Question: The armor used in the Misfits TV series


Well-Known Member
Im Looking at a few different body armors (both motorcross and paintball) but i cant find the armor that was worn by the "Future" Simon character. Any one got any ideas?

EDIT: Here is a pic - best one i could find

Never fear Djgamer is here... And i love misfits aswell, i was thinking of doing a future Simon costume. I think it is a mix of Paintball and motorbike armor.
I did some research and found that Rabex International is the company that makes the body armor for Superhoodie. I have not found the mask yet, I do not know about the belt and pouches either. I think the pants are also Rabex. Here is the website that I found them at. Not sure if you can order them through here, but you can see that it is the exact one.

If anyone finds the other things for this outfit please post them.

Protectors-Body Protectors-Motorcycle Body Protectors-Body Armors
The shoes that are worn are Globes, they are an older pair, which are also tough to find. The pouches on the back of waist look to be paintball.
Very cool to find another Misfits fan on the RPF! Can't wait for season two to come out. I'll be watching this build with interest. I'd love to see a good community service Nathan done.
I'm also trying something similar, however I clearly don't want to buy the genuine articles as the closest approximation to the mask I can find is something like £50 and I don't think it's possible to actually buy the jacket from Rabex, nor can I find anyone who sells them or even a cheap rip-off. Can ANYONE help me with this?
any more luck finding the mask/pants/pouches?

All Saints | All Saints Womens Brandon Hi-Top Shoes at ASOS

the shoes are out of stock, but I'm sure they could be found on ebay or something. I sent an inquiry to the rabex site about the armor since they didn't list a price. Waiting to hear back. Even though Superhoodie isn't going to be on the show anymore, the outfit is still awesome!


^here's a good shot of the pants
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Wow, we JUST got into this show this past weekend - We've watched up through the episode that showcases Curtis's *new* power. Azurial - spoiler alert about Superhoodie in the first post BTW, lol.

"Superhoodie" - classic. My fiancee had just called him The Guardian the whole time.
sadly the armour isn't that exact one yes front is right and the arms but if you watch the series you'll see a massive difference in the back of the costume , sadly i can seem to find the backing for armour , i have found the shin guards and elbow guards.
Would anyone have any idea how to replicate the effect of his visor ? ... i am tearing my hair out. I've tried looking into One way perforated vinyl and motorcycle visor inserts with no luck yet - but neither of these are the same.

Any help at all would be appreciated :).

Thanks in advance,
Love this show. My wife and I are watching it on Hulu right now. They have all three seasons. And on that note, I'm researching the armor as well. I have some tactical pouches for 12 gauge shells that look similar to the ones on his belt that I found on Amazon.
Out of curiosity, Carmine - what shin guards have you found ?

not sure on the shin guards looking at them and the trousers now but the visor is a simple effect using a type of window effect to cover the visor the mask is the vents predator mask very hard to get hold of concidering its a 90s paintball mask and the armour ^ is the right one but the spinal protector has been changed to a racing protector. Those shoes are very similar but if u wanted exact my guessit they are custon made possibly using those hi tops and trainers as if you look at that picture the sole grove is trainer like tho this could be the difference between the stunt double and the actors shoes
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Would anyone have any idea how to replicate the effect of his visor ? ... i am tearing my hair out. I've tried looking into One way perforated vinyl and motorcycle visor inserts with no luck yet - but neither of these are the same.

Any help at all would be appreciated :).

Thanks in advance,

Looks like you could easily just removed the plastic, paint it with silver paint in verticle slits and re install the plastic.
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