Spidey on a budget? Is it possible? HELP NEEDED!!!

Okay, another question. I'm planning on making the front and back spider logos from 3mm sheets of craft foam and gluing them onto the suit. Will this work?
Thanks matthewdelacruz (big fan of your costume builds btw).

The string I'm planning on using is standard ball-of-string type string (I'm not 100% sure on the thickness -- 3mm or something like that)
The string would probably just be glued onto the costume.

I'll take a look at the Tulips puffy paint, and hopefully I'll have some progress photos of the costume soon.

Kind regards, The14thDr :D

Okay, another question. I'm planning on making the front and back spider logos from 3mm sheets of craft foam and gluing them onto the suit. Will this work?

Oh thanks :lol I definitely do recommend the Tulips Slick black. As for the spider, I guess that could work as long as you cover the entire thing with a flexible glue like E6000. There were some spots on my front rubber spider that I didn't get E6000 on and now it's starting to rip/crack
Thanks again matthewdelacruz :D Would PVA glue be flexible enough? The spider doesn't need to be as flexible as other suits, as I'm working on the hoodie design about halfway up this page.
Yeah PVA would would probably come away if the suit every got even a little damp. If you can get it go for a small tube of E6000. Depending on where you are it can be tough to get hold of. UK and USA seems fine though.

also since you're planning on adding red fabric to an already complete jacket you might be able to use a handy trick to make the patterns. FYI I haven't tried this but it seems like it should work. you'll need a 2nd person or a mannequin or something but get them to wear the jacket. then use a roll of masking tape to cover all of the areas you want to be red. maybe 2 layers. then draw on anywhere you think you'l need a seam. then peel off the masking tape in as few pieces as possible. Cut along the seam lines and you should have a decent template for your pattern.
You should be ok with masking tape but maybe test in an inconspicuous area of the jacket first to make sure it doesn't damage it.
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