Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

A fine finale, whether despite or because of it barely touching on Ward. Gregg and Jackson really work well together. So, is Patton Oswalt a clone, or maybe he's like Zathras from B5?
Ffs some of you have the hardest time with suspension of disbelief.

One of my high school math teachers used to be a diver, but she lost all hearing in one of her ears due to ascending too quickly from a dive. Moments like what we saw in tonights episode just make me want to scream "That's not how you do it. You shouldn't showcase it this way and have everything be alright!"

In other news, very fun episode! I liked seeing Nick around, I liked seeing May get in on a lot of the important action moments (Should have kept the staff!) and no redemption at all for Grant. I also jumped for joy when Coulson's huge gun came back. Hope to see more of it!

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A fine finale, whether despite or because of it barely touching on Ward. Gregg and Jackson really work well together. So, is Patton Oswalt a clone, or maybe he's like Zathras from B5?

Three letters. LMD.
OMG, that was awesome. Thoroughly enjoyed that finale from top to bottom.

I was literally bouncing in my seat when Fury showed up to rescue Fitz/Simmons. I also might have squee'd aloud when Coulson's BFG came into play. I was pleasantly surprised that Ward didn't get his redemption and will be quite content if he remains a villain throughout.

My guess for Skye is that she's a pink Kree and that dad got jacked up helping Flower-girl with her experiments.
I took this photo and posted it on Twitter earlier today. I didn't know how right I was!


Fantastic ending to S1.
"FFS” doesn’t quite apply but let me earn it since it was tossed out there.

If I wrote, Yes it is a bottle of compressed air and while it doesn’t have a regulator for use underwater, they could buddy breath during ascent and be perfectly safe it they don’t rise faster than their bubbles. Since they don’t have a way to gauge how much air is in the bottle or how much is remaining, I doubt they would be able to do a decompression stop before surfacing and may suffer a minor evolved gas disorder but nothing as severe as a burst lung.

Those two characters may know nothing about diving but they would know about Boyle’s law. The writers of the show tried to explain the escape and that was the mistake. If the line was “don’t hold your breath” great or just hand her the bottle and say nothing. Don’t say something so blatantly wrong.

I’m all about education from the magic talking box but dust off the old copies of Lloyd Bridges’ Sea Hunt or watch Men of Honor. ;)
Besides, accepted the 6 engined, twin wing C-17 but that is because AoS showed that it was a VTOL.

But I do think we can all agree, the best part of the show was almost 30 minutes of Nick Fury and the special guest star, the Destroyer Gun. :thumbsup
I must say after the first few episodes I was ready to move on. I am glad I stuck with the show cus it really got good. I too enjoyed the finale and was mid groan when Garret got rebuilt. Then INVINCI...SPLAT!
The Destroyer Gun was outstanding! "I know what this does!" and the smile on his face. PRICELESS!!!!

Loved the Fight between Ward and May, and The use of the Saw. the Nail Gun was perfect as well.

May should have kept the berzerker Staff!! would be so handy to have an asgardian weapon.

and can you say Director Coulson?

As for Oswalt - LMD for the win!

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oh, as for the writing that Garret and Coulson were doing? It was probably Kree and will figure into the crossover with Guardians of the Galaxy.
Thank you, Joss.
You planted the seeds for a typical arc and then turned the tables on us ... again. I was fooled.
i was certain that Ward was going to have a crappy redemption. Instead you gave us what the show needed.
As I stated before Ward really needs to be out of the picture to allow Skye some space for growth.
He might still redeem himself but it would have to be a long process... and I'm ok with that.

Random notes:

Two devices were recycled from the Firefly episode "The Train Job." 1.) Skye/Ward confrontation from Mal's Unification Day bar-fight: "... what are you going to do about it?" "Nothing. I just wanted her to get behind you ..." WHAM! 2.) Garret's destruction like Crow's death when Mal kicks him into Serenity's engine. You think you're witnessing the introduction of a recurring villain ... but nope. I loved it both times.

Fitz/Simmons hit all the right emotional notes. At no point did I feel they slipped from character to satisfy an arc (e.g. Simmons couldn't reciprocate Fitz's confession but still had immense affection and love for him that didn't need romance to give it significance). I would normally predict that Fitz would have amnesia and Simmons would spend the next season reintroducing him to his (and their) past and, through this process, she will discover her own feelings for him. In that scenario he still might not recover all (or any) of his memory but they would develop their relationship all over again. I trust that Joss will likely confound my predictions again ... typically with something even more satisfying.

The actress who played Simmons really showed her chops in this episode. And that speech about the life that came before and that will perpetuate was just beautiful.

The underwater part was done so well it didn't bother me at all that it was conceptually lifted from the excellent Cameron film, The Abyss.

After an entire season of Colson disoriented I felt he was getting back to becoming himself. I got a little teary when he met Nick Fury again. I donno ... maybe it's the sense that Colson felt like a marginalized character since "falling from grace" after leaving the movies. Nick helping him up felt, not only like validation, but it's as if the movie franchise was telling him that he hasn't been abandoned. The look on Colson's face triggered that thought. It's probably all me but it still made me teary.

I almost expected Fury to say, "I'm just gonna walk the Earth" at the end. But one Pulp Fiction reference is enough.
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Called it!

when we took our Boy Scouts to the avengers - (excellent team building lesson) I asked the boys who their favorite avenger was. They argued Thor vs iron-man vs hulk vs cap etc for a while, then one fell into my trap & asked who my favorite was?

my answer?

phil coulsen of course!

loved every minute of it!
Yeah the Coulson is an Avenger reference was great. One think I think would have been a good line is that when the team arrives at the new base, the custodian addresses Coulson as Agent. I think someone should have corrected him with Director Coulson. Then Coulson telling the custodian that he needs to give the rest of the team badges immediatly.
BOOM goes the dynamite! What a great episode. Director Couson!! I thought it was funny when Fury said he looks like he's living under a bridge!
Okay a quick thought about Sky, I've been thinking about for a while, but isn't Marvel supposed to introduce the Inhumans at some point (phase 3 or 4 of the movies not sure). So my thought is, Sky is an Inhuman and will get exposed to the Terrigan mist at some point and "change" to her true form. Especially considering her parents where "monsters". If that is the case, I really hope that the guy they showed at the end was either Black Bolt or the Real Mandarin (could still be an Inhuman since they are going their own way from the comics). Either way what's everyone else take on this idea?
Maybe I need to lower my expectations, but there were a good number of moments in the finale where I couldn't help but laugh at the scene, namely the showdown with Coulson, Fury, and Garrett and the dialogue that ensued. Also the helicopter rescue scene - that was NOT 90 ft of swimming up (more like 10 ft) and Fury JUST happened to be hovering right over where Fitz and Simmons surfaced?!? Bringing Oswalt's character back as his twin brother was also an eye-roller, c'mon really? At least they gave SLJ a lot more screen time than I expected, thought he'd just have another cameo.

As painful as some scenes are, at least the overall plot is moving in a decent direction. Ward is presumably off the main cast (thank the lord!) and Coulson is tasked with rebuilding SHIELD. They've wiped the slate enough to start in a new direction for the next season if they want to, and not have to be burdened with creative fails early in the series. Lastly, I'm very curious to know who Skye's dad is and whether he's an existing comic character - guesses anyone?

Also, wasn't Garrett's body put in a metal box in the prior scene before they showed him climbing onto the cybernetic machine? Was that a mistake or did I miss something? I was very confused.
Also, wasn't Garrett's body put in a metal box in the prior scene before they showed him climbing onto the cybernetic machine? Was that a mistake or did I miss something? I was very confused.

I noticed that too. But honestly, I think they were having some fun with that scene and wanted to put it in there.

A twist on the "He's dead/No he's not dead and will be back bigger, better and stronger next season" Yes, in "reality" they would've carted Garrett off, but I groaned mid-Garrett being upgraded then laughed my arse off when Coulson 'found' the artifact :)
Also, wasn't Garrett's body put in a metal box in the prior scene before they showed him climbing onto the cybernetic machine? Was that a mistake or did I miss something? I was very confused.

They showed that metal box busted open on the floor with a dead guard nearby.
Maybe I need to lower my expectations, but there were a good number of moments in the finale where I couldn't help but laugh at the scene, namely the showdown with Coulson, Fury, and Garrett and the dialogue that ensued. Also the helicopter rescue scene - that was NOT 90 ft of swimming up (more like 10 ft)
Good point... which would address the decompression issue if it wasn't as deep ... so maybe Simmon's estimate was wrong? Then again they did say he was anoxic for 10 min.... but maybe that 10 min included the time to get them on the craft and start BLS. And there was a lot of light down there on the ocean floor.
and Fury JUST happened to be hovering right over where Fitz and Simmons surfaced?!?
. I had the impression they were wading a while before he showed up. Even following a beacon or could take hours to be spotted, if they were lucky. So they're lucky.
M Bringing Oswalt's character back as his twin brother was also an eye-roller, c'mon really?
I think the implication was that he was a clone or LMD. Certainly not human. Definitely not a twin brother. You get that because he's too composed about the death of the other and he greets them with the exact same "lanyard" shtick.
At least they gave SLJ a lot more screen time than I expected, thought he'd just have another cameo.
I, too, was pleasantly surprised.
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