The Book of Boba Fett

IF, and that's a big IF, Lucasfilm had good writers, they could fix the previous show by saying Boba Fett was still weak from being in the Sarlaac. Of course that begs why he was so awesome in The Mandalorian, then was weak again, but I digress. They need to stop worrying about whether Boba will out bad*ss the other characters and make him how he's supposed to be. They did it to Boba so Din would look tougher, and then did Din dirty by doing the same thing to prop up Bo-Katan. EVERY Mando, woman or man, can fight like that so it was extremely silly especially coming from a self proclaimed SW expert (Filoni).

Of course what we will probably get is 10% Boba and 90% the hipster scooter gang.

I dunno, personally I liked how they portrayed Boba. ( I've actually watched the whole series three times now, which is a lot for me these days.) I got a strong "I'm not some dumb kid full of hormones and I'm not some indoctrinated cultist, I'm all grown up and tired of fighting but I can if I have to." Sort of an "Unforgiven in Space" vibe. So a little less of "he can't fight" and a little more of "he doesn't want to fight." Because I feel like he was pretty dang badass in BOBF in the non-flashback bits when he chose to be.

The low-speed-chase is hilarious to me, massive shades of O.J. Simpson in it. But I get why it's not popular.
No, to me the problem is the ending. It just didn't have enough time to properly pay it all off. We didn't need Grogu in BOBF. The Din Djarin crossover was really cool but it could've been done without Grogu. Moving the whole "let's go get Grogu back from Luke" sequence into Mando Season 3 and using the runtime there to make an ending that isn't just a bad rehash of Desperado meets the Magnificent Seven would have produced something that was a solid story about how eventually, we all want to just settle down and live our lives.

But that's not what we got, and I personally put the blame for that on the way uberplot elements that were supposed to be in Rangers got shifted to Mando S03. I'm confident that the reason the "go get Grogu" stuff ended up in BOBF was to make some time in Mando for things that were supposed to be in Rangers. Of course, what I wanted to get isn't the same-old-thing that a lot of SW fans were so eager for (I'm not suggesting you personally, Sluis Van! Just saying that the general internet noise wasn't interested in any kind of complicated storytelling about Boba) so I dunno if a proper ending would have brought them around.

In any case, I suspect that post-strike "everything is FUBAR" effects, coupled with the generally underwhelmed reaction to BOBF, and with the story at *an* ending even if it's not an awesome one, means that there won't be any more BOBF.
Make the series about Boba Fett before ESB(y) Culminating with his search for Solo, Luke and Leia. That's it, that's all.
Don't re-invent the wheel, make him a badass character and not the shell of the man he was in TBOBF:rolleyes::rolleyes:...then, I'll watch the series!
I really don't think they'd consider a season 2. I don't think they even consider it a real project. It was a stopgap to get content on the channel since they couldn't get Mandalorian S3 going soon enough. It was make-work.
I really don't think they'd consider a season 2. I don't think they even consider it a real project. It was a stopgap to get content on the channel since they couldn't get Mandalorian S3 going soon enough. It was make-work.

if Kennedy announces—on a stage accompanied by great fanfare—that there will be a second season, then it will never happen as that appears to be the “kiss of death”…

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I was binge-watching the show last weekend again. Damn, despite its flaws it has so many fine moments. I love the Tusken scenes (somehow I like the desert and sand; could it be the cold winter here???). There is so much potential for Hasbro, every scene has something I would love to get but there is nothing out there aside from Krssantan, Boba and Fennec in TVC. Ah well. And yes, the music is nice, too. :)
I was binge-watching the show last weekend again. Damn, despite its flaws it has so many fine moments. I love the Tusken scenes (somehow I like the desert and sand; could it be the cold winter here???). There is so much potential for Hasbro, every scene has something I would love to get but there is nothing out there aside from Krssantan, Boba and Fennec in TVC. Ah well. And yes, the music is nice, too. :)
It was fine until the power rangers on the space bikes showed up
I can only imagine this thread “when” the Vespa gang is seen again lol
No kidding: Hasbro has just released a new line of 4" budget figures. The latest announcement says a bundle of four new Speederbikes is coming. Well. When everyone believes that it will be the awesome bikes from Mando and Cobb I am tempted to say it will be a bundle of those candy bombers..! :lol:
I was binge-watching the show last weekend again. Damn, despite its flaws it has so many fine moments. I love the Tusken scenes (somehow I like the desert and sand; could it be the cold winter here???). There is so much potential for Hasbro, every scene has something I would love to get but there is nothing out there aside from Krssantan, Boba and Fennec in TVC. Ah well. And yes, the music is nice, too. :)
Completely agree, there was some great scenes shot. I love the Jawa b^txh slapping him and knocking him out after he crawled out of the Pitt lol
The Book of Boba Fett: Season Two; The Next Page.

Give me Boba who’s pushed past his limit, realizes that he can’t ’just settle down’ and live a slower life.

Be forced to go back out into the universe and get busy.

Heck have him hired by Kamino clioners to go rescue their chief scientist who’s been a prisoner since the end of the Clone Wars. They have hundreds of thousands of embryos in status that can’t be grown and activated until the scientist is recovered.

As it turns out, it was the Emperor in hiding that hired Boba because he needs the clones to build his Final Order while the rest of the galaxy thinks they’ve won and are looking the other way…
I've said it before Boba's destiny is to go back and restart the forge and get a new clone army in his name started. That way he will live forever and find the secret to immortality through his clones and give palps the middle finger.
Heck have him hired by Kamino clioners to go rescue their chief scientist who’s been a prisoner since the end of the Clone Wars. They have hundreds of thousands of embryos in status that can’t be grown and activated until the scientist is recovered.

Yeah about that chief scientist... it's not canon, but you might want to read the Republic Commando novels. The short version is
The Null Arc troopers caught her, forced her to fix the clones' accelerated aging, then killed her for what she did to them, and one of them is wearing her skin as gloves.
I think the most fitting medium to present a continuation would be a comic book. There is so much stuff that can be told and paper is far less expensive than life-action.
I dunno, personally I liked how they portrayed Boba. ( I've actually watched the whole series three times now, which is a lot for me these days.) I got a strong "I'm not some dumb kid full of hormones and I'm not some indoctrinated cultist, I'm all grown up and tired of fighting but I can if I have to." Sort of an "Unforgiven in Space" vibe. So a little less of "he can't fight" and a little more of "he doesn't want to fight." Because I feel like he was pretty dang badass in BOBF in the non-flashback bits when he chose to be.

The low-speed-chase is hilarious to me, massive shades of O.J. Simpson in it. But I get why it's not popular.
No, to me the problem is the ending. It just didn't have enough time to properly pay it all off. We didn't need Grogu in BOBF. The Din Djarin crossover was really cool but it could've been done without Grogu. Moving the whole "let's go get Grogu back from Luke" sequence into Mando Season 3 and using the runtime there to make an ending that isn't just a bad rehash of Desperado meets the Magnificent Seven would have produced something that was a solid story about how eventually, we all want to just settle down and live our lives.

But that's not what we got, and I personally put the blame for that on the way uberplot elements that were supposed to be in Rangers got shifted to Mando S03. I'm confident that the reason the "go get Grogu" stuff ended up in BOBF was to make some time in Mando for things that were supposed to be in Rangers. Of course, what I wanted to get isn't the same-old-thing that a lot of SW fans were so eager for (I'm not suggesting you personally, Sluis Van! Just saying that the general internet noise wasn't interested in any kind of complicated storytelling about Boba) so I dunno if a proper ending would have brought them around.

In any case, I suspect that post-strike "everything is FUBAR" effects, coupled with the generally underwhelmed reaction to BOBF, and with the story at *an* ending even if it's not an awesome one, means that there won't be any more BOBF.
Yeah, this is where I come out. I enjoyed the show quite a bit. I get why people were disappointed, and I do think the Mando bits were a little shoehorned in.

But to me, the real issue is pacing and payoffs. The end payoffs were, you know, fine, but it didn't quite have the emotional weight it should've because we spent a bunch of time on unrelated stuff with an unrelated guy and his unrelated ward. As noted, that should've just been in Mando S3, and then give BOBF time to breathe a little more.

The vespa gang just felt off. They can't get around that. I didn't loathe them the way it seems many do, but while they seemed like kind of a cool concept, the execution just didn't translate. I mean, theoretically, a gang that's into cyber-modification (at least as I recall) and custom speeders? THAT should be cool. In practice...well...considerably less cool than in theory.

I do dig the "Unforgiven in space" thing. I think a lot of people just wanted badass Boba Fett kickin' ass across the galaxy, though. Seems that's what people tend to want in a lot of Star Wars properties, rather than character evolution.