Iron man motorised faceplate electronics tutorial!!!

so is it possible to get an arduino nano v3 and solder everything together to it and program it to move the face plate and light leds that are also powered by a separate power source? I'm trying to get all this done by May and it's starting to feel over my head o_o;; So far i have the uno and im still confused.
so is it possible to get an arduino nano v3 and solder everything together to it and program it to move the face plate and light leds that are also powered by a separate power source? I'm trying to get all this done by May and it's starting to feel over my head o_o;; So far i have the uno and im still confused.

oh ya you'll have more then enough pins and everything for that. Browse through this tread and take a look at the code I posted and it should push you in the right direction.
What is the reed switch needed for? Not sure why they are needed, can you explain why you want them for your build?

Reed switches aren't mandatory, some people use them as switches. You can put a magnet in one of your finger tips and touch it to where the reed switch is and it will "flip" the switch
Ive tried this set-up and it works very well. really love the led power up sequence. I'm just thinking if it would be possible to power more LED using a seperate source yet control it using the arduino? will a relay work?

Also im thinking of using on/off switch to control the flight stabilizers, basically the flight stabilizers activate when the switch is on and the flight stabilizer will deactivate when the switch is offed. this is because i am thinking of using a reed switch to control the flight stabilizer and allowing easier control.

Im currently trying to pick up the arduino programming but if anyone can actually write it out fast it would be really helpful.
Ive tried this set-up and it works very well. really love the led power up sequence. I'm just thinking if it would be possible to power more LED using a seperate source yet control it using the arduino? will a relay work?

Also im thinking of using on/off switch to control the flight stabilizers, basically the flight stabilizers activate when the switch is on and the flight stabilizer will deactivate when the switch is offed. this is because i am thinking of using a reed switch to control the flight stabilizer and allowing easier control.

Im currently trying to pick up the arduino programming but if anyone can actually write it out fast it would be really helpful.

1.) more leds for what? the eye circuit? yes, for sure.. I have posted on it before in this thread (somewhere).. you would just use a transistor and power directly from battery source..and toggle/PWM gate from Arduino.

2.) reed switch is a momentary switch I believe.. which means when the magnet goes away.. the circuit is open again...

you can accommodate for this in your code by having a 'switch state' variable that toggles on each press..

alternately you could use a latching type switch and if its HIGH stabilizers are up..if LOW...stabilizers are down. (or whatever you want)
Reed switches aren't mandatory, some people use them as switches. You can put a magnet in one of your finger tips and touch it to where the reed switch is and it will "flip" the switch

That's a great idea, so much great info here. I will probably be using a Hall Effect sensor instead though. I have used a ULN3503, they are cheap, reliable and easy to use with a microcontroller.
Woe every time I come back to this thread it's progressed so much.

Anyone considered adding smoke to their suits? Like Anthony Le did. Worth throwing the idea out there. I have some ideas of pre built products which would give a very basic smoke stream.
I am loving this thread and have learned so much from it. There is one little thing that is niggling at me though. When Sinzz first started it I got the feeling it would be for the basic set up on open, close, eyes turn on and off when they should. Ok that was achieved in the first thread beautifully but it has strayed so far from the start. People like me who have no idea on electronics would get stuck once they have their set up the same as the first post. I know its better to teach your self how to get the last bits done but even after reading as much as I can its all above my head. I was wondering if through the knowledge of you tech types we could get the set up back on course to a finished piece for people like me.

Basically I propose that we say the eyes require 4 LEDs each, with an external power supply and power for the servos. I know its not as simple as that due to both the LEDs and servos needing different amounts of power to operate them but if we can pick an LED to use say the white 5mm LEDs and servos that you guys know would have power to lift the face plate (I am not really sure which would do the job but I am sure some one out there can pick us a standard to use).

It's great that all this info is being put here in one place but I know there must be lots of people out there hoping that the first post is made a bit more final so that those of us wanting our helmets to do what they should can :)
Hi drack that's why I went for picaxe over arduino as it's simple to set up it literally shows you when to solder everything and comes with power pack but from what I can see the arduino can do a lot more. It's an amazing thread of knowledge and I'm grateful for the help received but drack I think your right we should pull our resources and for the next yeah this thread will be home to some of the greatest minds of our time
I am loving this thread and have learned so much from it. There is one little thing that is niggling at me though. When Sinzz first started it I got the feeling it would be for the basic set up on open, close, eyes turn on and off when they should. Ok that was achieved in the first thread beautifully but it has strayed so far from the start. People like me who have no idea on electronics would get stuck once they have their set up the same as the first post. I know its better to teach your self how to get the last bits done but even after reading as much as I can its all above my head. I was wondering if through the knowledge of you tech types we could get the set up back on course to a finished piece for people like me.

Basically I propose that we say the eyes require 4 LEDs each, with an external power supply and power for the servos. I know its not as simple as that due to both the LEDs and servos needing different amounts of power to operate them but if we can pick an LED to use say the white 5mm LEDs and servos that you guys know would have power to lift the face plate (I am not really sure which would do the job but I am sure some one out there can pick us a standard to use).

It's great that all this info is being put here in one place but I know there must be lots of people out there hoping that the first post is made a bit more final so that those of us wanting our helmets to do what they should can :)

Yeah I agree Drack, I've been following and contributing to this thread fr the start and I have hardly any experience working with electronics and was kinds hoping the basics would be in place by now. All I want is for the face plate to move and the lights to come on like the code does. Just want the info to integrate it into my lid now!
Maybe some could start a new thread for more advanced electronics, so people not getting confused with all that new ideas that come.

Maybe some could start a new thread for more advanced electronics, so people not getting confused with all that new ideas that come.


Yeah that would be cool. It's awesome that people are sharing their knowledge and coming up with some really cool ideas but for now it would just be great to have something working inside a helmet. I have my helmet finished and the Arduino stuff. Just need the know how of soldering it altogether now.
Ask and you shall revive, here is some some edited code that SHOULD set you on a path, at least code wise... note that I haven't tested this and I have had a few drinks so it may now be 100% but this will put you in the right ball park. My comments should help you understand it better... I'm FAR from an expert and I'm still learning but thought I would share :)

*  Just for those that want LEDs and Servos
*  By: Chad Michaud
*  Date: 22 March 2013
*  Arduino 5v Pro
Pin Guide

Arduino ----- Component
2 ----------- Button
3 ----PWM---- Servo Data
5 ----PWM---- LEDs via Transistor


// Library Setup
#include <Servo.h>  // Servo Library
// End Library Setup

// Global Variables
int helmPos = 0;  // Stores servo position
int eyeBrightness = 0;  // Stores how bright the eye LEDs are
int fadeAmount = 5;  // Controls how fast the LEDs fade by
boolean hOpen = false;  // Boolean to keep trak of helmets open/closed status
// End Global Variables

// Set Pin Location Constants
const int buttonPin = 2;  // Sets pushbutton pin to pin 2 
const int servoPin = 3;  // Sets Servo Data pin to Arduino Pin 3 
const int eyeLeds = 5;  // Sets LEDs, via transistor, to Arduino Pin 5
// End Pin Location Constants

// Create Objects
Servo helmservo;  // Create Servo object
// End Create Objects

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);  // This is just for Debugging
  // Servo Setup
  helmservo.write(helmPos);  // Pre write the helmet to closed, this helps pervent servo twitch
  // End Servo Setup
  // LED Setup
  pinMode(eyeLeds, OUTPUT);  // Sets Pin for Output to the transistor controlling the LEDS
  // End LED Setup
  // Button Setup
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  // End Button Setup

void loop()
  if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH && hOpen == true)  // If the button is pressed and the helmet is open.  
    closeHelm();  // Close the helmet
  else if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH && hOpen == false)  // If the button is pressed and the helmet is closed
    openHelm();  // Open the helmet

void openHelm()
  eyeBrightness = 0;  // Set Eye brightness to off
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);  // Turn off LEDS
  helmservo.attach(servoPin);  // Sets pin for Servo Signal Wire
  while(helmPos >=1)  // While helm is not in it's up Position.  May require tweaking
    helmPos -= 10;  // Decrease the position Variable. May require tweaking
    helmservo.write(helmPos);  // Write the new postition to the servo
    delay(15);  // Wait before running command again.  May require tweaking
  helmservo.detach();  // Dettach the Servo to prevent it from heating up.
  hOpen = true; // Helmet is now open 

void closeHelm()
  helmservo.attach(servoPin);  // Sets pin for Servo Signal Wire
  while(helmPos <= 180)  // While the helmet is not in it's down position.  May require tweaking
    helmPos += 10;  // Increase the position Variable.  May require tweaking
    helmservo.write(helmPos);  // Write the new postiion to the servo
    delay(15);  // Wait before running command again.  May require tweaking
  helmservo.detach();  // Dettach the Servo to prevent it from heating up.
  // *******************First Blink on and off ************************
  eyeBrightness = 255;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  eyeBrightness = 0;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  // *******************************************************************
  // *******************Second Blink on and off*************************
  eyeBrightness = 255;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  eyeBrightness = 0;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  // *******************************************************************
  eyeBrightness = 255;  // Sets eyes to full brightness
  for(eyeBrightness = 255; eyeBrightness > 50; eyeBrightness = eyeBrightness - fadeAmount)  // Now that the brightness is full, fade the brightness to 50(that may need to be changed) based on the fade amount
    analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);  // Write the brightness to the LED
    delay(50);  // Wait before you run again
  hOpen = false;  // Helmet is now closed

Also take a look at the button example under the Arduino software if your confused on how to set it up.
Ask and you shall revive, here is some some edited code that SHOULD set you on a path, at least code wise... note that I haven't tested this and I have had a few drinks so it may now be 100% but this will put you in the right ball park. My comments should help you understand it better... I'm FAR from an expert and I'm still learning but thought I would share :)

*  Just for those that want LEDs and Servos
*  By: Chad Michaud
*  Date: 22 March 2013
*  Arduino 5v Pro
Pin Guide

Arduino ----- Component
2 ----------- Button
3 ----PWM---- Servo Data
5 ----PWM---- LEDs via Transistor


// Library Setup
#include <Servo.h>  // Servo Library
// End Library Setup

// Global Variables
int helmPos = 0;  // Stores servo position
int eyeBrightness = 0;  // Stores how bright the eye LEDs are
int fadeAmount = 5;  // Controls how fast the LEDs fade by
boolean hOpen = false;  // Boolean to keep trak of helmets open/closed status
// End Global Variables

// Set Pin Location Constants
const int buttonPin = 2;  // Sets pushbutton pin to pin 2 
const int servoPin = 3;  // Sets Servo Data pin to Arduino Pin 3 
const int eyeLeds = 5;  // Sets LEDs, via transistor, to Arduino Pin 5
// End Pin Location Constants

// Create Objects
Servo helmservo;  // Create Servo object
// End Create Objects

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);  // This is just for Debugging
  // Servo Setup
  helmservo.write(helmPos);  // Pre write the helmet to closed, this helps pervent servo twitch
  // End Servo Setup
  // LED Setup
  pinMode(eyeLeds, OUTPUT);  // Sets Pin for Output to the transistor controlling the LEDS
  // End LED Setup
  // Button Setup
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  // End Button Setup

void loop()
  if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH && hOpen == true)  // If the button is pressed and the helmet is open.  
    closeHelm();  // Close the helmet
  else if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH && hOpen == false)  // If the button is pressed and the helmet is closed
    openHelm();  // Open the helmet

void openHelm()
  eyeBrightness = 0;  // Set Eye brightness to off
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);  // Turn off LEDS
  helmservo.attach(servoPin);  // Sets pin for Servo Signal Wire
  while(helmPos >=1)  // While helm is not in it's up Position.  May require tweaking
    helmPos -= 10;  // Decrease the position Variable. May require tweaking
    helmservo.write(helmPos);  // Write the new postition to the servo
    delay(15);  // Wait before running command again.  May require tweaking
  helmservo.detach();  // Dettach the Servo to prevent it from heating up.
  hOpen = true; // Helmet is now open 

void closeHelm()
  helmservo.attach(servoPin);  // Sets pin for Servo Signal Wire
  while(helmPos <= 180)  // While the helmet is not in it's down position.  May require tweaking
    helmPos += 10;  // Increase the position Variable.  May require tweaking
    helmservo.write(helmPos);  // Write the new postiion to the servo
    delay(15);  // Wait before running command again.  May require tweaking
  helmservo.detach();  // Dettach the Servo to prevent it from heating up.
  // *******************First Blink on and off ************************
  eyeBrightness = 255;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  eyeBrightness = 0;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  // *******************************************************************
  // *******************Second Blink on and off*************************
  eyeBrightness = 255;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  eyeBrightness = 0;
  analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);
  // *******************************************************************
  eyeBrightness = 255;  // Sets eyes to full brightness
  for(eyeBrightness = 255; eyeBrightness > 50; eyeBrightness = eyeBrightness - fadeAmount)  // Now that the brightness is full, fade the brightness to 50(that may need to be changed) based on the fade amount
    analogWrite(eyeLeds, eyeBrightness);  // Write the brightness to the LED
    delay(50);  // Wait before you run again
  hOpen = false;  // Helmet is now closed

Also take a look at the button example under the Arduino software if your confused on how to set it up.

Good work there dude!
Super excited about this update, I got my pinhole camera in the mail today and the quality is pretty great, the low light is good enough for a darkish room and the hole required to see out is super small!!! I can't wait to get my helmet and start throwing parts in :)

Mar 25, 2013 2:24am | Facebook

Sorry for the crappy video it was hard not to get the glare from my overhead lights in it.
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