My Darth Vader reveal helmet and bust - project. New headsculpt on post 59

Okay, it seems there´s not enough interest in a run of the head. I´ll have to give this service a pass.

Yoda : 'The boy has no patience ...'
Ben : 'He will learn patience ...'

Sorry Trap Joe I couldn't resist to quote that. Very nice sculpt, indeed scary smile almost like the awkward one on his 3 3/4" counterparts by Hasbro with 3 parts removable helmet : Jedi Temple Archives Research Droids Reviews on which they added some sort of white smear over the left side of his chin :confused and is about the only Darth Vader ROTJ Reveal I can afford at this moment in time :cry perhaps someday I can commission you to built me a full ROTJ Reveal Darth Vader Costume too, until then I'll play quietly with my Hasbro action figures :)

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Hi Joe ! I started a reveal helmet 15yrs ago, and its been sitting a long time. I got frustrated trying to find all the parts, or even what they were. I'm not so picky as most of you are about being authentic. I just want it to look like its supposed to look. You have done a remarkable job. I like the fact that you actually put a head inside. I always wanted someone to create a wearable mask that looked like Anakin/Shaw. That way you could wear it ,or put it on a display head. I was quite dissapointed in the last movie when they finally showed the inside of the helmet because it doesnt seem to "jive" with the outside of the reveal helmet.I made the inside of the helmet as to what I thought it would look like,as to functionality, ect. The outside and the inside should relate to each other, IMO. Anyway. watching this thread has made me want to find that thing in storage and start on it again. Maybe with the help of all you fine people here on the RPF I might actually finish it. BTW, did you happen to add sound to yours, ie: breathing ? I always thought that should be part of it...along with a voice changer !
Okay, it seems there´s not enough interest in a run of the head. I´ll have to give this service a pass.

If you would do a "young" Anakin cout me in :lol.
Great job Joe as always!

To build a reveal mask would not that big problem, to find all parts is the ordeal.
Hope i can start soon with my projcet ,too.
If you would do a "young" Anakin cout me in :lol.
Great job Joe as always!

To build a reveal mask would not that big problem, to find all parts is the ordeal.
Hope i can start soon with my projcet ,too.
The mask would do well if someone would make it. How well would depend on how well the likeness of Anakin was.... be it old(Shaw) or young Hayden). I think they would both do well ! I know I would want one !
guys I've had my reveal over 4yrs now and been slowly collecting parts I found or bought off others on here.

I willing to offer my CAD services and could help out on making any of the 2d templates required in CAD and get these parts laser cut the reveal helmet.

As some of the original parts are hard to find these days, replicating parts is the only way I can see getting my project finished.

Already done the zipper part inside the lower jaw last year:love

I could scan in some of my 2d parts and trace over the photo's to make new templates and if others send in any photo's of parts they have and want to make we could share efforts by getting these parts made for everyone who wants them.
I know this post is older than water, but I'm on a quest! I really want to build a reveal. It's on my Bucket List (punn intended). I've had such a hard time over the years. Has the community here pulled together to make a kit as of yet?

guys I've had my reveal over 4yrs now and been slowly collecting parts I found or bought off others on here.

I willing to offer my CAD services and could help out on making any of the 2d templates required in CAD and get these parts laser cut the reveal helmet.

As some of the original parts are hard to find these days, replicating parts is the only way I can see getting my project finished.

Already done the zipper part inside the lower jaw last year:love

I could scan in some of my 2d parts and trace over the photo's to make new templates and if others send in any photo's of parts they have and want to make we could share efforts by getting these parts made for everyone who wants them.
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