
PPK is back!


No... they're not going this route... nonoonono. They are NOT making
Blofeld a freaking relative of Bond.


Why do they have to make this so personal? Why can't we just go after bad guys because they're the bad guys?
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I LOVE that all of these movies are sequels!!
Adds to character development

Me too. It would certainly give Craig's Bond a very fulfilling run should he decide to stop. I'm just happy we've finally got to revisit SPECTRE. I'm just hoping that if this guy is who I hope he's not, that he's not Number One.

No... they're not going this route... nonoonono. They are NOT making
Blofeld a freaking relative of Bond.


Why do they have to make this so personal? Why can't we just go after bad guys because they're the bad guys?

Things aren't always what the seem in Bond's world. I have some ideas what might be going on but will stay shut up.
Well, given the synopsis describes Spectre as a sinister organisation, I'd say mission accomplished ! I get a very sinister vibe from this. The cinematography looks very sharp as well, we're certainly here for a visual treat.
I LOVE that all of these movies are sequels!!
Adds to character development

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's ok, but after the last one, I was kind off hoping this one would be it's own story. C'mon, give us some good old fashioned fun 007 like Roger Moore's. Heck, I'll take an Octopussy remake!
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