More Harry Potter universe movies planned

Depending on how much of the 'Wizarding World' shines through, I would be happy with another film not based around Harry Potter or Hogwarts. The characters were great, but the magic is what kept me reading/watching.
Depending on how much of the 'Wizarding World' shines through, I would be happy with another film not based around Harry Potter or Hogwarts. The characters were great, but the magic is what kept me reading/watching.

Agreed entirely! It was a relatively fresh take on magic, I would love to see see/read more in the universe that is the wizard world
Actually, the story described in the article sounds pretty cool! Maybe they can get Sir David Attenborough to play him later in life. :)
This sounds so awesome :) I do wish she'd write about the kids of Harry, Ron,Hermione, Draco, Ginny, Luna and everyone else. Or even the Harry's parents era, that would be even better xD
When asked about writing about Harry's parents here response was - no, sorry, no prequels, this isn't star wars :)
When asked about writing about Harry's parents here response was - no, sorry, no prequels, this isn't star wars :)
Yeah I read about that a while back it doesn't mean it wouldn't have been awesome if she maybe changed her mind xD I can dream even if it doesn't come true :D
I'm completely thrilled about the prospect of movies set in the established Potter universe, and especially excited about getting a glimpse of Rowling's vision of the wider Wizarding world outside of the UK. Since this is supposed to be set in New York 70 years in the past, it opens up endless potenial for exciting new storylines and characters.

Merlin's beard, this is amazing that this is coming to fruition!

I would imagine that Newt Scamander will be very carefully chosen. I'm wondering if he will be fairly young and seeking out or researching the obscure animals in his book. What animals are located in the United States, does anyone know offhand? That might be the first creature we encounter in the first movie.

I'm also hoping she ties in a few of the older characters in the Harry Potter series that were alive at that time...perhaps a younger Dumbledore or someone like that.
Did anyone here have the little booklet set that included Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them? I remember ordering them as a kid from one of those scholastic book catalogs.

Super pleased when I saw this news. Just as with Star Wars, I always felt like the world Rowling created was my favorite character. Even better, it seems like she's doing right what Lucas did wrong. Exciting!
I'm still waiting for Rowling to tell us Hermione found a way to reunite with her parents and bring their memories back.
I've read the books. Hermione is never described returning to her parents. There's also the Dursleys who seem to remain in hiding forever.

Just get Chris Columbus or Yates to direct Neil Gaiman's Books of Magic. Everyone will be like; "Wait, these graphic novels came out 7 years BEFORE Harry Potter?!" :rolleyes
I've always felt that Harry Potter would have done better as a tv show so we could get the entirety of the books onto the screen.

A few chapters per episode, 10 or 12 episodes per season. Now that the books are done they can go back and include important elements that the movies couldn't set up properly because she was still writing them. Really tie up loose ends for everyone.
Rowling has stated several times that she is not going back to Harry Potter any time soon. But that doesn't mean the universe that she created isn't full of new and exciting potential stories. I have several copies of the little Fantastic Beasts book, and I can hardly guess where she will take Newt Scamander in his quest to investigate and learn about all the funny creatures she describes in that little book.
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