Steampunk Portal Gun

Hey! That version of "The Device" is amazing! I love it!

May I enquire as to what you used to seal the florists foam? Clear paint would be my guess...

Heh, the device has been modified, indeed.

ModPodge glue and sealer on the carved foam. Available in a big jar for a few bucks at most craft stores. One thing to note is that I glued the bocks together with Sobo craft and fabric glue, and when I carved the foam, the glue didnt cut the same way and left ridges on the seams when I coated the foam in ModPodge. I couldnt get rid of the ridges entirely with a razor knife so there are ridges under the leather. I understand there are glues that are better to cut, so look into that perhaps, but if you are going to be coating with bondo and paint for your normal ASHPD then it probably wont affect you.
Absolutely my intention - thanks so much. I tried to think along the lines of "what could I semiplausibly explain this piece as?" - like the toy train tracks, which of course are really positron alignment rails, keeping the portal-generating radiation from shooting out the back end of the bloody thing by mistake. Then again, the big fuses on the side I wanted for looks because they are just so cool. =0)

Great build and WIP description! I agree with the idea of having a semi-plausible explanation of how your equipment works. It helps to promote the character as well as the build, and makes the whole costume more fun.
Thanks for sharing this.
I thought the lighter leather was appropriate, considering the plating on the original is white.

If you wanted to do something that suggests plating rather than padding, you could always make some plates out of veg tan leather and rivet them onto the upholstery you've already got on it. You'd be able to tool the Aperture logo directly into the leather if you did.

You might also be able to revisit the whole wood idea by picking up some very thin wood sheet (like 1/4" basswood or similar) at your local Micheal's or Hobby Lobby or whatever's local to you. If you cut it along the seams you built into the weapon, the pieces would be small enough to steam in a frying pan with some water in the bottom. With sheets that thin you might even be able to form them directly onto the foam.

. . . not that it needs fiddling with!
Not to dig this thread back up for horn-tooting, but I got exciting news yesterday: Seems like, over a month after the convention, the organizers finally convened to decide on the last of the costume contest prizes (it had other components besides the judges at the con, precluding it from being decided then and there) and it looks like my darling steampunk Chell won it! I believe she's getting a cash prize out of it as well!

Heh, "award-winning cosplay builder" sounds far too arrogant so I won't be adding it to my resume, but I'm pretty damn proud.
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