Nintendo is releasing a miniature NES with 30 built-in games


Mama and son :p


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I probably should have gotten one, but what stopped me was no Bionic Commando! That was my favorite NES game ever. It was the first game I beat.
I still have my old one, but would jump on this. Mine is in great shape, but in classic style, I still have to push the power button like, 50 times, and blow in the cartridges...

Oh and the best, when you're an hour into a game, and suddenly a black line comes down the screen... then another... and another... as you rush to a save point.

Good times.

But that's what you get with an original...

I can probably fix that.
I got mine today. I never thought it was going to be in such demand. Nintendo never really advertised it, yet every 2-D old school gamer knew about it. ... I casually decided this morning at 7:45 to go Target and pick this up. When I got there, a line of about 20 were waiting, and cars streaming into the parking lot for the 5 systems they had gotten in. Realizing at that point that this was going to be serious, I headed over to the Best Buy a block away, which opened 2 hours later. The line there was about 10, so I stood in the cold with all the other way too old kiddies. At 9 a manager came out and handed us our golden tickets to all 16 in line. Then he asked if anyone wanted to buy another since we could technically buy 2 and they had 28. (Which is more than Amazon had!) I jumped at that! I bought thinking I was going to get rich selling my second one. (Sigh) But alas, I told my mother over the phone what I got, and she asked me if she could have my extra for my brothers Christmas gift, what could I do? ...Oh well, no scalper king here!
If it's for Christmas you have time. There will be more available before then.

My best guess is that this was an intentional pre black Friday stunt. They want the word to spread that these are the super rare must have item of the season, then get people to show in droves on black Friday.

But no way they would be dumb enough to not have enough by Christmas. Ultimately they want everyone to buy one.
Why do companies do this? Wouldn't they make more money to have them supplied better? Can't they send out feelers to get an idea of the demand before hand?
It's a marketing ploy, Nintendos known for it. Release a few to satisfy fan base, but create a inflated demand. Have bloggers and articles written on said product being sold out. Then on Black Friday release a bunch more.... The thing is this thing IS actually in demand so it's likely you won't get one easily till early next year.
Well they gave me 10.00 in credit for complaining so if they ever get them in i'll use it on that. Otherwise i'm going back to not buying anything straight from amazon nor new from Nintendo. Last night Amazon couldn't remove the bad reviews fast enough even after shutting the page down. It was 90 percent negative when i went to bed.
I've read that the cord for the controller is, like, comically short. Short enough that you almost need to have the console literally right next to you in order to play.

Any truth to that?
I have read from many source 28 inches.

The prices are absolutely absurd right now and frankly I'm happy not to own one right now and in the meantime have an original system with games... PLUS if you want a nice cheap emulator you can jailbreak the old Wii and load it up with ROMs of your games you have and play it that way for next to nothing.

I'll easily wait til the dust settles to buy one. I absolutely refuse to pay anything over MSRP.

Nintendo is the ONLY ones hurting for not producing more and they were absolute idiots for not producing more units at launch. There's no reason for producing such dismal numbers of essentially what Sega and Atari have put out with these 30-in-1 (or whatever number games) systems which is just a mere rehash of stuff they already had.

Look how much revenue Nintendo could have made right now if they actually produced 100 units per store. This is nonsense and no excuse for such a poor launch. Scalpers win on this round.
Is there anyway to add more games in the future, like through an SD card slot or something like it? Or is it the 30 games and thats it?
Apparently my preorder has arrived. I'll pick it up tomorrow. Never having owned any console, I'm thrilled (and my wife, who has a Wii she wanted for workout and Zumba, but never uses) encouraged me to buy it. :)

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