The Lone Ranger (Post-release)

I enjoyed this movie much more than some of the other summer tentpoles. It got a lot of bad press because of production issues, but it was a good film. The end action sequence was executed well. It has everything you would expect from those involved.
No it's not a 300 million dollars movie... it's not suppose to be...

Um.. actually it was supposed to be more. Disney figured they could stick Depp in it and have the same returns Pirates gave them -- You are correct when you say they took this movie's production wayyyy too seriously. They could have done something so much better with so much less money.
Um.. actually it was supposed to be more. Disney figured they could stick Depp in it and have the same returns Pirates gave them -- You are correct when you say they took this movie's production wayyyy too seriously. They could have done something so much better with so much less money.

Fine, 200 million budget because of Depp. So Disney has a lot of money to burn, heh.
Just saw this on DVD. I agree with everything Art said. This was HORRIBLE in just about every way possible. Terrible script, comdey did not work, inconsistent tone, Lone Ranger was made out to be an idiot and Tonto was just weird. The only good thing about this pic was Hans Zimmer's score.

Singularly horrific... on pretty much every level. I just don't understand who the audience for this movie was supposed to be. I would have thought it was a kid's movie given that their was barely a single serious moment, but as has been mentioned, there was some pretty gruesome (regardless of not not being graphic) elements. Depp was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Captain Jakc has ruined him and all Tonto really amounted to was Indian Jack. The Lone Ranger was a bumbling dufus who needed Mr constant-comedy-relief (is it really "relief" when there is no real tension to be relieved of?) to get him through every situation. What really makes me sad is to see that a lot of people seemed to find this movie entertaining. I just don't know what they saw in it.
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