New Doctor Who Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Half the Doctors have had an umbrella stand, and just about all had a coatrack. Eleven had one during the previous desktop theme of the control room.
9/10/11 all had it. Hasn't been seen since the new blue console room.

I liked "Hide". Genuinely creepy in the beginning. Cloister bells.

Expectations set to "unreasonable" for next week.
Did anyone else find the overt use of "all ways"/"always" odd?

The Doctor said something to the effect of "We're going 'all ways,'" when Clara asked when they were going to, then twice we had characters say, "Not everything ends, not love, not always."

Which could either be read as "Love doesn't always end" OR "Neither love nor something called always/all ways end."

Perhaps a clue...though a terribly awkward one for me to work into any sort of cohesive theory. I'll keep trying though!

I thought Hide was an excellent episode, best so far since The Snowmen special.. wasn't really sure if they were trying to go for a whole Poltergeist vibe with the traveling to the pocket universe but that's what I took from it and loved it.

As far as The Name of the Doctor episode, I very much doubt the audience will learn his name so much as River will learn it before going to The Library to meet up with 10.

But his names probably Phil.. get it? Doctor Phil? (bah-dumm dump tissss)
I find it odd that we've seen photos of many of the actors filming the 5oth but have yet to see any photos of Billie Piper.

Was it confirmed by the BBC that she is appearing?
I was wondering if "The music room is the heart of the house" was a larger clue of some sort.

That's what's getting me about this season. They are doing such a fantastic job of hitting us with an avalanche of clue-like objects that it's damned near impossible to tell what is and isn't pickled red herring. I'm loving it!

One thing I noticed about the ghost pictures when I dared look up from behind the sofa is that they don't all seem to be of the same girl. Some have the coloring of the lost Chronaut and some seem to have the same coloring of Clara.
I noticed more red for Clara, her umbrella. Also again we see the TARDIS not liking her, and pretty much calling her self centred by using her own image as "one she holds in high regard" or words to that effect.
With all the clues and pseudo-clues they give us I really wish we were getting more episodes so that hey didn't have to shoe-horn so many into each one.
Did anyone notice the Sonic Scewdriver's continuous malfunctioning in the last episode? We might be getting a new one soon...
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I know that I do not. Not even kinda. :/

Ditto. And 'kinda' is exactly what we will get, let's face it - at most.

Really not caring about Clara at all.

I want to like her, honestly; I did like her in the Dalek episode. About up until I really started thinking about just how much the character panders to (or plays?) the audience...

I thought Hide was an excellent episode, best so far since The Snowmen special.. wasn't really sure if they were trying to go for a whole Poltergeist vibe with the traveling to the pocket universe but that's what I took from it and loved it.

I loved it while it was a ghost story. After that it pretty much fell apart. Serials like Image of the Fendahl and Stones of Blood got it right while Hide had terrific setup and an anticlimactic payoff.

Not gonna lie...

almost pooped a little during the lightning flash.

You could have lied. :lol
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