robo3687's Iron Man Pep Files - SD War Machine links page 73

Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

looking good people! we have a iron army :> ok finished the smaller helmet 100% better
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

smaller one does look much better....


just popping in quickly to say I've been sick.....yet again....actually ended up in the ER this

it'll be a little while before i'm back up to full speed so if i'm not on much for a week or 2 don't fret....just dream of war
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

yikes bud, i hope you're okay!! Fun things like war machine can wait, you focus on getting healthy.
Re: robo3687's Iron Man 2 Pep Files - 8/6/10 First Arm Unfold uploaded

Oh, if anyone needs a pdf right now, I can make those... IF Robo is ok with it.

Hey PUNISHER , Thank you for ( the pdf's) getting me started on some of the armor. If its not to much to ask, do you think you could get the rest of the armor changed over to pdf .... :confused Thanks again :)
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Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

ROBO, I would like to say thank you !!!! .....we now have an army of IRON MEN!! ( there is nothing except this, there's no art opening, there's no benefit , there's nothing to sign ... there's just the next..... mission.) :)
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Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

Just a thought .... why are there no ark reactors that I've seen or that any one has talked about? ......well if you look at my pic to the right ..... ya thats right, thats the ark I made with just a few things from around my house.... kinda like tony making his from a box of scraps... lol
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

****!!! Firefox has randomly decided that thrpf is an attack site. Then when you click "why?" it says no reported attacks? wtf firefox!!! This site is safe! I wonder if its cos robo has an illness? Firefox is trying to protect me from catching the virus off him? Hope you get well soon robodude. Im having to use I.E.... GROSS!!! I'd rather chew my face off. Dreaming of the W'machine :-D
Re: robo3687's Pep Files - Republic Commando progress on page 52

Just wanted to chime in here and show my progress. I will finish in the Iron Man MK6 by the first the week of October. The way I build is to pep several pieces at a time and take them all the way to it's final stage. I find that keeps me motivated more. This is my second suit build and I have already completed War Machine. Started In April and it's still an ongoing battle. I wanted to give him a more HD look so he really stands out in a crowd. So tell me what ya think so far?

Currently working on the Neck Seal, Back of AB's and the Cod Piece. Should be done by mid next week.

Suit looks way better up close and in person. The pictures don't really do justice.

I'm Going for a Blackwash Iron Man MKVI Scheme..



The details are exceptional!!! Superb!!!! how did you do that painting? The shadows and everything are awesome.
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

****!!! Firefox has randomly decided that thrpf is an attack site. Then when you click "why?" it says no reported attacks? wtf firefox!!! This site is safe! I wonder if its cos robo has an illness? Firefox is trying to protect me from catching the virus off him? Hope you get well soon robodude. Im having to use I.E.... GROSS!!! I'd rather chew my face off. Dreaming of the W'machine :-D


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even google chrome :angry
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

Yep - I'm on IE 8 now too. Sucktastic! Getting closer to starting my build using Robo's awesome work. Thanks for making these files available, and get better soon!
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

Hey guys just wanna give you guys a quick slideshow of my build. Will be filling in the pinholes and scratches and it'll be ready to be painted hopefully but the end of sunday or early monday.

just wondering what you guys are doing in terms of securing all the parts when wearing the armour.

i bet you guys are laughing at the way i painted the fingers lol.

and Tonyalarkon....i wish i read your idea for the foot before went crazy and filled it all with resin. i was going to go that route but i was lazy and didnt want to glass the outside of the boots so i filled it and now it weighs like two gold bars ahahah.
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Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

@ mmkw
hahaha! actually, thanks for the fingers painting way idea , i'll do the same lol

Last sunday before halloween!!!! i'm stressed, someone has done 100%??
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

well i've been out for a month now busy with school and i'm amazed with everyone's progress! the suit looks great..

anyway i can now join in on the fun since this has arrived in the mail today.


Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

Just done the front of my mask a
nice gold and then it rained and messed
Up my paint work a bit
So sad


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Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

Hello All,

I have been using Robo's files for the last 7 weeks to build my own suit. Last night I finished building the last of my parts and will be able to fiberglass them and will finish up totally this week.

I just wanted to give a big thanks to all of you who have made this possible for me. Your combined wisdom and experience has made this as painless a process as it could have been...

while my suit isn't perfect and I didn't bondo the crap out of everything to make it ridiculously smooth, the overall quality at the least is fair and the result is fantastic.

I only needed to scale the code piece all other portions fit perfectly. Once I have the suit wired I will shoot up some pics.

But, again, I just wanted to say thanks for without this thread I (a super newb to this) wouldn't have been able to do this.
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

Can't wait to see all your progress Jon. Make sure to post lots of pics :) also, if you don't mind me asking.. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? or your sizes at least...
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Iron Man Mk IV/VI & more...

hey robo ... first off thank you for the files ... as a frist time costume builder I am real thankful for what you have offered ... I do have a question though ... do I need to reverse the pattern for the shoulder bell on the right or the left cuz the 3d model shows the same direction either file? thanks for the help
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