People talking at the movies!!! Come Vent With Me!


Well-Known Member
Tonight I went to see IronMan III for the second time, (the first time I got stuck in traffic for two hours and missed the movie) I finally got a night off to try again and go see it with a friend. The theater was almost to 100% capacity, and about 5 minutes before the movie starts an usher comes over to us and asked if we would be willing to move a few spaces down in order for a group to get enough spaces together. I kindly agree to move, even though we were actually the first two people to enter the theater, and didn't really want to move for a late arrival. So lull and behold, the people they put next to us are talking and texting through the whole opening of the movie, I kept my frustration to myself, and just as I'm about to ask them to be quiet, I hear my friend politely say to them "shhh". That is when all heck broke lose. The guy starts yelling at us, telling us that "no one shoosh'es me" and that he is not gonna stand for being told to shh. He starts trying to Bo up like he wants to fight. So my friend goes to get the staff, leaving me to deal with the idiot. I tried to tell the guy to just calm down, but if he was dead set on fighting that I would be happy to accommodate him. Finally my friend comes back with the theater staff, and they are gonna let us move to another showing. I'm thinking "fine anything to get away from the idiots that I so kindly moved to allow them to sit with us. The manager said that he was sorry, and was gonna give us a pass to comeback again on the house. I'm upset but it's not at all his fault that jerks are coming into his theater. So thinking its all over I thank the manager, and my friend and I start to leave when the guy comes running out of the theater to try and start a confrontation with us in the lobby. The manager called the police and they show up in like two seconds and took the guy away in cuffs.

My question in all this is "why?" Why would you buy a ticket to a movie just to talk and text through the whole thing. And why would you freakout at someone when they quietly ask you to hush up? And finally: WHY CANT I JUST WATCH IRON MAN III!!! This was my second attempt to see it, and thus far I've only made it half way through!!! This movie is cursed for me!
I called the manager an hour later to thank him again for his hospitality, and to let him know that we would give it another go tomorow. He told me to give him a shout when we come in so he can give us "the treatment" I laughed and told him that I just want to make it all the way through the movie.
First: aww, I'm so sorry that you had so much bad luck. Cross my fingers for you, you'll see I-M:3 :). Really? You want an opinion? People today are rude, theaters today should impose a stricter ban on mobiles, texting and talking during the movie.
Texts, phones, noisey talkers and eaters are the reason i simply wait for the dvd and enjoy it under my own home where i can enjoy a movie 100%

Imo its all a show for the whole cinema, he wanted the attention...........but he was made to look the stupid obe, too bad the whole auditorium didnt see him cuffed, i bet they would have applauded.
Sorry to hear that you want through this. I agree with Rodney, if I go to the showings before noon, there are far less folks to deal with. The fact that it is also a cheaper showing does not hurt either. The other end of that spectrum is here we have an "AMC Fork and Screen" which is like dinner and a movie in one. These seem to be very well run, and as users are in and out delivering food, very quiet and fun.

The last time I went to an evening movie, it was "X-Men First Class". My wife and I had paid for a sitter, and went to the movies. We got there early, picked our place and sat down. As the movie begins the lady next to places a call on her phone. I asked her to step outside, which she did not do. A few moments later she was texting, and I again asked her to either stop or step outside. She told me she was telling her friend where she was sitting. When the friend showed up he was a huge guy about 6'7" and over 300 lbs. They proceed to have an entire conversation, and then he turns to me and says. Bet you won't ask me to step out or be quiet. So I sat their fuming. Gotta love my wife, as I don't know what she said to the manager when she stepped out. but I know she mentioned something about physical intimidation, and the money lost on a sitter and a good Saturday evening. We were comped tickets and then given an additional 4 pairs of tickets and coupons for free drinks and popcorn. Not a great experience, but really some stellar customer service.
I usually never have any issues like that then again the theather i go to doesnt receive that much of a crowd. 3rd day of IM3 and 10 people in the room lol.
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Thanks for the replys everyone, makes me feel better to vent. To think I could have spent a night in jail for putting a punk in his place makes me sick. I'm glad I exercised restraint and just let the manager deal with it. He wasnt 6'2 and 300 pounds, but he was taller than me, But his arms were like tooth picks! I had already had it this week anyway. I work at a hotel over night, I'm not technically security, but it is my responsibility as I'm the only employee on the property from 11pm through 7:00am. Thursday I was punched in the face by a guy who was being removed from the property. I also exercised restraint that night too. I just let the police take his $&@ out of there. It wasn't bad, and didn't even leave a mark, I actually laughed when it happened because it was so pathetic! I guess as I'm getting a little older (26) I have more self control.
Also I think Rodney is right, I saw Oblivion at 11am and that crowd was much better than the Saturday night crowd. Who didn't even bat an eye at the confrontation last night!
This is why I stick to going a week or two after release, preferably on a weekday off, if I have it. In any large group of people, there are bound to be those jackwagons who mess it up. If I'm the only one in the theatre, though, those odds are way down. ;)
It wasn't a movie but I was at a concert on Thursday. The guy next to me showed up late and was looking at his phone almost the entire time. Except for the times he was getting a beer. Then he left halfway through the second set. Like the OP says, why buy a ticket just to text the whole show?

I usually go to the movies after work for the 4:30 show. It's cheaper and not crowded. When I saw IM 2 there was only 6 other people there. So nice!
Glad you didn't get hurt and that the theater manager did the right thing, but sheesh! It seems you can't do the simplest things anymore without some ***** ruining it.
Try living in Japan where some theaters acrually allow people to ear noodles.

One time came to blows when one of the girls I was watching ASM with politely asked one guy to eat quietly.
Try living in Japan where some theaters acrually allow people to ear noodles.

One time came to blows when one of the girls I was watching ASM with politely asked one guy to eat quietly.
Well I'm off to see Iron Man III, I hope to see the end this time! It sux I had to see half of the movie and then go back to see the exciting conclusion.
I go to the early shows as well and it's usually not too bad. A few months back I was at a movie, I can't remember which one at this point, and some guy in one of the rows towards the front stayed on his phone the whole time texting and what not. All you could see was his phone lighting up,going off, lighting up, going off etc. About 45 minutes of this had passed when this booming voice a few rows from behind me yells "Hey *******, turn off your phone!" Oddly enough, the phone never came back on for the rest of the movie. lol
Wow, I can't stand conversations, bright lights from phones, inconsiderate candy wrapper crumpling and popcorn eating...

We have gone to a lot of movies at many different theaters and experienced the same thing. It's worst when the theater is in a college town and the movie was recently released.

But then, Arclight came to San Diego and we have never been happier about a theater experience. Arclight has expectations and an atmosphere that seems to intimidate talkers and texters. Or maybe it just attracts those who want a better movie-going experience. Anyways, we love seeing movies at Arclight!

(plus they offer Dolby ATMOS)
I used to think about making a cell jammer back when I went to the movies and stories like this are an everyday occurrence but thanks to Aurora, Colorado's Batman event most of the theaters here put up no firearm signs so now they are on my boycott list.
I used to think about making a cell jammer back when I went to the movies and stories like this are an everyday occurrence but thanks to Aurora, Colorado's Batman event most of the theaters here put up no firearm signs so now they are on my boycott list.

You mean you're boycotting the theatres that now ban firearms?
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