My very cheap and easy Arc Reactor


Sr Member
I know, there are probably a few thousand Arc Reactor builds, and some are flat out incredible. But I just wanted to share mine, that I was able to slap together with some dollar store parts. It's not exactly "movie quality", but I like it, and it cost somewhere around $5 to build. I had to replace my kitchen sink a while back, so I had the drain laying around. Some clear tubing, copper staples and a tap light and it's all she wrote. Thanks for reading!


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I admire your ingenuity and really enjoy build like this. No it's not screen accurate, but so what? And just think...if you made a movie with this, a few years later there would be a thread here with people trying to figure out exactly what brand of staples, type of drain, etc are needed for a replica ;). Way to embrace the kit-bashing prop building spirit!
could you maybe show us what you used to make it? How?

I see a lightbulb, clear tubing, maybe a sink drain in there...
Thanks for the feedback Miker! I always wanted one for my office/desk since I'm an Iron Man fan, so I thought I'd throw something together. I knew going in I wasn't going to try to make an exact replica of the movie version, I just wanted one with my own little twist on it. Maybe one day I'll do a true to form moive version, but I like this one just fine. Thank again!
Hey JPH, sure. I apologize, since I should have probably included that from the beginning. I used an old drain, a tap light, clear tubing and copper staples. The black ring in the center is actually the back of the tap light. Just removed it and put some holes/screws in it, to make it look a little more "complicated" so to say. Also, the silver strainer on the top of the light was already a piece from said drain. Some foam around the sides for a more tight fit, and old audio visual wires in the back, just for show. Thanks for checking it out.
Nice work. It looks like great minds think alike :). I also used vinyl tubing, a sink strainer, tap light, and a foam ring around the sides!

Like you, I wasn't going for movie accuracy but just something that looked close enough.

Think alike indeed, looks great! I love the lights you put in the ring, makes the entire thing really come to life, awesome job.
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