Star Trek III Tricorder - 3D Print Version - Complete!

I know this is an ancient post now, but would it be possible to get those stl files for 3d printing? I've looked everywhere and have been unsuccessful. Thanks!

We just got to wear this again in Las Vegas 2016. Still a fun prop (and handy purse!)

I don't tend to give out CAD files, though....
Do you have the Button Graphic files available? Or could you post a photo of just the button graphics?

Re: Star Trek III Tricorder - 3D Print Version

Johnny Fever sent me along some of the Grayhill push buttons, the same as were used on the actual props:


(Thanks again!)


Of course installing them means hacking up the front of the tricorder. Once I had them in hand, though, it was an easy decision, they look a lot better than the fake ones I had modeled in.

So, I went at it with a dremel and a tiny exact-o saw-


As you can see above, I also had to remove the 'latch' that was designed into the front cover. It was right in the way of the buttons.

I printed out my button graphics again, cut them down and mounted them under the plastic covers on the Grayhills-


All cut out-


As it turns out, through either luck or good Trek prop instincts, the inset for the buttons that I had built into the model were exactly the right size for the real thing. (Probably it had more to do with American designers preferring to use inch & half inch increments...)

What didn't work out so well was how I'd mounted the activation switch in the sensor head. It fit great with the fake buttons, but with the real ones, it was in the way.

I had to flip it around so now it triggers on the back of the body, instead of the front.


Just had to pop 'em right in-



And so, I think this is now all done! I had to beam down for a couple of minutes to try it out, of course....





I also went back and tweaked my CAD model a bit. I've relocated the front latch, and the activation switch mounting bracket. I've also made the button panel with the correct holes in it, and made a new 'fake button' part that can be inserted if one doesn't have the actual ones on hand.

Thanks for looking (and contributing!!!) to this build!
Re: Star Trek III Tricorder - 3D Print Version

Getting closer-

Masking off the front-


Here's the super-shiny rattle can silver-


The screen with the head up-


The back of the printed and the kydex build-


There is actually more storage space in the kydex build, mostly in the head since it doesn't have electronics for the screen-


Fake Grayhill buttons all painted up, and strap eyebolts installed-



In this shot you can see the viewscreen lit, and the front cover latch. If I am able to install the real Grayhill switches, I'll have to relocate the latch...


Not too much more left. And it could be used as it is now.

How did you create your rear display screen?
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