Red Hood Helmet


Active Member
Hi everybody. I'm working on Red Hood helmet right now. I finished gluing, sealing part. Right now I need a help. I want to paint it Candy Red color. I just have Revell KLAR 731 enamel paint which I never used before. Is it true color? If is it, how can I thin it for Airbrush? I can't found Revell Enamel thinner in my country. Only found Tamiya's Enamel thinner, is it work too?

Here is the photos of my progress and enamel paint I have.

DSC01077.JPG DSC01078.JPG DSC01079.JPG DSC01080.JPG
After a many few coats of flat red it looks like Red Hood helmet right now. Now I'm gonna paint eye areas black. But I need a suggestion. Did you guys think did I need to make a black shadows all over the mask with black or let it clear metallic red like that?

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