
The legal issues behind Spectre and Blofeld have been felt ever since Blofeld's last appearance in Diamonds Are Forever. So much so that no one can officially admit that Blofeld was the bald, broken neck individual with a cat in For Your Eyes Only's opening. And the video game adaptation for "From Russia With Love"? They called the organization "Octopuss". Really. I know some will see this as scraping at the bottom of the barrel, but gosh. With all the criticisms of Bond feeling more like Jason Bourne movies, the SPECTRE organization is something that Bond really needs to stand out again.
...the SPECTRE organization is something that Bond really needs to stand out again.

Let's just hope they don't turn it into a parody...

While I'd prefer not to see Blofeld at all, I'd say that Tom Hardy would make an excellent Blofeld a la the description in the Thunderball novel.
I wouldn't mind Bloefeld, but if he is done too close to the original, it will certainly risk being taken as a joke. He doesn't need to be bald or have the cat, he just has to be believable enough as a villain not to take you out of the story and seem campy.
I wouldn't mind Bloefeld, but if he is done too close to the original, it will certainly risk being taken as a joke. He doesn't need to be bald or have the cat, he just has to be believable enough as a villain not to take you out of the story and seem campy.

There are often as we have seen, classy ways to do nods to past heritage without making them caricatures.
And you want enough to say that yes, this IS that character. I think it is in good hands.
Re: Bond 24

I have a feeling I'll be in the minority here but I've never thought much of her as an actress at all so this isn't great news for me.

Add me to the minority. Never been a fan. She always looks like she has a mustache.
For as much as the media makes her out to be a goddess.... I don't find her to be anything special. She has her moments, with the help of good lighting and make-up.
As far as her acting... I don't think she brings anything extraordinary to the table at all.
Not all Blofelds are equal. The Blofeld in "You Only Live Twice" is one of the weakest portrayal of Bond villain in the whole franchise. He killed more of his own subordinates than Bond did AND GLEEFULLY LET Bond smoke a freaking cigarette. "It will be the last television program you see". He has Bond in his presence, has a gun, points it at Bond, but instead shoots a subordinate, tells Bond to move outside, gets ahead of him, turns around, points the gun at him again and NOW decides to kill Bond but not before telling him goodbye. Ugh.
Still beats DAF Blofeld... *shudder*

YOLT as a film in general was just a bunch of cliches, Blofeld being no exception. Fun for what it is but not exactly a meaty addition to the franchise.
Well apparently Jesper Christensen will be back in the movie as Mr White, the Quantum agent we saw in both CR and QoS, so maybe Spetcre are indeed linked. Anyway, very excited for this ! And sad that the aston martin db10 is a 10 models deal only for the movie, not that I'll ever have enough money to buy one, but you never know...

Fantastic, glad they're not abandoning that loose thread. And I liked him as a villain despite his brief appearance.
Misleading Title is misleading.

I've been watching Constantine, and after the episode with Jim Corrigan, I came here expecting a thread about this:


Disappointed, I was.
What? Whatever. If you don't know what Spectre means, go watch DR.NO. Or watch the trailer for "From Russia With Love".


Ok, so they forgot the "Counter Intelligence" bit, but this was the 60s man.

Wow, do I really have to spell it out for you?

The joke was Aretha Franklin's "Respect"

but instead of "R E S P E C T", replace it with "S P E C T R E"

Earworm installed.
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