RPF First Annual Halloween Contest - Female - VOTE NOW!

Vote for your favorite female costume!

  • 01 - Elizabethan Dress

    Votes: 64 13.6%
  • 02 - Rosie the Riveter

    Votes: 34 7.2%
  • 03 - Legacy Era Sith

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • 04 - Alice/Um from Alice in Wonderland

    Votes: 57 12.2%
  • 05 - Silk Spectre II from Watchmen

    Votes: 297 63.3%
  • 06 - Blackfoot Indian

    Votes: 13 2.8%

  • Total voters
I have to agree with Art about the photo quality. It was between two costumes for me and my vote went to the one with the best photo.
i think the silk spectre is an unfair entry. its the "sexy" one.... all the members that dont think with their brains will vote for that one. its just like was said, its the same thing as the nearly drunk girl who always gets the votes. that costume isnt even in the same ballpark as all the rest. i call shennanigans.

Oh hell no! That costume is exquisite and almost impossible to tell from the real thing. I've studied the heck out of both the Elizabethan era and that particular costume and the SS is the more accurate.

But this contest isn't about the most accurate so go with what you like :)

Addit: was replying to a few posts in one so need to clarify: more accurate is just that ;) There are other factors that make a great costume and the Elizabethan is very pretty and well made. So is the Alice Um dress for that matter. But again there are no rules for this contest!
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I think it's rude to comment on any of this till the contest is over...
Are we supposed to comment on the one we selected and why?

They are ALL splendidly done.
I should have known that as usual on the RPF, something fun turns into a bunch of jabs at each other. I wish I hadn't even bothered to enter my costume now that its turned into this idiocy.
I should have known that as usual on the RPF, something fun turns into a bunch of jabs at each other. I wish I hadn't even bothered to enter my costume now that its turned into this idiocy.
Don't let it discourage you. People poking are the vocal minority. I really appreciate the work that goes into a kick ass costume for women, men, and the ones parents do for their kids. It is a cool idea the staff had.

Yes, bears, beets, Battlestar: Galactica.

You know the slammers would have chimed in anywhere. I can't badmouth anyone who enters these contests because I lack the stones to do so.:lol

QG, yep, they certainly have chimed in and it has sullied what was meant to be fun. I applaud those that have entered and boo those who felt the need to say anything.
I have to apologize; I did NOT mean for anyone to single out the Silk Spectre costume based on my comment. I posted my comment about the nearly naked drunk chick tongue in cheek, since in my perception there *were* NO naked drunk chicks in this contest. Much to my chagrin. ;)

I think the Silk Spectre shows a lot of hard work and is not just a cheaply thrown together piece (none of them are!). Kudos to whoever's wearing it and I apologize for the ensuing comments diminishing your accomplishments. :/

Guys, we also need to remember that these are either members or family of members and as such, deserve a little more respect than some random girl at a bar. Not that they don't deserve respect either, but.. oh hell, you know what I mean. :lol
Oh hell no! That costume is exquisite and almost impossible to tell from the real thing. I've studied the heck out of both the Elizabethan era and that particular costume and the SS is the more accurate. From materials to pattern to details.

But this contest isn't about the most accurate so go with what you like ;)

I get what you were trying to do here, but before barging in like an authority on everything costuming you probably should consider that you can compliment one costume without putting down another.
Can comments be deleted or locked now? Comments like these aren't going to do anything to encourage more entrants next year.

I still say the mods did a great job this year, and I'm sure they'll apply lessons learned next year and make it even better!
That Jet Girl has the Naomi Watts thing cold.

I swear my daughter is some kind of shapeshifter! EVERY cosplay she does, she seems to become the character! Both girls love cosplay, I love making costumes, and the Jet Girl is the photographer. I was so bummed when I saw the contest ended the day before we were doing this shoot. I'm ready to kick her butt about not entering her Yori! She and her boyfriend got to go to ElecTRONica, so they sped up their work on the costumes they were preparing for the movie opening. If anyone wants to see the other costumes check 'em out on cosplay dot com. One daughter is anime_wench the other is little_ewok51 and the photo shoots are under photo_wench. Hope ya like 'em.
There's always next year

yeah, we had the costumes ready, just didn't get around to posting, I was actually up so late on the 5th trying to get all our stuff together....so, yeah, maybe next year. Since we do costumes all year round, I probably should have just had them enter something else. *doh*
Just wanted to add that even though I don't 'hang out' here much, I am always blown away by the talent here...I think the comments might have been better left 'off'...so maybe that's something the mods/judges might think about for next year. Another thought was, since so many of us don't seem to just do costumes for Halloween (in fact, none of my family even made anything special just for Halloween! lol)...maybe having contests more often will quench some of the obvious rivalry going on. *sorry, can't turn off the 'mom' in me*.

Oh, and before I forget, I want to thank whomever it was who made the graphics for the Tank Girl tees my younger daughter made in her screen printing class.

Finally, good luck to all the competitors! I love the 'artform' of costuming!
Personally I think the costume and the person wearing it should work together and putting the hot chick factor aside, the Silk Specter is awesome.

I think it's rude to comment on any of this till the contest is over...
Are we supposed to comment on the one we selected and why?

They are ALL splendidly done.
I agree. Some of the posts here sound like bratty, petty high school kids at a home coming contest. This isn't effing 4chan folks, grow up or STFU. seriously. *head/desk*

We're supposed to vote on costumes we most appreciate, not insult and verbally abuse contestants who were both talented and brave enough to put themselves out there. I wasn't able to enter this year due to photo problems, but seeing how some people are responding makes me hesitant to enter ANY future contest.

I'd also like to say that I'm very disappointed that no matter what the case women are still be judged by some on how attractive they are -- you're either punished for not being the impossible comic/movie ideal, or criticized because you are genetically gifted enough to match the ideal. I don't see the male entries being subjected to the same absurd sexism. I know that's a common issue with any kind of cosplaying or costuming, but I had hoped this site would not be so susceptible to that.

I know I'm new here, but as I understood it this site is were adults can connect with other adults on the hobby of costume and prop creation, and generally share their love of making things.

To all of the contestants: thank you for sharing your creativity and probably countless hours of effort.
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