SD Studios - What does Steve Dymszo owe you?

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I joined the forum after this fiasco, but I noticed he has items listed on ebay. He recently listed a new batman speargun, which I almost jumped on, until I found out about what he did to y'all.
Just a reminder that no one should be promoting items being sold by a banned member.
I wouldn't call that promoting. The point he made was dependent on that information and his conclusion was to stay away.
Plus we were keeping tabs on where he sells in other forums and have been going in to those sales threads and posting warnings and directing people to this thread to read. We are not promoting or trying to buy, we are trying to warn others outside these walls to avoid him.
The "newsletter" that was posted contained all the stuff that he is selling and is nothing more than an advertisement... not going to have that hosted on here.

It was not intended to support his products being sold but to answer the question where did I find out that he was selling Blade Runner Barrels similar to the run on the RPF.

I thought it would also provided incite that he was still in business as SD Studios and not out of business. It was posted to help those still owed money as he was obviously still making money.

No harm intended by the post.


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The "newsletter" that was posted contained all the stuff that he is selling and is nothing more than an advertisement... not going to have that hosted on here.

I'd give the people here a little credit and assume that we know better than to read it as an advertisement. Makes it pretty hard to claim he has no money to pay these people while simultaneously boasting in his news letter about how good his business is doing. Not to mention the fact that it seems to be concrete evidence that SD Studios is in fact still in business, or that he is at least using the name as such.
Since Stephen is banned from the RPF, I wonder where you'd go to to confront him with his "debts"? His tactic is to "disappear" or go silent when people confront him with the thousands of dollars he still owns people...
Since Stephen is banned from the RPF, I wonder where you'd go to to confront him with his "debts"? His tactic is to "disappear" or go silent when people confront him with the thousands of dollars he still owns people...

Try lifting some rocks or the bottom of a pond next to some other invertibrates.
From Montagar in another thread:

"Because of the connection between that run and a banned member (SDStudios), the INT thread will not be reinstated and the run will not be continued on the RPF. Since some deposits have already been made, it's up to the members involved to sort things out as they wish, but as mentioned, the run will not be taking place on the RPF. We are sorry that some of our members have gotten caught in the middle of this".

So it looks like friends of Steve sell stuff here that he is creating. Not only is that against rules but it is also very risky. He is banned and probably laughing all the way to the bank knowing he still makes money from selling here. And what is stopping him from taking the money and leaving the friend here to take blame? Might I suggest those who get his monthly newsletter, read it in detail, look at what items he states that he is working on or selling currently, and then browse the junk yard here. Pay attention to see if someone is selling something similar. Not saying they will be the same thing, but if it is a unique and obscure item to pop up, it might just be a friend selling for him. Also, check the newsletter for his "garage sale" section where he lets people know what items his friends are selling. Many of these friends mentioned are active here and you can check to see if those friends are actively selling anything advertised in his newsletter. Basically, just be proactive and diligent in watching so we can catch more activity by SD Studios here. Remember, he stole $10,000+ here and still owes thousands. There is no reason his friends should be helping him make money here when he cannot pay people back.
I posted the newsletter which had the exact same PDK barrel run listed in it. I asked in that post if it was the same run or different run as it seemed odd that both Steve and another member were doing the exact same run. I would have to go back and look but I was sure that the response was a different run and not the same.

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I posted the newsletter which had the exact same PDK barrel run listed in it. I asked in that post if it was the same run or different run as it seemed odd that both Steve and another member were doing the exact same run. I would have to go back and look but I was sure that the response was a different run and not the same.

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Actually, he ignored your reply altogether. I replied to you to avoid SD and he replied to me to "keep personal feelings out of his sales thread". He obviously wanted to keep all talk about SD past issues out of the conversation. But the fact that SD mentioned the person's name and email adddress, the exact person doing the run here, in the newsletter, pretty much cemented the connection.
Ok, I could not remember. I did think it was odd that both were doing the exact same run. I still ordered three barrels. They are listed as shipped.

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Ok, I could not remember. I did think it was odd that both were doing the exact same run. I still ordered three barrels. They are listed as shipped.

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Hope it works out for those who did make a purchase.
I suspect most of the people will still risk it and buy even with his sketchy past... you know how that goes. People will risk anything to get something they really want, even if it means buying from a known scammer.
You know I feel sorry for everyone who was taken advantage of by him. But I also feel sorry for him that he just does not see the big picture. He really needs to go get a regular job and get out of the prop/modeling/collectible world. He just cannot grasp basic concepts of common courtesy and decency when dealing with other human beings. Everything revolves around him and "he not getting screwed over by not being paid" that he loses sight of what is right and wrong, or as they say "He loses sight of the forest because of the trees."

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This is what Steve has posted on Facebook in the Build a Falcon group regarding the outstanding RPF members who are owed something. Note that he states he owes only 3 or 4 people but has deals in place with all of you to settle those claims:

"Here is my final say on this here, because really don't have the time or desire to argue with people. Jason, I am sorry that our deal did not work out. You guys keep screaming about the $8000 but Rick agreed to it and after expenses, I am making an (approx) whopping $20/hour. Rick/Jason (who are good buddies BTW, so I suspect that it is not a random coincidence that Jason popped up here right now with a financial opinion): Do you guys EVER work for $20 an hour? On the RPF thing....I told Rick all of the details and that 99% of the people were refunded and I had 3 or 4 people who have NOT been, but want items that I am making, so they have agreed to wait. Rick said he was ok with that and signed a contract with me for this model. NOW that it is convenient to beat me over the head with this, he brings it back up like an angry hornet. Let it goooo. I was stupid, I made bad business decisions and it was entirely MY FAULT. Mea culpa. I have spent the last five years refunding people and MANY of them are now happy, active customers on my mailing list. Please stop with the threats. I REALLY wanted to make a great model for you. I DID send tons of update pics. I told you that all three models were IDENTICAL, so showing you ONE made no sense. I did send you detailed pics anyway. But you completely ignore those facts. There is a LOT more to this story, but frankly, it is nobody's business and it will not be decided in the court of public opinion. I am sorry that everyone had to see this. I am going to go hug my wife now... this is a waste of my time."

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Alright, so I just bought from the guy over ebay, and then found this thread. I immediately requested a refund through eBay, which was provided. The refund notice appears on my eBay account and my PayPal account, however I am nervous of whether the money will actually be refunded as it has yet to appear in my bank account activity. Should I be worried, or can I trust that the refund will happen?
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