Plo Koon WIP

Absolutely no words to describe it if not "simply perfect". :eek:love
Please consider the idea to produce a run of it.
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Amazing...looks brilliant!

I'd love one of those just as a display piece, as you have it in the the last photos.

So cool.
That is amazing work. Every single bit of work you put out astounds me as to how good it is!
Little update,
Now that I have a few other bits out of the way I can get started on making a few of these for the people that have ordered them. (Don't worry I'll get around to you all! lol)
I finally got hold of a pic of the guy that has the first pull of the mask in costume wearing the hands I also made for him.
Must say he pulled out all the stops, and looks amazing in it all.
Again thankyou for all your kind comments, I really enjoyed making this one.

I've just started on Admiral Akbar as a personal project so I'll pop a few pics up in a new thread when there is something to see.
WOW! I just joined this site, and this is the first thread I've looked at. Absolutely beautiful work! I can't wait to see what else you put out on here!
I was asked the other day "who inspires you?"
I picked someone famous just to go with the flow of the moment. But really, I wanted to say Goldenrod.
I would dig watching you in action. I need to learn professional technique, so as not to rely only on my self taught methods.
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