Star Wars blu ray in September

Until this thread I'd never heard of Andywan's Revisited edits. Yeah I know, slow. :)

After a brief wander through Youtube I'll have to give them a look. Can't be any worse than what Lucas came up with. :rolleyes
Really? "Nothing removed"? Hell, I think fixing some of the mat lines in ESB was a great fix, as were the cockpit fixes in the speeders.

Funny story about the cockpit fixes. They weren't really fixed. The "We eliminated the transparency" line they had in their promos were lies. The cockpits are still transparent.
All I was asking from this release was 2:35:1 picture and a repair of the hatchet job with the color and audio on the DVDs. I got that.

Any "artistic" changes never bugs me. I just don't consider it the definitive version by any means. I know where that bear sit.

And I'm moving into a zone where watching the original form OT on laserdisc is like watching a historical document.

Maybe that SHOULD be the way it should be viewed now.
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Really? "Nothing removed"? Hell, I think fixing some of the mat lines in ESB was a great fix, as were the cockpit fixes in the speeders. Like I said...two things that I did not like in all of his fixes. Artists are constantly making tweaks and Lucas is no different.

(We do keep going in circles here, don't we?)

Long and short of it is I will be enjoying my BR discs. It will be a GREAT birthday present to myself. I am sorry some of you cats cannot put aside that seething dislike and "he ruined my childhood" mentality to sit back and enjoy what is still a excellent piece of my book anyway.

Those of us who will enjoy it will surely pick up your slack.

Yes we all keep going in circles. Could have something to do with the intentional misinterpretation of posts?
For the record nothing Lucas has done ruined my childhood at all. I would just like a great versions of the original cuts.
I am sorry some of you cats cannot put aside that seething dislike and "he ruined my childhood" mentality to sit back and enjoy what is still a excellent piece of storytelling

Anakin: I killed them. I killed them all. And not just the men. But the women and the children to. They're animals and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!
Padme: To be angry is to be human.


Obi-Wan: I saw a recording of Anakin killing younglings.


Padme: Obi-wan was right. You changed. I don't know you anymore! *dies of a broken heart*

I'll make a deal with Lucas: I'll stop beating the dead horse when he stops milking the cash cow.

I also believe I deserve the original version. My contribution to Lucas' wealth may be meager, but it's there. He can throw me a bone can't he? Give me a properly restored original trilogy and I'll even buy the complete saga set with it. But I will not spend another dime if the special ed version is all I get.
And here comes Jeyl to flog that deceased equine!

I'm sorry, but those were just awful moments that when combined makes the characters even stupider. There is no act of redemption worthy enough for Anakin that would make up for such a horrible character motivation.
Long and short of it is I will be enjoying my BR discs. It will be a GREAT birthday present to myself. I am sorry some of you cats cannot put aside that seething dislike and "he ruined my childhood" mentality to sit back and enjoy what is still a excellent piece of my book anyway.

For me, it's less that and more just that the package doesn't really offer anything that gets me that excited. I don't particularly like the SEs. They have some neat changes and some dumb changes. I view them as novelties, not "my" definitive version of the films. I suppose "my" definitive version is whatever was on CBS/FOX Home Video back in the 80s, since those are the versions I watched the most. I'd like to have restored, archival HD versions of those. Beyond that....meh. I've got all the films on DVD as it is. It's not really worth it to me to shell out more money -- certainly not until/unless they drop in price -- for the Blu Ray versions. The extra features sound cool, but not so cool that I want to drop the cash on 'em.

Lucas can do what he likes with his films. I don't bear the guy any ill will. I may disagree with his sense of what makes for a good story, but that's the extent of it. I don't get his refusal to release an archival version, though.
Anakin: I killed them. I killed them all. And not just the men. But the women and the children to. They're animals and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!
Padme: To be angry is to be human.


Obi-Wan: I saw a recording of Anakin killing younglings.


Padme: Obi-wan was right. You changed. I don't know you anymore! *dies of a broken heart*


You're ignoring several factors here. At the time of the Tusken scene, Padme barely knew Anakin, and the Raiders had just gotten done torturing and killing his mother. Thus, his anger and desire for revenge, while not justified, is at least understandable. And her response is appropriate; she doesn't agree with what he did, but she understands why he did it.

Fast forward to ROTS. Anakin and Padme are now married, and she's carrying their children. As his wife, she knows him much better now, and Anakin has given no indication that he would resort to such extreme violence again. Plus, the accusation made by Obi-Wan (which is, of course, true) was that Anakin had killed innocent younglings, who had done nothing to Anakin or those he loved. Thus, Padme's response that it couldn't be true, that Anakin couldn't have done it, is most certainly believable. Any other response would have been silly; what had Anakin ever done, aside from the Tusken scene, to indicate that he would be that violent/heartless?
At the time of the Tusken scene, Padme barely knew Anakin

So it makes sense that she would marry him just days later.... :sleep

what had Anakin ever done, aside from the Tusken scene, to indicate that he would be that violent/heartless?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe that part where he ignored Obi-Wan's instructions during their confrontation with Count Dooku. I seriously doubt Anakin went charging after Dooku just to give him a hug. I'm sure Obi-Wan never told Yoda about this, or Yoda telling Obi-Wan about that "Pain, death, suffering. Anakin is in pain. Terrible pain." moment from earlier. Funny how they look at romantic involvements as things to be really concerned about, but pain, suffering and death? Meh. Just sweep it under the rug. I'm sure it will be alright.
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So it makes sense that she would marry him just days later.... :sleep

Someone very close to me, who is smart, successful in her career, and very fit/attractive chose to marry a convicted felon, still serving time in a maximum security prison. Oh yes, and this happened literally months after meeting him online, and only once in person at the prison. So yeah, people don't always make the best marriage decisions.

...Oh, I don't know. Maybe that part where he ignored Obi-Wan's instructions during their confrontation with Count Dooku. I seriously doubt Anakin went charging after Dooku just to give him a hug. I'm sure Obi-Wan never told Yoda about this, or Yoda telling Obi-Wan about that "Pain, death, suffering. Anakin is in pain. Terrible pain." moment from earlier. Funny how they look at romantic involvements as things to be really concerned about, but pain, suffering and death? Meh. Just sweep it under the rug. I'm sure it will be alright...

The Dooku situation isn't even remotely comparable to slaying younglings - Dooku was an enemy of the state, and the entire Jedi order was set on capturing and/or killing him. All that scene showed was that Anakin was impetuous, which hardly leads one to think he would slay younglings. You're comparing apples to oranges.

And how would Padme know about any of those situations? The passages you quoted, and what this discussion is about, is regarding what Padme knew, and how she reacted to Obi-Wan's assertion regarding Anakin killing younglings. Of course we saw the signs, but Padme wasn't privy to all that we saw as outside viewers.
The Dooku situation isn't even remotely comparable to slaying younglings

You didn't ask that. You asked "what had Anakin ever done, aside from the Tusken scene, to indicate that he would be that violent/heartless?" That was pretty violent and heartless for Anakin to want to kill Dooku like that when he ignores common sense.

Let me get to the point of what my main gripe here is ihs. I hate Anakin as a character. He's an unlikable, selfish character with no redeeming qualities. So what if he wins a few battles during the Clone Wars? He's the one who allowed it to happen with that charging stunt. So what if he tossed an old guy off a catwalk? He's still responsible for decades worth of betrayal, suffering and genocide.
...You didn't ask that. You asked "what had Anakin ever done, aside from the Tusken scene, to indicate that he would be that violent/heartless?" That was pretty violent and heartless for Anakin to want to kill Dooku like that when he ignores common sense...

I was commenting from the point of view of Padme, which is how you have to look at that issue in relation to whether or not it's "an excellent piece of storytelling." The question isn't what we as viewers know/knew, but what Padme as a character knew. That would most certainly affect her response to Obi-Wan, and as such, her "No, not Anakin" line makes perfect sense.

...Let me get to the point of what my main gripe here is ihs. I hate Anakin as a character. He's an unlikable, selfish character with no redeeming qualities. So what if he wins a few battles during the Clone Wars? He's the one who allowed it to happen with that charging stunt. So what if he tossed an old guy off a catwalk? He's still responsible for decades worth of betrayal, suffering and genocide...

Well, that happens to be your opinion. I find him an interesting, though tremendously flawed character. One who grew up in an extremely tough environment, fought many battles for the good guys, saved many innocent lives via those battles in the Clone Wars, but also made some absolutely horrific decisions, lived with the results of those decisions for decades, and finally, ultimately, sought redemption by killing not just an old guy, but an old guy who was responsible for much more suffering and death than he himself ever was.

Sorry you didn't enjoy the Saga, but your personal opinions on the characters don't have any bearing on whether or not it was "an excellent piece of storytelling."
ultimately, sought redemption by killing not just an old guy, but an old guy who was responsible for much more suffering and death than he himself ever was.

So Anakin ensuring the survival of the Emperor completely exonerates him of any bad deeds that would come afterwards done either by the Emperor or Vader himself. I believe that's called an "accessory". And a few seconds of good doesn't wipe away all the decades of mass murder that both of them caused, especially with Vader doing it so willingly. He's as responsible for all the chaos that was caused by the Empire just as much as the emperor was.

your personal opinions on the characters don't have any bearing on whether or not it was "an excellent piece of storytelling."

So, if the movie had no characters, it would still be an excellent piece of storytelling? I always thought that characters were the core to a good story.
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So, if the movie had no characters, it would still be an excellent piece of storytelling? I always thought that characters were the core to a good story.

Your opinion of those characters (and specifically, one character as described above) does not determine if it's a good story. It's entirely possible to hate a character and yet still recognize that the story itself is good.
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