Planet Explorer

Since looking through this build my chin hurts alot because my jaw dropped on the floor constantly. Im new to scratchbuilding and im not sure if i grow old enough to reach this level. This is just amazing.

I love this model so much... :love

Katsu-san - you're showing 2 different pieces on the interior endcaps where the ladder assembly folds out.
One has a lit control panel, and one looks like possibly stowage doors.
Which ones are you going to use?
I really like the idea of having a control panel there for lowering/raising the ramp and opening/closing the doors.

As always, fantastic model! You're an inspiration, man!
I love the lock! If it doesn't already exist, it certainly SHOULD.

Thank you Tom-san.

Brilliant as always. You're one of the stars of this board for sure.


Wow. Thank you, Alex-san.

Brilliant -while the rest of us pray for inspiration it seems to come to you on a daily basis ;)

No,no. I had been thinking for this little thing for days.:$
Thank you very much.

Since looking through this build my chin hurts alot because my jaw dropped on the floor constantly. Im new to scratchbuilding and im not sure if i grow old enough to reach this level. This is just amazing.


Thank you, Jarrod-san.
My building skill is not that high as compair to the gentlemen here.

I've made many mistakes and miscaluculations, many losing time and materials even on this build.
But l love thinking and building and keep doing that just like you do.
I know you have many possibility and images.
I'm looking forward to see your build - or you on it already?


Thank you!

Wow, thank you very much, Mikeee-san.

I love this model so much... :love

Katsu-san - you're showing 2 different pieces on the interior endcaps where the ladder assembly folds out.
One has a lit control panel, and one looks like possibly stowage doors.
Which ones are you going to use?
I really like the idea of having a control panel there for lowering/raising the ramp and opening/closing the doors.

As always, fantastic model! You're an inspiration, man!

Thanks for the comment, Axlotl-san.
I've used them all.
I've built six endcaps this time. One for the rear end of the front bulge(with a lit console and loud speaker), one for the front end of the ladder/ gears housing and one for the front end of the aft bulge(with an access door) and same 3 for the other side.
I glued them already.;)
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Yeah if the cargo bay is anything to go by I cannot wait to see what the exterior details will look like painted , I don't know if you mentioned it , what are the tracks from ?
thanks for the update
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