Pitbull Hoverboard from blank skate deck


Well-Known Member
My community skate park has been raising funds to refurbish the park by hosting shows and auctioning off painted decks donated by local artists. The last 2 years I went with my usual painting style but this year I decided to switch things up a bit. I had about a week before the drop off so taking the supplied blank deck I tried to get it as close as possible without having to purchase a single thing. Obviously the width throws off the scale a bit. The magnets are a couple of door knob wall protectors, a couple of flashlights and some shelving track for the rocket assembly, some anti-slip stair tape, a few cable staples & some details cut from a self stick floor tile. The logo was done with some hand cut stencils and #spray paint. Pretty happy with the results and its killing me I have to give it up.
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Considering the paremeters you worked in, this is so great. It doesn't need to be perfect for the cause. I would totally buy this before others. Great work.
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