RIP David Bowie

He only just released a new album on Friday! Think I'll remember the sketch he was involved in with Ricky Gervais best from the show Extras - chubby little fat man. I still have tears of lafter watching that.
How the world can change in only a few minutes. I'd stepped away from my laptop to get ready for bed, and came back to the news all over my twitter feed.

I think I need to watch Labyrinth tomorrow.
Holy cow! That really was unexpected! He just released Blackstar and I was just listening to it! Another one taken by cancer. Really, what a loss.
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Very, very saddened to hear about this

My sister had all his albums

In the 70's she played them non-stop & made me listen to him

In the 80's I realised that I was indebted to her

I saw him at Slane Castle 'Glass Spider Tour'


Only ever liked a few of his songs,still unfortunate him going like this.


Somehow I can't get out of my head him and Lemmy being together at the same time in the afterlife-I see God/Odin/Buddha reaching for a set of ear plugs!
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It's a tragedy :(

but it it wasn't unexpected.. He's been battling with his cancer for a few years now... Really sad news...

Time to have a Bowie day!!
Very sad news to wake up to. Another of the greats from my generations formative years gone. Played "Scary Monsters/Super Creeps" until the LP almost wore out. "Space Oddity", "Ashes to Ashes", "Life on Mars", Scary Monsters SCs" still on my top playlist. A total original, unique and distinctly so of his time. His son ,Duncan Jones , made "Moon" one of my favourite films of 2009. Ground control to Major Tom- may Gods speed be with you on your final journey sir.
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I am in shock right now. So very sorry to hear this, the world has really lost a special extremely talented and interesting person.What a real loss to the entire world.

Rest in Peace David Jones aka David Bowie.
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