Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - Full Suit Pics & New Blaster!!


Sr Member
All right!

I know Boba Fett builds are all around and I am sure I am not breaking any new ground with this one but I want to put this build up here and on TDH to make use of the wide array of knowledge out there. I know I will miss things and images and I hope you folks can catch me before I fall too far! :lol

I have attached the photos of the pile of stuff I have gathered so far.

JetPack - MOW
Gauntlets - MOW
Boots - MOW
Back - Don't remember?
Chest/Cod/Shoulders - swprops (not the greatest but not the worst)
Shin tools - eBay
Pistol/holster - eBay
Chest numerals - esb sequence - UK seller
Jumpsuit - MOW
ESB Vest - MOW
Knees - Vacuum formed - eBay
Helmet - ?? (got it for $60 and now I am pretty sure it is a recast POS)
I consider this to be my "practice" helmet for the ESB paint scheme
EE-3 Blaster - Webley Flare Gun cast - not much else right now
Cape - eBay

The goal would be to make this a wearable, 501st approved costume. I know it will take a while and I will end up replacing a number of pieces as I upgrade. Wish me luck and I will ask more than a few questions!

Question #1

I have to dye the MOW jumpsuit and I am leaning towards the RIT royal blue but I am not positive. What have any of you used for for dye colors for ESB?
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Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - Dyeing Question

Just a quick bump for any info on the dyeing question above.

Plus I thought I would show the two previous Boba Fett's I built.
These were done in 1998 and 2000. They were ok for the material I had at the time (sintra) and the fact there were done on the living room floor of my apartment. :lol

I am still rather proud of the sintra jetpack on the ROTJ second suit. I did all the patterns and built it from only looking at the photos available at the time.
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!

Well the basement remodel project is coming to a close and that means more time to work on Fett!

I had a chance to dye the MOW jumpsuit using the Evening Blue and little bit of the grey.

After about five detergent washes this is how it looks. I think it it pretty close and with some weathering it should do the trick!

Double Pouches.JPGJumpsuit 2.JPGJumpsuit 1.JPG
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

I was able to get the bolts for the armor attachment glued and covered with a layer of resin. I drilled the edges of the cracks in the helmet and put a fiberglass patch to stabilize the crack. I also trimmed and prepped all the ear pieces and the viewfinder. Once the fiberglass cured I went about trimming the helmet and removing all the extra resin on the inside. The faceplate was cut out and a quick soapy bath. Now onto attaching the ears and smoothing out all the imperfections. More to come!


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Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Update time!

All of the bolts are hardened onto the armor and the grommets have been installed in the flak vest. Assembly Time!

With just a few bits of fine tuning it was time for a suit up test.
Pretty happy with the results!

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Spent all morning de-burring and trimming the MOW gauntlets! That is a lot of parts!
I also started glueing up the hinge for the right gauntlet.

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

More work on the hinges for the gauntlets. I was able to get the other hinge cut out and attached as well as glueing the top to the right gauntlet.


I added the elastic for the interior support of the codpiece and the butt plate. I also glued in two snaps that will connect with snaps on the jumpsuit to prevent a "codpiece malfunction". It's hard to be the most ruthless bounty hunter in the galaxy when your codpiece falls off midway through a troop!!!:lol


Also, the post brought my new gloves from Man of War! Yeah!!

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

I was able to get the hinges finished on the two gauntlets. They fit quite flush and should hide quite nicely!


I also started assembling the flamethrower. Lots of those little pieces found a home!

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Look what showed up in the mail!!


I was so excited I decided to take some time and trim all the flash and seams on the jetpack and get the piece test fit together. That got rid of my excitement...:lol

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

It's been a little while, two family vacations and some time off to fix a fellow 501st members Vader helmet. But now...back to work on Fett!!

I found an incandescent prewired bulb at Radio Shack for the light in the right gauntlet.

I cut a small hole for the bulb and one for the switch on the side. I will finish the rest on the install after paint.

I also cut the holes for the pins to help hold the flamethower and rocket on the left gauntlet.

That's all for now!
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Well, since I was waiting for some parts to come in for the gauntlets I thought I would shift my focus to the jetpack for awhile. I started with the thrusters. I cut a small piece of PVC and attached a ceramic magnet to the end using epoxy putty. I then cut the holes in the jetpack body. The PVC was attached to the inside of the body with more epoxy putty.


The thrusters were shaved down to fit inside the PVC and another ceramic magnet was added to the end of the male end. I then glued the inserts the body of the nozzles. They now fit nice and shug and the magnets hold tight so they should be good for troops and removable for storage and transport.


I was on a magnet power trip! I screwed a ceramic magnet into the hole for the missle at the top of the jetpack body. I dremeled three small shallow indents of three rare earth magnets and then glued them in place. To make sure then didn't go anywhere I put a layer of epoxy over the top of them. The missle is now nice an snug in there and removeable for storage/transport.


I also added MORE MAGNETS to the inside of the gauntlets.


In the midst of the magnet madness two the parts I was waiting for arrived for the right gauntlet. These little guys are spendy!


To finish out the day I put a layer of aluminum paint on the parts I had already primered and put together some trays of small parts to primer later.

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Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Boots...No Color...:cry


Boots...with Color...:D


The weathering will come later when I do the whole costume. I have a ton of other photos of paint drying but I will save those for when I have something to show for an end product!


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Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Bunch of little parts painted!


The rest of the hard armor parts and jetpack are undergoing layers of paint and mask, paint and mask, paint and mask....
The never ending layers!
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Well, it has been awhile but the progress continues...

Flamethrower is assembled.


Paint is drying.


The backplate has some layered damage. This was my test piece and it seems to have turned out ok.


I have made some progress on the helmet as well. This is my "practice" helmet and I have learned alot! My skills are getting better and I think by the time I am done with this one I will be ready to paint up a nice ESB cast. But this will do for now.

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

More helmet painting....


I am sure there is no end to the layers on a fett helmet.:lol
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

More progress on painting the helmet.


Some of the greeblies attached to the right gauntlet.

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

I have the left gauntlet assembled and the basic paint layout done. I have a boatload of weathering and blending of the paint to give it that "lived-in" look. It looks a little blocky right now.


I also added some padding and velcro that matches up to velcro on the sleeves of the jumpsuit to keep the gauntlets from moving around and falling off.


The helmet had the visor installed and the right ear and rangefinder added. I still need to add more details to the ears and the rangefinder is still missing one small part.

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Good job on the helmet and gauntlets, finished Boba should look great.
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