attack that has no clue it's wasn't them as the new owners.

Either way next season should be crazy action packed. I don't want as the "As the Zombie turns" or All my Walkers" season long BS. Give me a few story moments of what the dilly is with the crazies. The rest should be wreck & effect with moving along
Just wait.

4. Beth is the secret leader of the cannibals.

5. Godzilla has yet to appear on the timeline yet.

6. Vampires are not far behind, to be followed by

7. Aliens. Oh snap. and then finally

8. Henry Winkler guest starts for the Jumping the Shark episode. And they bring in the cast & writers from ER for an episode where terrorists take over the hospital where they've found refuge, but at the same time the hordes of dead converge on the place surrounded by hordes of infectious beetles, which also eat people, and it turns out that BUM BUM BUUUUM~~~ Shane is not really dead!! But he has miraculously healed, and holds the secret to saving the human race, but he will not share it unless Rick admits that Carl is his son and rules the galaxy with him...

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