The style thread

I used ties to make pocket kerchiefs before, but never did I used them to wrap them like you did. I think that the layered look is something
of a challenge; I would certainly put some kind of pin to hold them together.;)
I did actually but just got started. I had no official pins to try so I ran the thin side through the keeper loop on the back of the fat end and used the temporary (noncrystallyzing) double sided gift tape (scotch 3m) directly inside the loop. When I did the two ties together, it really needed the tie clip but it held with just hanging correctly from gravity and the pressure of the coat. Everyone at our event thought it was a vest (one tie only then).

Next event I went back to the open layered shirts but the bottom one was a tightly pleated tuxedo shirt with enameled buttons (not even sure if these are links?) and the coat was my new short waist waiters coat (the zorro looking one). Was a big hit. Running very close to 3 Amigos without tipping into outright singing and horse riding.

Tonight is another school function so I am trying the two ties for a purposed Christmas red/black/silver. I plan to solve the lack of tie clips before this evening. We were asked to add some ornamentation for carrolling so that may resolve the clip portion.
What are your thoughts on rings?

My typical fall/winter weather is leather jacket, grey jeans and vans. I usually wear one of my original designed shirts ( on top of being a career firefighter, I own small screen print shop and Blacksmith shop). I also wear a custom dive watch that I made.

I get a lot of flack for wearing a leather jacket without a bike for some reason. I've been in the fire service for over 20 years and seen enough motorcycle accidents but I still like the biker style jacket.

What are your thoughts on rings?

My typical fall/winter weather is leather jacket, grey jeans and vans. I usually wear one of my original designed shirts ( on top of being a career firefighter, I own small screen print shop and Blacksmith shop). I also wear a custom dive watch that I made.

I get a lot of flack for wearing a leather jacket without a bike for some reason. I've been in the fire service for over 20 years and seen enough motorcycle accidents but I still like the biker style jacket.

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As a laymen in the field, I think there are rings per style but when it comes to serious suit attire with jewelry, I have heard there is an entire code to it. Like the rose code book and color codes in attire there is some kind of meaning to a whole set of characteristics.... that I don't know. I wear the one the wife demands that I don't lose and only with costumes do I add a second one. I have too much fear of them around machinery and welding. Does anyone have some insight on rings?

Oh and the leather jacket. Keep doing what you like and others can do their thing. Some people don't wear it well but you have the frame for it. If it wasn't a good look then why would we have so much hollywood art based on it? Proper cut of course because box like is bluh.
As a laymen in the field, I think there are rings per style but when it comes to serious suit attire with jewelry, I have heard there is an entire code to it. Like the rose code book and color codes in attire there is some kind of meaning to a whole set of characteristics.... that I don't know. I wear the one the wife demands that I don't lose and only with costumes do I add a second one. I have too much fear of them around machinery and welding. Does anyone have some insight on rings?

Oh and the leather jacket. Keep doing what you like and others can do their thing. Some people don't wear it well but you have the frame for it. If it wasn't a good look then why would we have so much hollywood art based on it? Proper cut of course because box like is bluh.

Thanks for that! I wore a silicone ring at work and the shop for the exact same reason. I saw one "de-gloving" and that set me straight on silicone rings. Since I divorced, I dont wear any but thought about adding a few to my off-duty attire. Heres a guide I found.

A Man's Guide To Wearing Rings

Thanks for that! I wore a silicone ring at work and the shop for the exact same reason. I saw one "de-gloving" and that set me straight on silicone rings. Since I divorced, I dont wear any but thought about adding a few to my off-duty attire. Heres a guide I found.

A Man's Guide To Wearing Rings

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Very cool. It makes sense once I see the examples. I have seen one collapsed ring that had to be clipped off and one sweater removal at the lathe. Luckily the sweater was so fast it exploded and didn't draw the guy in.

I have some hopes of going back to wearing a watch as well outside of the shop.
I did actually but just got started. I had no official pins to try so I ran the thin side through the keeper loop on the back of the fat end and used the temporary (noncrystallyzing) double sided gift tape (scotch 3m) directly inside the loop. When I did the two ties together, it really needed the tie clip but it held with just hanging correctly from gravity and the pressure of the coat. Everyone at our event thought it was a vest (one tie only then).

Next event I went back to the open layered shirts but the bottom one was a tightly pleated tuxedo shirt with enameled buttons (not even sure if these are links?) and the coat was my new short waist waiters coat (the zorro looking one). Was a big hit. Running very close to 3 Amigos without tipping into outright singing and horse riding.

Tonight is another school function so I am trying the two ties for a purposed Christmas red/black/silver. I plan to solve the lack of tie clips before this evening. We were asked to add some ornamentation for carrolling so that may resolve the clip portion.
I like people taking designs and running with it. You have to get the "Idonotcare" attitude and make an entrance with your outfit.
Look at me philistines; that's how I dress ALL THE TIME!!:cool::cool:(y)(y):p
Thanks for that! I wore a silicone ring at work and the shop for the exact same reason. I saw one "de-gloving" and that set me straight on silicone rings. Since I divorced, I dont wear any but thought about adding a few to my off-duty attire. Heres a guide I found.

A Man's Guide To Wearing Rings

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I always wear my "Chevalière" on my pinky. The dragon of my family's coat of arms;) As a drummer; I don't wear any other rings since playing with those hurts my fingers.
Just speaking for myself of course but, I'm not a fan of jewelry on men unless it has symbolic meaning: wedding rings, crosses/religious symbols on a necklace, signet rings, etc. I tried wearing a ring a couple of times and while it can look cool, I would sometimes get asked if I had gotten engaged which just made me feel ridiculous for even wearing it. Yeah, it looks alright if you have a certain persona like rockers or if you have the Michael Corleone kind of style or if you're greenmachines ;). Otherwise, I'd leave the accessorizing to the ladies.
On the subject of Jewerly, I have been ole skool for years, On my left wrist a Rolex Submariner, on my right a Magnum P.I. Team ring and a 18 k ID bracelet that my uncle from Mexico gave me when I was 7 which SCREAMS bling weighing in at a pound
On the subject of Jewerly, I have been ole skool for years, On my left wrist a Rolex Submariner, on my right a Magnum P.I. Team ring and a 18 k ID bracelet that my uncle from Mexico gave me when I was 7 which SCREAMS bling weighing in at a pound
One pound of unintentional but functional fist backer. Pretty much one in the set of the Legend of the ten rings. As my dad would say, "The kind of bracelet a guy wears when he likes the kind of women that like Cuban chains on men." I had to be much older to finally understand what that meant.
On the subject of Jewerly, I have been ole skool for years, On my left wrist a Rolex Submariner, on my right a Magnum P.I. Team ring and a 18 k ID bracelet that my uncle from Mexico gave me when I was 7 which SCREAMS bling weighing in at a pound
I'd love to have a Submariner one day but I prefer the older pre-maxi case design so I'd have to go vintage.
Supposedly mine is vintage,1980, at least that is what one Rolex dealer has told me
Ooooh nice! Yes, 1980 qualifies as vintage now (hard to believe I know). I think the loose general consensus on vintage watches is anything older than 20-30 years. I believe your model still has the larger 12 o'clock triangle which I love so much more than the smaller one they switched to just a couple of years later. It has more of the classic 50's Sub vibe.

Don't ever sell that watch!!! (Unless it's to me:p)
Today I had to put on something presentable to go to lunch with my wife for Valentines. Having already left the path with my Christmas bling double tie outfit, I decided to try a few variations. I claim growing up as an 80's child gives me the right to layer and or unlayer, as the case may be. So, my Christmas event suit combo (previous in this thread) was unique in its use of two ties but not tied. They were draped around the neck and showing just enough to proof as a double edged vest with the coat buttoned. Today, I wandered a bit farther from the path and I am loving these tweaks. I have 4 new versions. Not new to the world, I am sure. Likely done before, minus the odd use of the ties. I do swear, I have never seen ties used these ways before.

First is the standard I call "Untucked". A little style and a little casual daily mixed together. Not a big reach here as this is not my tweaks but a combo of 2020's Adam Ant and Keanu's casual.


Then I added a tie in but again used it untied. This time, not under the coat as a vest but over the collar, the actual outside of the collar, and then under the ya, a real vest as well. Some of these have the tie clips very low and some are high but I decided that I wouldn't mind having them both low and high if I really needed bling presence. With coat and/or vest buttoned with one or more draped ties, I call this "Untied". Note how you get to see the tie pattern all the way around the collar, not hiding under the shirt.


It became quickly apparent that the "Untie" would need to contrast in order to differentiate from the vest and coat, so the red came in.

The third version, I did not get pictures of. The idea would be to follow all normal rules of suit ensemble but add one or more "Unties" to act as either a vest or as in version 2 while ALSO wearing a standard central tie in the original manner. This would allow the look of a vest but in any tie pattern you find.

The fourth version is likely my favorite. I love quality clothing worn casually. This version is "Untucked, Unbuttoned, and Untied". The tie clips come in very handy here to keep the lines and edges in play without going fully sloppy. The undershirt is a must in this one. I used black under white for max contrast. Shirt, vest and coat are unbuttoned, overshirt is untucked but undershirt is tucked (so I can reach up without belly reveal). Tie is draped and pinned to the vest (not the coat this time but two ties, one for each, would be cool too).


So the max amount of ties would be one central normal tie, one draped under the vest and one draped like a vest, under the coat. Any of those could be doubles as well. I will have to try it just for kicks. That last picture with the black tie used in the "Untucked, Unbuttoned, Untied" is my favorite of all but only presents well up close. At a distance, only a contrasting tie would be seen without melding with the vest or coat.
I really dig your experimentation with clothing/ties/tie-clip, etc. I loved the combo yellow tie with the yellow seen in the vest.
Only thing for me that I would change is the white shirt. Should be sharper (collar) and ironed a little more;)...but that's the Belgian speaking:p:p
I really dig your experimentation with clothing/ties/tie-clip, etc. I loved the combo yellow tie with the yellow seen in the vest.
Only thing for me that I would change is the white shirt. Should be sharper (collar) and ironed a little more;)...but that's the Belgian speaking:p:p
I totally see the pressed shirt after the fact. I had originally started with the crumpled white shirt as the outer layer like a bahama style surf shirt and then rabbithole. My attention span didn't allow me to rethink step two when in a rush. Crisply ironed would also keep the lines next to the vest. I think my favorite part of layering is the edges next to edges. My excuse was company meetings online brought me too close to lunchtime then after work I was already hooked on focusing on the tie options.