Man of Steel Muscle Suit


New Member
Hi Guys.

Been Cosplaying the past 3 years as Reeve Superman and decided to step up and do the Man of Steel. Realistically, even if I can get away with Reeve's proportions, I realized that there is no natural way for a 49 year old like me to get Cavill's MOS proportions. He sized up considerably from The Immortals and without his army of trainers and possibly roids, I've succumbed to settling for a muscled suit to pull off his look.

It's coming along well that I thought it would be a shame not to share the knowledge.

First of all, here is my Reeve Look:


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The first step is to cut 1/4 cushion foam roughly to the size of your torso. They call it urethane foam over here in he Philippines. I'm not exactly sure if that's what it really is. I pinned it to a torso mannequin I got on a bargain and sketched the musculature with an ash stick. Then I got a soldering iron and burned off the indentations. Make sure you do this outdoors and use a fan because the fumes are quite toxic.image.jpg


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Brilliant. I was looking at building my shoulders and arms up and was going to see if I could find a memory foam in the garbage. It's a bit thicker (though the whole point of me doing man of steel is that I can wear it in summer cause it's cooler). and sorry, 49!? Awesome dude.
Decided to start from scratch when I put it on and found out that my chest was wider. Start with a torso sketch on the bottom sheet. With rubber cement, attach another layer for the sternum area. Then a final layer of pecs. I bought a higher wattage soldering iron. To make indentations, use the pointed end and to smooth down, use the wider tube area of the soldering iron. Really be carefull of the fumes. Quite toxic. Then trim off excess bulk with a sharp pair of shears. Try to remove all the flat parts as real musculature is full of subtle curves rather than flats.image.jpg
Okay, THIS IS AN AWESOME THREAD and tutorial .... because the more and more I look at photo images of Cavill in his MOS costume, the more I can't help but suspect that there may be a little underlying musculature assistance going on there. I'm not taking anything away from Cavill's impressive physique ... but some of the lines and definition depicted in the costumed images are just a bit too ... perfect, ya know?

for example/reference sake . . . .

man-of-steel-ew1.jpg man-of-steel-henry-cavill-2013.jpg PH4VXF7qdXFs86_1_m.jpg

0003-man-of-steel-costume3.jpeg man-of-steel-superman-costume-101.JPG alg-superman-set.jpg

Looking forward to seeing the next steps/instructions !!! :D


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Just an additional FYI, from . . . Candian Actor Mackenzie Gray talks MAN OF STEEL and the new Superman Suit

Candian Actor Mackenzie Gray stars in MAN OF STEEL and briefly spoke to JTM Games about his involvement with the film.

On the Suit and its Construction
Oh yeah, amount of detail on Superman is unbelievable. Superman’s costume, is a three-layer costume; there’s a body-skin layer and then there’s a muscle layer that was molded to Henry’s muscles – it’s a silver, metallic rubber – and then over that is a mesh skin so whenever he turns into light it looks like he’s made of steel. It’s just incredible, the design of the film is fantastic. All the concepts and the designs is just remarkable and they didn’t have to build fake muscles for Henry because he’s really built.

On the tone of the movie
I wouldn’t say it’s darker but more hyper-realistic. Maybe it’s got a bit of a darker tone; it’s not as comical, there’s no comical villains or anything like that. It’s a very realistic film, but with all the magic of Superman. For example, when he’s flying you’ll really believe that he’s flying and it’s really great how they did that. I really think that Man of Steel is a different take and it’s not going to be cartoonish. Zack Snyder has done such an amazing job with the film.
Read more at Candian Actor Mackenzie Gray talks MAN OF STEEL and the new Superman Suit
Yes. Absolutely right, he had a molded layer. The give-away are the veins on his biceps. No matter how cut you are, rubber will flatten this but you can clearly see them in the suit. Without a sizable budget, this costume will be very hard to copy exactly, but we can all try right? More to come.
Thanks guys!

Upon more fitting, I sheared off quite a lot from the chest area. The key to augmenting your physique is subtlely. You want to leave people guessing if that's really all you rather than giggling obviously that it isn't. At best, they shouldn't even notice at all. Next, I sheared off from the inside since my chest is massive to begin with and just lacks the Cavill definition. How much you leave and take off really depends on your actual build. As heroic as how the foam started out, please do not attempt to wear it as is or you'll look as fake as a Ken doll or those commercial costumes
Witj built in muscles.image.jpgimage.jpg
He sized up considerably from The Immortals and without his army of trainers and possibly roids, I've succumbed to settling for a muscled suit to pull off his look...

It's Hollywood, they can afford the "good stuff": Growth Hormones all the way :)

Great start to the muscle suit! Any recent updates? I'm looking forward to seeing the end finished outfit.
Hi Brandony. Discarded the muscle suit altogether cuz I didn't look good in it. I'm bulky as it is, it will only workmwith someone really skinny. Anyway, here's how I wore the costume at the advanced screening last June 11. image.jpgimage.jpg
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