Pitbull Hoverboard Build (PIC HEAVY) FINISHED


Sr Member
Hey guys, I built a Pitbull last month and I wanted to share my progress with you and talk about how I did it a little.

I started with a template for the board made by member GoodGame (http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=234102&highlight=pitbull+hoverboard) using his length of 32.5" long and that gave me a great blueprint to work from.

I initially started with some scrap 1/4" MDF that I had laying around a while and doubled it up with some scrap ABS sandwiched in the middle, all held together with Gorilla Wood Glue and cut out my shape by gluing the printed out blueprint onto my MDF and cutting out to shape with a jigsaw. I also made a base for the magnet on my lathe buy layering 4 pieces of 1/4" MDF and turning it to shape until it fit the board and spec on the blueprint.

The rocket was actually eyeballed to about the right size according to what reference I could find online. This was done in a few pieces to save on materials (why the end plate and ring aren't attached and why the ring is wooden....)

the bevel on the edge of the deck is roughed to shape with 60 grit paper which proably would have been easier to do before I cut all the crescents out of it (just keep ripping the paper) but live and learn right?

Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
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Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build

Making the rocket was a pain in the butt, but I did manage to thank myself for making the end plate on it a separate piece. The fins are made of 1/8" styrene sheet, glued into place and the sanded to shape. This made fabrication much easier as I do not have a laser cutter or a 3D printer to make my life easier.

There are also these recessed areas on the thickest part of the rocket that I made by layering 1/16" styrene on and filling the gaps with bondo, then smoothing it all out. After all of that was said and done. I was able to prime it and make it look pretty for molding (I really didn't want to build 2 of them, not to mention, they'd be really heavy).
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build

lets talk about the magnets a bit now.

I spun a master on my lathe for the general shape, but there are these holder bits that "hold" them to the board right?

I cut those pieces out from 1/4" MDF and vacuuformed over the master magnet so I could get some detailed pieces trimmed out and get it all glued together... I know that makes no sense but just look at the photos...

Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr

I then made a mold of the master magnet with holders and cast a couple with some foam inside to save on weight.

Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build

Awesome so far! You mentioned your engines would be heavy – what's the master made from? Are the resin casts hollow?

Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build

The battery pack part is pretty simple too, I made that from the blue print from a double layer of 1/4" MDF, mold and cast it and then cut little recess slots in the bottom of it to accept the magnet braces on either side.

Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr

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Awesome so far! You mentioned your engines would be heavy – what's the master made from? Are the resin casts hollow?

The castings are hollow so they're quite light.
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build

I then sanded it down to 220 grit and painted it up.

Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr

The winch spindles were wrapped in black paracord and attached to some medium dog collars. the foot strap was also a random nylon web with a big buckle I just had laying around for a while that I never threw away thinking "I can use this for something someday..."

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My buddy PedroAloha worked out the graphics for me and I uploaded them to carstickers.com, $28 and a 2 weeks later, I had them in the mail.

Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr
Untitled by Igor Pinsky, on Flickr

Soon, I will get some good photos of this thing taken, but I hope you guys like what I made.

Totally forgot to mention, the heat shields are made or metal mesh that they make security doors from... believe it or not, it's not the easiest stuff to get your hands on in a small quantity... or maybe it was just hard for me to get. I dunno.

The heat shields were bent to shape around a spray can and are held to the board with 2 pop rivets each.
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build (PIC HEAVY)

Wow that's an amazing one :eek :thumbsup
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build (PIC HEAVY)

Thank god someone put my blueprint to good use! I've just had too many things going on with work to continue with my build but I feel confident after seeing your board that my dimensions are pretty close to screen accurate. Wonderful job bro!
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Build (PIC HEAVY)

oh man that came out sick. how many man hours do u think you have into it? i really really nice job