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Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

ill never forget the first article in starlog that talked about robocop had a picture of ed-209 behind the director (paul) and i always thought ed was robocop, when the guy in the suit showed up i was like wtf!
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Bought them for years starting at issue one. I still have some early issues for sentimental reasons. That was the way to get genre news man, and a few others later.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

It used to be how I kept track of local Star Trek conventions! :lol

I also bought my first working replica lightsabre through an ad in the back.

I have about 30 issues (I think) from about 1984 to 1995.

Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I bougt it from 87 till about 98. A couple years back, a friend of mine sold me his collection, so I have almost every issue from 1 till about the time I stopped buying. I'm determined to read all the old SW info.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I still have all my starlogs, starting with issue # 1. I would have to say issue one was my most memorable. It got me hooked. This Island Earth was on the cover.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Have most issues from the start through the early 90s. Subscribed for a while. Definitely needed my STARLOG fix in those days!
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I think I started w/#two? Had Kirk & Spock on the cover I think..Now I'll have to go check..
I have very fond memories of Starlog & Cinefantastique. They got me completely hooked on fandom. I was most of the way there anyway, but I saw an ad for my first con in there. 'Atlanta Fantasy Faire' and saw photos of costumers at the early cons! I had no idea there was such a thing!
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Issue one had Kirk and Spock on the cover. This Island Earth was on the cover of issue fifteen.

Starlog was a big reason I am such a fan of science-fiction, horror, and fantasy films.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I still have dozens of issues and was always impressed by the journalism and quality of interviews- there's nothing like it around now. I also remember it having the first picture of Michael Keaton in the Batsuit, it was in a shop window opened on that page and stopped me in my tracks...
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

It was the only way to get your fix back in the day.

I still have the first 10 years of it.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

I remember freaking out when I saw issue one (which if I remember correctly had Kirk Spock and some strange black hole looking thing on it) come out. It was the first time I realized that I was not the only one interested in such things. Great memories.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Ah, good ol' Starlog. This may be hard to believe but back when I was a young lad we didn't have an "internet" so Starlog was always there to let you know just what you need to go see. I loved it as a kid. Had some great pics and info on what was to become some of my favorite films and t.v. shows.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Back in the 70's, my cousin bought them all and passed them on to me. I still have them. Hooked? Oh my, YES! I was absolutely bitten by the bug. I couldn't get enough behind-the-scenes info on model-making and special effects. Starlog (and later, Fangoria) became ridiculously important to me in my formative years. I never got to make special effects or model-making to be my life's work, but the dream never dies. Starlog was wonderful and made me feel like I always had the "inside scoop" on all things sci-fi.
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Star Wars from Starlog...

Don't fall Obi you might break your hip!

Great pre-production art.

Totally accurate!
Re: Movies, were you hooked in by STARLOG?

Starlog was the internet for us Sci-Fi freaks of the day. News , conventions and just bad-ass images. I remember getting it ,as well as, Bantha Tracks. I must also throw in Fangoria too.

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