Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - Full Suit Pics & New Blaster!!

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Well it had been a long time away from this project! With Captain America and Dr. Doom out of the way I thought I would put a little time into Mr. Fett since I want to take this costume out to an event this weekend. But the costume really needs to get dirty...Fast!! I still have a number of things to add or upgrade but I decided that weathering the parts I have right now would be the best way to make it more presentable. So here we go!

Clean.....and then......Dirty! I used a spray bottle filled with cold black coffee wet down the spots I was going to paint. This added a base stain layer and made the room smell awesome! I then brushed on a diluted mix of black and tan acrylic paints. It was only about twenty to twenty five drops per cup of water.

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I brushed and rubbed a watered down black acrylic on the gauntlets.


The rest of the parts were already layer painted with all the chips and dings but I came back with the airbrush and softened some of the edges and added some light weathering.

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I still need to add the decals to the helmet, weather the belt and boots, and do a ton of paint apps to the jetpack.
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Everything is getting a little more worn and details added.

First off, the decals were applied to the helmet.

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The jetpack was weathered and distressed but still needs to go under the airbrush for some more weathering.


The gloves were lightly hit and will need a bit more "natural" distressing on the dirty, dirty garage floor!

Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

Last update of the day. More distressing and weathering!!!
The clean and one dirty!


The gauntlets got a little airbrushing to highlight the shape and details.

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Plus the jetpack received a lot more love!

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The only task I have time left for is to distress the leather belt and pouches. Suit up tomorrow and see what needs changing. I suspect I will need to get a new flak vest as this one is just not long enough. But good enough for a quick local troop!
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - More Updates!!!

I had a chance to troop with the costume this weekend and it worked out great! Here are a few photos of the event. I still need to make a new flak vest to give me a larger gap between the collar and the chest plates and have a little extra below the belly plate. Also still need to add toe spikes and advance the weathering on the jumpsuit and boots a bit more. But is is "troopable" right now and the upgrades will just make it better. The blaster is still wrong as it is the ROTJ but I have most of the parts for the ESB EE-3 so that will get put together and replace the one I had to use.
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I also came up with a two tote transport system to keep the paint intact for travel and protect the parts form each other.

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Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - Full Suit Pics & Transport System

Suit looks great. Love what you did with the totes! Very slick.
Re: Psicorp7's - NEW - ESB Boba Fett Build - Full Suit Pics & Transport System

Looks great, do you mind sharing the brand name of the totes?

Just finished up a new EE-3 blaster just in time for The Force Awakens!

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We have police officers at the theater to inspect and approve weapons but we do get to bring them!
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