JFcustom's FOAM files

I have been haranguing JFcustom for a while now (like 6 months) about doing some foam files for Star Wars Biker Scouts. JF is really busy and buried up to his ears in projects and requests that he can’t get to it any time in the next year. I am not picking on JF, as his work with files is top notch and I appreciate that he has so many files available for free for all of us!:D

I have used many of his files for costuming projects and that gave me the experience to attempt to make custom foam templates for Scouts. XRobots put out a vid on youtube that explained how to take printed templates and create foam templates that way. I have no experience with pep designer to make these files so his method was most plausible for me. Using Nintendude’s scout helmet file as a guide for some of the more complex pieces, I created custom templates. All in all it is a 10 piece helmet not including visor or detail pieces.

Here are pics from making the templates and doing a mock-up. Again, thanks to JF for his files, if it was not for those projects, I would not have been able to make my own. :thumbsup


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Looks good :thumbsup Will you be making your template available? I wouldn't mind giving it a go once I get back into my pepping.
Looks good :thumbsup Will you be making your template available? I wouldn't mind giving it a go once I get back into my pepping.

Thank you!

I wish I knew how to make the template available, except tracing it on poster board and mailing it out :)

I would love to share it!
If you could provide some birdseye view photos of the templates looking straight down on them and measurements I could have a go at converting them into a simple printable paper format?
Laellee, thanks for sharing that file. It is more detailed than mine is, and will probably yield better results!
Sorry gang. Life caught up with me, and I found a small issue with the mouth that I had to correct. Here's the Mark I helmet as promised. This should be simple to throw together and (I think) is more accurate than some of the licensed ones I've seen out there. The welding has been left off and is for you to decide how to add, but I recommend long strips of hot glue along the edges. You'll also notice that there is a solitary piece off by itself. This piece is to be cut out of a larger piece and then glued into the inside of each eye frame to complete the look. Let me know if you have any questions, concerns or problems!

Mark I Helmet
This thread has been so helpful! I have been looking around at all the prop making for a long time but just recently decided to give it a shot. First I started using the foam files with cardboard with fiberglass and bondo seeing how that is what rendered the best results from people. But I discovered over the course of a few months that I didnt have the patience for sanding bondo and after dumping almost $60 in materials for one helmet I decided to move on. But Silly old me decided that I should first try an iron man helmet out of foam and I met with some success.
I used Sharkhead's model, and although I am rather happy with this as my first try I was unhappy with how visible a lot of the seams were. So I tried again on another build that I might make a thread on later for a custom captain america. I did JF's capt america helmet and it turned out alright but the seems are still a lot more visible than I would like them.
and here is it as part of my custom captain america.
So for the helmets I used the 6 mm diamond pattern eva foam, I used a heat gun to assist the bending process. I sealed it with four layers of wood glue (because I couldnt find regular white glue type stuff around the house) and coated it in one layer of spray plastidip. On the Capt America helmet I tried doing a second layer of plstidip but I dont know if the can was getting empty or plastidip doesnt bond to itself well but it kinda bubbled up when it dried and left a bunch of little dimples.

So if anyone knows of how to get rid of the seems, or what the deal with the plastidip bubbling up in the second layer I would love to hear feedback on how to improve it. (also if this was too long for a response I appologize, I have been a long time observer not a long time participator on the forums here)


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For the seams cleaner assembly and proper glue technique go a long way. Watch jf's videos. Personally i like to sand down all of my seams before I start to seal. Plastidip will adhere to itself.I usually warm-up the can a bit and shake very well. Also go for heavier coats. I use atleast 3 coats.
for the seals the best method is to use acrilic caulk... YOu put in the seams and spread it with a WET sponge... try it... Do not use silicone... the you can use plastidip or the thing you like...
Was wondering if you or anyone else that's watching this thread have iron patriots shoulder cannon templates for foam? Started building an iron patriot and I'm using your files. Simply wonderful!
Hey. I don't really know if I'm in the right place (please feel free to redirect me) but I've literally in the last 10 minute discovered this site and the process of using foam to make helmets etc

I've been wanting to make a set of Armour from the Discworld series but I've spent the best part of a year trying to figure out how to do it without spending a stupid amount of money or starting and ruining it with lack of skills.

bellow are 2 picture of other peoples armour creations for this series. I'm looking at using worbla or something similar for the breast plate. I cant seem to find a way of using cheaper craft foam to make one solid breast plate rather than something that looks like it's made of separate plates



I want to make a helmet similar to the second picture (with the rim). I didn't that was possible with foam until I saw the amazing patterns on this site. Most made me despair as they were far too complex but a captain america helmet made with only four piece gave me hope.http://www.therpf.com/f78/captain-americas-helmet-speed-peping-foam-file-152770/

So...I'm basically asking if anyone can help me or direct me to something helpful. I'm assuming (from the cap template) that this could probably be made in just a few piece for the helmet and and rim, then the detailing I can work on myself. It's mainly the rounded piece of the top of the head that I'm worried about not getting right.

Thanks again, any help or redirecting will be much appreciated


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