Louis C.K.'s Kids Can't Have Cell Phones

I'm not a fan of his but i agree. My friend got her 8 year old one of those phones for kids that don't text or anything and only she can put phone numbers in. That's the only kind i think anyone under 25 needs. Makes me want to slap someone around when i see their 10 year old with an iphone and they wonder why their kid is a punk and a zombie.
While 8 or 10 sounds young indeed, let's not exaggerate neither, 25 years old ? That be awkward for a 20-something like me, who actually develops software for those phones... I had a Nokia 3510 when I was 12, for my first year of high school, that's just fine by me, when you start taking public transport and all. Smartphones are maybe not necessary at that age, but that's the majority of phones now, even the more basic ones (which should be more than enough at that age) have internet browser and all, so you just got to keep up with the times.
Kids today seem a little TOO addicted to their tech devices though. I guess I should amend that people in general are too addicted to tech. Back when my ef-wife was still here with her kid he was so attached to his IPad that it was pathetic. It was always with him and if a message dinged in he would jump to grab it like the secrets of the universe were about to be revealed. We had a huge snow storm and lost power for an extended time causing his IPad to drain out with no way to recharge it. He still wandered around the house clutching it like it was magically going to spring to life for him. Funny and disgusting all at the same time. When he got a cell from with texting abilities it was the same thing and continues to this day.
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