Red Skull Costume **Full Costume Test**

Re: Red Skull Costume WIP

Just a quick one. This scratchbuilt "Potato Masher" grenade is actually for my Dead Snow Nazi zombie costume, but I'll probably carry it as Red Skull also. And, yes, it too is a flask.

Re: Red Skull Costume WIP

Definitely shaping up to be something that will make small kids leap from the pavement! The eyes remind me a bit of the Terminator.
Re: Red Skull Costume WIP

Thanks. Its actually a US Army Class A uniform, I believe. I dyed it black, added an extra button and swapped out buttons with correct style, modified the lapel slightly and added piping, and shortened the length. Side by side with a good repro it lacks quite a bit, but for a costume it works OK.
Re: Red Skull Costume **Foam Appliance PICS**

Poured foam the other night and didn't have much luck with this piece. On top of cracking the mold (repairable), the foam stuck to the mold like there was no mold release at all! It took forever to remove, and as you can see suffering a good bit of damage in the process. I'll repair the crack area tonight and try another pull early next week.
Re: Red Skull Costume **Testing Eyes**

While waiting for the mold repair to harden, I figured I'd test out various eyes on the bad foam (with teeth PS'd in). This one is using sunglass lenses and the iris decals. It offers pretty good visibility as well as hiding my real eyes. Tonight I'm gonna try the clear lenses and see how they look.
I decided to test the full costume last night to make sure everything fit and looked OK. Since the appliance isn't finished, I PS'd that in just to get the general idea. Still got a few things to tweak before Atlanta.
Judge Hicksey, correct me if I am wrong, but to be totally accurate, the Red Skull wouldn't even be wearing the black uniform with any medals, as it was obsolete just before fighting started. The black suit is iconic but also very Hollywood. He would be wearing the Waffen SS field grey, which isn't quite as menacing unfortunately.
I love your sculpt dude!
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