JAWS- Hoopers shark tracker prop info and discussion

Are the barrels a standard type of barrel???

Oh, and if anyone is interested in the flasher, PM me for details on where to pick some up.. I didnt realize I couldnt post an ebay link...
be careful when buying the flashers. Most of them have the bit just below the strobe in Black instead of orange, which makes them screen inaccurate. They should be orange along with the body colour (see my pics on previous page for an example)
Are the barrels a standard type of barrel???

I'm sure they were at the time. They look to be just a 30 gallon blue plastic drum of some sort. (you can see the blue where the paint has been knocked off in certain shots) It would be nice if the style was still available. Now it might be a matter of modifying something that is currently on the market to match.

Sorry.. I didn't mean to get us off topic. If there is interest we can start a new thread for barrel discussion. :rolleyes

be careful when buying the flashers. Most of them have the bit just below the strobe in Black instead of orange, which makes them screen inaccurate.

There must be an abundance of the black ringed ones too because those are the ones that you can pick up in the twenty dollar range. Newer model possibly?

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I would be very interested in getting my hands on a barrel at some stage. If anyone knows where then please let me know.

I didn't think they looked big enough to be 55 gallon.

But I could be wrong.. :rolleyes

Posting here 'cos I can't in the Junkyard yet.
A big thanks to DEADDINGO, OB1AL et al on the stickers. Got mine today, brilliant!
Posting this action shot of our little orange friend in case anyone wants to use it for a display.
(also proves DJP right )
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Looks like that is a different sticker on the BACK of the flasher...

Are my eyes playing tricks? In the earlier pics the buttons on the bottom are flipped, showing the "front"

Maybe we need a back sticker now ;)
Just picked up a distress beacon on E-bay, it has the brass cap not the authentic plastic cap. Does anyone have one of the stickers they could sell me? It would be appreciated.

I know this thread has been inactive for a while but I just got my distress beacon and I'm trying to create the metallac label. HELP!!!! I'd appreciate if someone could tell me how to create one or perhaps sell me a couple pre made or send me the image. I believe the images in the thread have a white background and I don't have the expertise to change it to clear to print on metallic sticker sheets. Thanks,
I believe the images in the thread have a white background and I don't have the expertise to change it to clear to print on metallic sticker sheets.
Unless your printer has white ink (which is rare) the "white" background won't print on your metallic sheets.

Any idea where I might get metallic stickers? I had actually thought of printing it out on clear sticker material and sticking them onto some metalic material. What do you think is the way to go?
Does anyone need a replica orange cap?

If there is a need, I can cast my original and make a few resin copies for a low price.