The Interview (Post-release)

Re: The Interview

NK's response to us showing the movie now ought to be interesting. Surprised we haven't heard anything yet.
Re: The Interview

Knocking out NK's Internet is hardly a retaliation. Sounds like most don't even have Internet access in NK, and those that do have it greatly restricted by the government.
Re: The Interview

Here is an alternate theory: Maybe NK turned off their internet access while they were patching the security on their servers.

Now, if this was done by hackers what they really should have done was to take down NK filters and redirect all internal NK websites to point to Google South Korea. Actually, now that I think of it, I'm going to say maybe they did do that and NK in turn took down their outside access until it was fixed.
Re: The Interview

So, what happens when people watch this movie and think "Meh. It was nothing special"? I mean, in all the furor about the release being postponed/canceled/partially rescheduled/whatever, and in all the discussions of artistic license and such....what if it's just...not that funny? Like, Pineapple Express, I found to be not all that funny. What if this is more of the same? I guess we'll have struck a blow for artistic freedom, including the freedom to be mediocre?
Re: The Interview

So there's all this hacking scare going on.... What if anyone that watches it (via receipts from online rental/sales) is tracked and then their personal data is breached and compromised? This could be an even worse threat than going to the theaters to watch the film.

I'm just saying... If Sony could be hacked, I'm sure getting personal data tracked from a Sony movie is not out of the question of ridiculous thoughts...
Ok, so I watched the movie. While it was far from a good movie, I'm just happy to watch a movie that Kim Jung-Un was all pissed off about.
Nevermind. I seem to have forgotten how weak Sony's security was. It may have been possible for even NK to hack them.
my previous though
Has it been proven that NK was involved in the hack? I know the US government put the blame on them but any government can say a lot of things to further its own interest. Sure, there was personal info of Sony execs put out and more was threatened to be put out, but is that info actually real? I have not taken a look at any of it to see if it may be genuine and even if I did what would I know? Anyway, I ask because people elsewhere have argued that all this may have been a publicity stunt by Sony and while I'm not one to believe in conspiracies, when I think of it NK has denied the allegation and agreed to cooperate with the US government in the investigation of the "GOP" but was turned down by the US. Even if not a publicity stunt, what if it was simply extortion by the hacker group which may have nothing to do with NK? It was the opportune moment for it. I lean towards believing that more.

All this crap surrounding the movie is more interesting to me than the movie itself. I may watch the movie eventually and be called a hypocrite lol. I just long tired of Rogen-Flacco. A movie like this ends up online about a month after its been released on theaters (in sd quality which should be satisfactory for someone who didn't pay to see it), and now that the film has been released online, it'll be online even sooner.

And sure enough, the movie is already online.
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First, I think it is wrong this was made into the "Post-Release" thread. If anything it should be the "Pre-" thread.

That being said, I enjoyed it. I had moderate expectations based on how much I liked "Pineapple Express" and "This is the End". I can see why North Korean leadership would be upset. Maybe more for making their leader look like a d-bag and some of his officers were disloyal than for killing him. I will probably have more comments when I am not typing on my phone.
Sony must have given up on trying to make 6.00 off it with that streaming site as they had it on youtube today on their playlist.
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