RPF First Annual Halloween Contest - Female - VOTE NOW!

Vote for your favorite female costume!

  • 01 - Elizabethan Dress

    Votes: 64 13.6%
  • 02 - Rosie the Riveter

    Votes: 34 7.2%
  • 03 - Legacy Era Sith

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • 04 - Alice/Um from Alice in Wonderland

    Votes: 57 12.2%
  • 05 - Silk Spectre II from Watchmen

    Votes: 297 63.3%
  • 06 - Blackfoot Indian

    Votes: 13 2.8%

  • Total voters
We're supposed to vote on costumes we most appreciate, not insult and verbally abuse contestants who were both talented and brave enough to put themselves out there.
That echoes my point quite well. You costumers have giant brass ones and I am glad for it. It's cool stuff you guys and gals do and you should be proud of the work. Hell, some costumers physically bust ass to look the part, as well as physically bust ass to craft their own pieces.

To GB and EVERYONE else who wanted to take part in this contest, I would not write off the RPF's contest. This IS the first year, and I guarantee the staff will take EVERYTHING that has been posted, and how it was posted, to make next year's contest better. Again, this is the vocal minority. Look at the number of votes and then look at the number of posts. Proof positive right there.

These are a talented bunch of men and women who do not deserve the petty barbs. They deserve praise for their work.
Personally, I thought all of the entries were great. It's not easy to make a good costume on a level that you'd feel comfortable posting it here, because the bar is set so high. Not to mention actually WEARING the thing in the pics! lol

Silk Spectre? Of course it's a sexy costume, it's Silk Spectre! It's also an AMAZING costume. The young lady pulled it off perfectly, how could anyone disapprove?

Much respect.
...I'd also like to say that I'm very disappointed that no matter what the case women are still be judged by some on how attractive they are -- you're either punished for not being the impossible comic/movie ideal, or criticized because you are genetically gifted enough to match the ideal. I don't see the male entries being subjected to the same absurd sexism. I know that's a common issue with any kind of cosplaying or costuming, but I had hoped this site would not be so susceptible to that...

I'm sorry that some of the comments posted here offended you, but please don't let it tarnish your opinion of the entire community and cause you to not participate in future contests or share your work for fear of critisism.
Many people on the internet have yet to voice their opinion in positive ways or offer critisism constructively. It's far easier for them to type away some offhand remark and hit enter without thinking of how their words come across to strangers.

Also just wanted to point out that because of the male to female ratio of members of many forums, you see much less of the "sexist" remarks coming from the females posting about the males. But then again, it all depends on which forum and the maturity level and tactfullness of the posters. I think it demonstrates that the ladys here have class regardless of what they see and don't lower themselves to the level of a few knuckleheads that are rude.

Stick aroud, post and interact. :)
You'll see that guys get rude remarks about their costumes and looks too. (They just seem to always like it if the remarks coming from the females are sexually related. :lol)

To all of the contestants: thank you for sharing your creativity and probably countless hours of effort.

Today is the last day for voting! To those who have entered in the contest, now is your last chance to get your friends, family and associates from other communities to come and vote for you! Get the votes in before it is too late! Winners will be announced tomorrow!
Qui-Gonzalez and Darius Alucard,
thank you for your thoughtful posts. :) I apologize if I came across overly huffy. I have little patience for what amounts to internet bullying, especially when the female contestants are subjected to obnoxious remarks about their skill or their appearance.

I also apologize if I gave the impression that I judged all of RPF by the actions of a few petty and juvenile individuals. That's definitely not the case. I just would be hesitant to post photos if it meant I'd likely be subjected to personal criticism and general slagging. And I'm not shy or easily intimidated, I just don't feel anyone needs that.

I loved that there was a wide range of styles in the women's category. Everything from victorian to vintage to modern, from traditional Indian dress to imaginary sci-fi characters. That illustrates the creativity and variety of members, IMO.

I also noticed a wide range of skill levels, from beginner to advanced, in both the men and women's categories. I think it's important that people in the beginner and intermediate levels post images and enter contests because it helps encourage others who are starting out. If all we see are the super awesome advanced costumes then it can make some feel as though they'll never reach that level, so why bother trying. I'm personally often inspired by great work, but I know that such work can also make people feel entirely discouraged. It's good for members to see that everyone has to start somewhere and this hobby is a constant evolution, not a fixed destination.

I think it's worth noting that when you're advanced you know your work is good, it's not that much of a stretch to post. It takes a lot more courage to put your work out there when you're beginner or intermediate. I also think it's great for the beginner and intermediate folks to receive encouragement when then post and enter. Noting what they've done well is more helpful than slagging on what someone personally doesn't like.
oh, and while I feel this was a worthwhile discussion because it helped point out some problem areas, I agree that either comments should be turned off in future contests, or there should be clear guidelines regarding comments for contests.

just another thought for the mods:
I found myself wanting to know more about some of the entries across all categories. For example, if any items were commissioned/store bought, or if something was hand dyed/painted. Perhaps next time contestants could have the option of including a link to another album or post that gave more info on their costume? just a thought. :)
just another thought for the mods:
I found myself wanting to know more about some of the entries across all categories. For example, if any items were commissioned/store bought, or if something was hand dyed/painted. Perhaps next time contestants could have the option of including a link to another album or post that gave more info on their costume? just a thought. :)[/QUOTE]

I agree....I know that most of these costumes probably have a thread out there but perhaps a thread devoted to just the halloween costumes after the contest if over for people to discuss/ask/answer questions if there are any. Though in all honesty from what I've seen here it will probably just turn into an all out this costume was better then this costume bashing and overall probably just a bad idea lol..........so maybe not, which would be sad because there's some great stuff that probably deserves some re-discussing.
I didn't see these until today after voting. I think all six were very very good! Judging is very hard and how to you compare them?

I really like the Rosie look but would have to known more. Is it a black shirt and scarf from a store or was it a hand made with a pattern from 1941? Could make a difference.

The indian dress has so much beadwork, and the Elizabethen dress has so much fabric I know those take a long and a lot of skill to make.

The Sith Lord has the white eyes and great props, also clever.

Alice is very inovative, doesn't seem to be a copy from a movie (Though I haven't seen every Alice movie) but very much fits the spirit of the charactor.

I have no idea what was involved with the Silk Spector costume, but it's totally awesome! I would not have known this wasn't a picture from the making of the movie.
Now that the contest is over I'll say I voted for #1. That's some serious craftsmanship (craftwomanship ?) in that costume.

Here here! A well earned RPF coin. :)

I do also think that the first place winner was well deserved. That's not an easy costume to pull off let alone make so good on ya! :thumbsup
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