Sandtrooper replica from Star Wars ANH

Hey bro, I have seen ALOT of Sand Troopers in my time, and I gotta say, that is probably the best armor that I've seen. The screen shots comparison are unbelievable, and you wear the armor perfectly. Truly amazing job on that! All of the effort that you put into your suit clearly shows :thumbsup

Agreed 110%!!!! Badass bro!
THX a lot everyone.
I really appreciate all your comments!!
I love my TD armor... to bad I cant troop as often as I used to.

I am now working on the last stage of my TK Tantive IV replica. Hope it comes as good as my Sandtrooper.

Will be finishing by summer I guess.

That has got to be among the best introduction posts...ever.
Incredible looking suit, brilliantly weathered, not too much, just right.

And, as already said, you wear it very well.
I know that could sound strange but some people's body types can't pull of certain suits but your suit fits very well, and the detail is incredible.
Hey wolfcalibur... Easy actually. Since these are latex hand guards, the paint easily flakes off. For the paint I used a mix of white humbrol paint and white glue, the one used for school projects.
I paint it and left it cure for about a week. Then I used them and started to chip naturally. As the real parts.

Hope it helps.

Beautiful thread Juan. Can't believe this is the first I've seen it!
Sending it to a future TD I'm currently spotting. She'll apreiciate the wicked referance photos of this particular trooper.
Thanks brother.
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