Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Totally accurate!
Say what you will about those others, but that Chewbacca mask actually looks pretty good. Better than many fan sculpts.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I agree with you on the Chewbacca mask. I always wondered if the actual mask they sent looked that good.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Cool pics, I don't have that one.
Those evil robots in the pre production painting are using lightsabers.
Just as well, they are going to need "the power' to beat that other group, headed by Geroge Lucas in a sky blue overall. Do I see the ship I think I see in the docking bay?

I think the ship was intended to be the Millennium Falcon back when it looked a lot like the blockade runner.

I think it's funny how the "robot" guards are carrying shields. Maybe they knew how ineffective the armor was going to be even then.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I still have all my old issues. Another magazine I loved was Fantastic Films.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Cinefex took a **** on them all.

I grew up devouring each issue, which was always real expensive for a young boy, but it was worth it. And, now, some of the people I used to read about in it are my friends.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Cinefex was on my buy list for years. I eventually sold the set for a pretty good sum.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Starlog was great. But they slowly moved from Stars in the sky to the Stars of hollywood. Gossip and puff pieces instead of geek tech.

Didn't even notice when it disappeared.
Starlog publisher Creative Media filed for bankruptcy in March 2008. and in June 2008 sold its assets to a group led by private equity firm Scorpion Capital Partners LP. Starlog and Fangoria and all related assets were purchased by The Brooklyn Company, Inc. in July 2008. The Brooklyn Company is run by longtime Fangoria President Thomas DeFeo, who is now the sole publisher of Fangoria magazine.
As of December 2008, the official website at had ceased to operate. In March 2009, Starlog became a sister site to Fangoria magazine's official site, with a new url tied to Fangoria. Simultaneously, production was halted on issue #375, May 2009.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Iv'e never seen a real Cinefex mag, but they look pretty good.
I wonder what the Star Wars issue was like.
From the cover I thought they were high end art type mag, with no pictures and small type, you know the ones I mean.

If I recall ESB was the first SW film they featured. Cinefex wasn't around when the first film was out. It got quite technical but plenty of pics.

Some may remember "That's Hollywood", a show that occasionally had some good stuff.......

YouTube - That's Hollywood Theme
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I remember (if we are talking about Starlog Press publications) my Mum years ago buying an Elvis special magazine from Starlog Press (not the actual publication), and in the back page, showing other magazines...I couldnt believe my eyes seeing how many Sylvester Stallone movie mags there were. Youve gotta remember this was back in the mid 1980's before the internet, so sourcing this stuff was a lot harder. So I saved my pennies, went and had my money changed into US dollars, and sent the order off. It took a couple of months, but when the LARGE package came, I couldnt believe the never before seen pictures and posters that were inside. I also bought many Fangoria and Gorezone was heaven! These all had to be specvially ordered in, as nowhere where I lived in the UK would have these publications on their shelves.
I got the Chewie mask back in the days and it looked pretty much like in the ad above. Anyone collected Cinemagic mags? Now, they were full of great inspiration for young filmmakers.

I haven't heard of this before, but now I'm interested (may have to pick up a few used copies). I actually found out that the first CineMagic wasn't published by Starlog and was published in 1972 (I've come across a copy of it on eBay), but they apparently picked it up and ran with it for a while.
Cinemagic started as self published mag, something sometimes called a prozine. Starlog picked it up starting with the cover posted above. Great mag for folks making amateur or low budget films. I have almost every issue, and I found some of the originals in a used bookstore about 20 years ago.
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