My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival : The Godfather

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - Star Trek TOS / DS9

No probs Lol, if you can't spend a little time having a cheeky play with the odd prop in your spare time, then there's something wrong in the world haha :D:lol

Thanks buddy.

As you see, I had plenty of time on my hands yesterday :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Star Trek, Stargate, Hobbit, MIB, B5.

I had some (gasp ! :lol) time, over the past few days, so while the Mrs. wasted hers :lol making some 30 hand-made mini Xmas bags to put small gifts in for her work colleagues, I got down to far more important and vital matters ... ie getting up to date with the prop room :lol

First up, found these in a box I cleared up, and what the heck, might as well put them on display :lol

MIB Neuralisers and sunglasses. One is from the MIB ride, and the other one is from Disguise IIRC.


After years of waiting for the right moment (read way too lazy :lol), I got round to replacing the Borg display plasma disk with the correct green one (it was blue before, but it was the only one that was in stock at the time so I went with that anyway :facepalm)



A ThinkGeek Klingon Bat'leth Letter Opener, which I had got for the Mrs. for her office ..... and which she confessed over the weekend had been lying in her car boot for the past year or so because it was way too "sharp and dangerous" for the office.

pft ..... but not for the prop room :lol



I really like the quality and detail on this, with its (p)leather wraps and all :cool


From "The Hobbit : The Desolation of Smaug", Indy Magnoli's set of 3 Treasure Coins, cast from originals in a zinc alloy and gold plated.




Bat'leth & coins, displayed.


From Stargate Atlantis, I got me this Dr. Elizabeth Weir action figure


... which I placed here ....


... but all I really wanted from the pack was this, a miniature of the Ancient Drone. As with the other extras from the other figures, the detail on this did not disappoint me either :cool






andy19422, hurry up with the full size one already :lol !

From Babylon 5, I managed to snag me a complete set of the 18 Micro Machines B5 space ships.


Which I thought would look cool around the B5 station model I had made :D




And finally, from Stargate SG1, cast from an original, a Tok'ra bio-sensor, as used by Anise on Jackson, Carter & O'Neill in the episode "Upgrades".

(Apologies to male readers, much as I looked for it, I couldn't find a screen cap of it being placed on Carter :lol. For the ladies ...enjoy these :D)


The replica.



And finally, a small video of the B5 Micro Machines set, and some of the Borg Plasma Display at the end :D

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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Star Trek, Stargate, Hobbit, MIB, B5.

More cool stuff !! I think the micro machines have great detailing.I have the complete set of Star Wars micro machines (bought years ago ! ).
The neuralisers are great. I love MIB stuff !! Heck ! I love all your new acquisitions ! Keep those videos coming.Alan, you never disappoint.

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Star Trek, Stargate, Hobbit, MIB, B5.

Thanks Gary, happy you are enjoying :).

And I hope my videos improve ..... eventually :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Star Trek, Stargate, Hobbit, MIB, B5.

You've been busy, haven't you Alan? :) Always a pleasure to see your new additions my friend! :thumbsup
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Star Trek, Stargate, Hobbit, MIB, B5.

Excellent additions, as always :D was trying to pick one addition I liked the most....I can't lol they are all great :thumbsup
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Star Trek, Stargate, Hobbit, MIB, B5.

Many thanks for your kind words friends, very much appreciated as usual, and always happy to share :)
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

Last update for this year, and a special personal one, moreso since they arrived on Xmas eve morning :)

When I was 10 and my sister was 3, (that's going on to almost 38 years ago), our parents had gone to London and got two Fisher Price / Jim Henson toys for us as the customary coming back pressies. A Kermit for me, and a Fozzy Bear for my sis.

Unfortunately, a few years later when we moved house, they vanished, and I swore to myself that I'd replace my Kermit some day :lol

I fished into some family photos, and hey presto, as I indeed remembered correctly, here are two pics of me and my sis with them. Kermit is on the bed on the left.

( Go on, everybody say "how CUTE !" to my sprog sis :lol )


Anywho, after years of waiting patiently because I didn't want to spend a fortune either :lol, I finally nabbed me both Vintage 1976 Fisher Price Kermit & Fozzie in great condition :)


I was thinking of giving the Fozzie to my sis, but he's so cool, I'm going to keep him :lol

Remember this guy next to the Kermit on the bed ?


That's my teddy, Pom Pom, and I've had him since I was 2 :D

So here, to the tune of "It's my Party" ... "it's my prop room and I'll do as I want to, do as I want to ......" :lol

Family reunion :D


Happy holidays to all !

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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

Nice score on the Kermit and Fozzie.

I did the same thing, except with a different Muppet. When I was six years old, my Grover puppet disappeared in a move to a new house.


(Photo found online, used just as illustration.)

About two years ago, I bought one from eBay. Alas, my hand had grown too large since 1976 to fit anymore, but it was still great to see him again.

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

Nice score Alan. Back in the 70's I got the FP Fozzy for Christmas and my sister got the FP Kermit. We loved them ;)
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

Very cool that you were able to track those down Alan. (And in such great condition to boot!) Sometimes those sentimental type props or collectibles end up becoming the most treasured parts of our collection. Thanks for sharing them (and your memories), with the rest of us. :thumbsup
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

Very nice, but I think you need to find another Fozzie for you sister.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

Amazing collection :D

Thanks :)

Nice score on the Kermit and Fozzie.

I did the same thing, except with a different Muppet. When I was six years old, my Grover puppet disappeared in a move to a new house.

About two years ago, I bought one from eBay. Alas, my hand had grown too large since 1976 to fit anymore, but it was still great to see him again.


I know exactly how you feel Alex ! And Kermit is way smaller than I remember him too :lol

Nice score Alan. Back in the 70's I got the FP Fozzy for Christmas and my sister got the FP Kermit. We loved them ;)

Do you still have him Rich ?

Very cool that you were able to track those down Alan. (And in such great condition to boot!) Sometimes those sentimental type props or collectibles end up becoming the most treasured parts of our collection. Thanks for sharing them (and your memories), with the rest of us. :thumbsup

Cheers buddy :D. Yes indeed, those are treasured. I only have 2 to go to have a complete reconstruction of things lost :ninja

Very nice, but I think you need to find another Fozzie for you sister.

No way, she can sweat and find one herself :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - The Muppet Show

No, sadly he got lost in the shuffle over the years.
I thought about replacing him, but then I think how he won't hold his own sitting next to my MR Muppet photo puppets.
I really wish they completed the Fozzy one :(
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - A.I.

..... and on the subject of soft toys :lol .........

From Artificial Intelligence / A.I., what else but Hasbro's talking Teddy the Super Toy in its original packaging :D


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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - A.I.

Hey! That's a really cool idea Alan! I never would have thought of that. Nice score, man! :thumbsup
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - A.I.

Thanks Adam :)

My 'must have / will die if I don't' wish list is getting there with this addition :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - A.I.

That's a really cool prop Alan! Not much love out there for that movie, but I liked it a lot. :cool:thumbsup Now if you get "TED", don't let them hang around together, Teddy is bound to pick up bad habits! ;)


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