Movies you didn't think you'd like but wound up loving..


Master Member
any movies where you saw a trailer, thought 'I don't want to see this', but got dragged to see it anyway?

I remember not liking the Addams Family trailer for some reason, with Raul Julia. Then I went to see it and it's one of my favorites.

Forever Young, a movie about a guy who gets frozen for 30 years and winds up aging was another movie I wound up liking...

sometimes you get surprised by stuff..
I actually liked Prometheus... A LOT.

I know it's flawed to no end... but it's like Dark Knight Rises... I just had so much fun I ignored all the problems.
The Crow for me...

Never knew anything about it, never knew the comic book existed... but went to go see it in the theater because a cute girl in high school wanted to go see it. Have loved it and the soundtrack ever since....

Dunno what happened to the girl though :)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
- Trailer spoils a major plot point near the end. Producer Harve Bennett fought with the marketing department to leave the bit out but lost.

- It's just randomly spliced together clips with no context or structure.

- This is a teaser trailer so bad and so irrelevant to the tone of the movie that you're better off pretending it never existed.

Star Trek Beyond
- You like Star Trek? Well, too bad. This is an action film with rock n roll, pretty ladies and motorcycles! Oh, and the Enterprise gets destroyed again.
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Forest Gump
Sixth Sense

both of those trailers were a bit misleading. Especially Gump: Peo-le forget that Hanks was known as a goofy comedy actor back in the day.
The original Rollerball movie from the 70s, the Michael Caine spy movies from the 60s, the Odessa Files with John Voight.
The live action he-man movie, even as a kid when it came out i knew it wasn't right or good but it could have been worse. The original Fantasic Four movie with Jessica Alba, for all it's flaws it had the best cast.
Galaxy Quest. I'd never been a Tim Allen fan until that movie.
The Shawshank Redemption. A prison movie didn't interest me, now it's my favorite.
#1 hands down for me:

Pulp Fiction.

All I knew of John Travolta was grease and disco dancing and really hated both growing up.

Really didn't know what to expect, was dragged to see it by a pretty girl.

I saw it like 6 more times in the theater.

There are many others, and I agree with lots of you here.

Chris Lloyd as Fester??? Every actor did an amazing job portraying the originals in that movie.
The Princess Bride. A friend's dad said we should go see it one night while sitting in his house irritating him. Really? The Princess Bride? Sounds like a twelve year old girl movie.

The Gods Must be Crazy. A slightly easier sell because it didn't have princess in the title.

Mission Impossible 4 and 5. Hated the first one, hate Tom Cruise. Ignored the existence of the second one because of John Woo AND Tom Cruise. Saw the third one on a plane trip and it was okay thanks to Hoffman. Got 4 as a freebie on Vudu. Enjoyed the heck out of it, same with 5, but a bit less than 4. Cruise is better with a good ensemble cast surrounding him.
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