re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

As with many fans (derived from fanatic!a) I am OCD/ADD. the only difference is that I am diagnosed and medicated whereas many are not. MY deepest obsessions are star wars, Darth Vader in particular, and lord of the ring, again a dark theme emerges with the focus on Sauron. I am a perpetual modifier and tinkerer with a gifted insight and innovative flare. The expressions "can't you leave things alone," "you don't have to modify everything" and "you couldn't leayouve it alone could you?" Are frequently used in my presence. Darth Vader especially appeals to me on it's simplicity of the complex nature of The heart and how so much ties in with the act of redemption. Simply stated, the moral and principle of The plot are central to everyone. The rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. One final act of selfless good can overcome a lifetime of wrong doing. I need to believe that's true.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everyone.Was looking for info on the t-800 endo arm and was happy to find this place.I'm in the process of building the arm and experimenting with different techniques.I put a thread up if you want to comment.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi, my name is Alexander and I grew up in, well, good question... I was one of these kids of employes of one of these huge global companies in the 70s/80s which bumped their people from everywhere to everywhere all over the world every 2-3 years. I grew up in the early 80s with NBC, Sky Channel and RTL teaching me a lot of what I wanted to know about Transformers (G1), Masters of the Universe, Star Wars, Knight Rider plus the Back the the Future + Ghostbusters movie theme ;-) Right now I am mainly into BTTF.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi there everyone, I'm Timberland!

I've been poking around on these forums for the past few days, so I thought I'd join up :D.

I've been interested in prop making for years and years, but never thought I'd actually be able to make/afford anything worthwhile. I've been making chainmaille and maille jewelry for quite a while now, and I've made a few basic props here and there, but other than that I don't have a whole lot of experience.

I'm an Engineering student so I don't have a TON of free time, but when I can relax I like cycling, guitar, all kinds of video games, and tabletop war games like Warhammer 40k.

Some Series that I'd like to make props from:
Warhammer 40k
Mass Effect
Elder Scrolls
Various Anime
Whatever else catches my eye :D

I look forward to seeing all of your amazing projects, and maybe getting a few of my own started!

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone!

Great forum, fantastic replicas and awesome collectors.

Its just fun seeing the stuff you guys make.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey guys! I used to frequent this board a long time ago. I guess before I started upper secondary school so it must be 10 years ago. Me and a friend were then looking to do a life size cast and try to make some stormtrooper armor. The furthest we got was giving up and buying some Don post vinyl Boba Fett helmets and make some cardboard armor and run around in jumpsuits. It was great fun. Now that I'm older, I've recently invested in a TE2 TK suit to relive my youth. I'm not big on scultpting and stuff, but I like working with tools.

The pride of my collection used to be the Blade Runner whisky-glasses, but they broke. Not hard to get new ones luckily.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi I'm Lswl,
I joined here because I love to build Doctor Who props, I've made a Davros and asonic screwdriver and a K9 and a Tardis Key and................ You get the idea, I want to build a Tardis, but I haven't gotten around to it. I am a member at Tardis Builders, and thats how I found out about this place, someone posted a thing in links or whatever. Anyway I love building Doctor Who props (especially sonic screwdrivers) and because of that love for sonic screwdrivers, I made a whole forum devoted to them a couple of weeks ago • Index page I also love Star Wars, and want to build a real lightsaber, turns out you can't but I'm trying.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello all
Dennis I am here cause I love movies but then aren't we all here for the same reason lol, we a little about be I'm a union construction boilermaker iv been doing it about 9-10 years I'm 28 years old and my job consist of me traveling quite a bit and iv been trying to build models and props and costumes some successful some not but I'm always trying to keep the old brain working on some project the last few years have been nothing but star wars and I love it I'm currently working on a phase II clone commander Deviss when I can and chemicals permit and I guess I'm wanting to expand a little on making thing and trying things iv really been into pepakura lately cause I cans do it while I travel but any ways that's enough about me hole to meet some cool interestingest and talented people on here
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey everyone,

So I had already started posting before I found this page, but I'd definitely want to introduce myself. I've been collecting for a while, and I hope to get some pics of my display case. I've gotten some stuff from people on here from Ebay or their own website before, and I've finally made my way here. The talent here is awesome, and I've already purchased one things from this website. So great.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

You don't know me but... I know you

I won't post often, but I will lurk in the dark recesses of your mind
I enjoy building toys, and sometimes traps...
I'm here to show others the products of my craft
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi Guys,
Been around for a few months but never posted on this thread. Been a collector since I was a kid, first posters, now props. Love Universal Horror, 50's sci-fi, Star Wars, Batman, new Nattlestar Galactica, Beatles, Star Trek, etc. I have a media room that is my pride and joy where I display my collection. Includes signed albums, signed movie posters, props, busts, etc. I am not a prop maker or painter, but I am definately a prop fan!!! Also use to be a producer at Universal Studios, have some great stories.

Thanks for reading!
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi @ all

I´m Paddy from Trier, the oldest City in Germany.

I´m collecting DVD´S since ten years for now and a few years ago I started with movie props. I joined a German Community called "" and if time allows I build and create my movie props. the first project I started was an Transformers AllSpark but, not really succesfull :cool

If been watchin the RPF since a while and now I think it´s time to register and try to help if I can.

Here I have some Pic´s of my Collection.

Greetings from Germany

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello! I am LadyFerry and a new member to the boards, I'm a collector of mostly Star Wars but am also interested in Space 1999 and Battlestar Galactica.

See you round the forums!

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi, Dan Cziraky here. I'm a freelance film journalist and critic, specializing in sci-fi, horror, and fantasy. You may have seen my byline in such genre publications as VideoScope, Cinefantastique, Femme Fatales, Toxic Horror, Scream Queens Illustrated, Dark Muse, Horror Biz, Imagi-Movies, Chiller Theatre, SPFX, Comic Scene Spectacular, and online at and Cinescape Online (both now part of I also contribute to and as Darth Zirock. Found these boards by way of the UMA forums. Although I've collected movie-based action figures and movie posters for 30 years, I only recently started collecting prop replicas. Looking forward to some great, informed discussions here!
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re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I'm Rex and from KY. I am an avid collector of Batman/Nightwing. Anyone with something unique and movie-grade or actual working give me a shout. If I like it, I'll pay a fair price for it.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I'm an American artist living in France. I came here hoping to finish in my arts degree and get what would be a 4 year degree in the states but I was turned away a lot. Being 25 and married and selling my artwork already they didn't see why they should let me into their schools.
So I've been trying to make a go of being a freelance artist but I'm just not getting as much in as I really need. So I'm connected with the unemployment agency here and looking into finding jobs working at theaters, movie companies etc to work in props making.
I my courses I've taking many of the art courses like sculpting, silversmithing, painting, etc. I have a good grasp on how to use power tools and the likes. I'm wanting to learn more about the business and learn a few tricks a long the way.
It's hard to make much here in my small apartment in France. As well as not having a car anything I buy I have to carry home basically. It makes working on things that are larger hard at the moment.

Well it looks like I'm writing a novel so I'll stop there and say I'm glad to be here and will have fun looking around and seeing where I fit in.

Thanks a lot!
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi there,

My name's John, and I'm an ex-patriate Brit living in Wisconsin, USA. I've been building models (kits, mostly of aircraft) for more years than I care to remember. Always had a soft spot for science-fiction (Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5), and have been drawn increasingly to the idea of scratchbuilding.

So, here I am. Hopefully I can actually motivate myself to not only start, but complete something :).

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

new to the whole fourm thing (always looked, never posted) made many light sabers (aluminum is very forgiving) starting to get into resin and fibreglass. I am an aircraft mechanic by trade and love to tinker/build. Current projects ar a ZF-1, CNC machine, restoring an old moped. :cool
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi guys,

I'm Ken from New York, I just started collection replica stuffs. Many of you guys here are talented artist, I hope I can learn and share many good things here!


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