Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

So do I, Eamon! Luckily things are progressing rather quickly, and therefore I do have more pictures to show you guys now :)

Here it is as it was today at the beginning of our work session :)






After that we worked on the hips, I´ve done some work on the midsection, putting on suspenders, that is, that helped TREMENDOUSLY to get rid of that nasty gap over the ab plate. I´ve done the hand back plates as well, just didn´t install them, gotta figure out a way to make them mobile. The shoulder bells are hinged, and therefore he has a great range of movement :)

Now I plan to add hinges to the arms. I am not sure whether they ARE there in the movie armor, but it feels right to add them there, so I´m going to do that. I have to make the neck brace to close that gap in the back and close a bit more the helmet itself, and this is most likely going to be done this weekend.

Then again I have to make Thor´s suit this weekend, so I am quite sure I´ll have to work double-time :) Luckily I have already made Thor´s jumpsuit (yes, I´m going with a Jumpsuit instead of pants ) and the rest shouldn´t be too hard to make. (If I keep thinking that, it won´t be, for I won´t know it´s near-impossible :))


Thoughts? Questions? anything?


Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

That looks like it is coming together pretty quickly. Nice work so far. Can't wait to see more.
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Thank you, Mike! It is coming along pretty quickly indeed, and I`m working on the other Avengers on the side.... that´s a great experience, I hope this gets done until April 24th- The Avant-Premiere here in Brasil :)

:) Thank you so much :)
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Hermes said:
Thoughts? Questions? anything?

It doesn't look like you have an upper and lower forearm there, just the lower forearm. The biceps hinge on the upper forearm and the lower forearm fits over the upper forearm. Also, not sure if it was intended to be this way but the lower forearm is rotated a little too far back.

The arms on the Mark VII fit together much like the Mark III. For an idea on the upper forearm you are welcome to take a look at the pep files I am making. Check the link in my signature.

Also, the hand plate is hinged as well. So the front of it could be fixed to the back of the hand and then the back of the handplate could be hinged. Again, check out my thread for some good info and reference pics too.

Oops, I just noticed too that the top of the knee cap you made is attached to the shin like in the statuette made by kotobukiya. Although, I noticed in the trailer it actually articulates but is much closer to the thigh than the shin. I would make it part of the thigh.

Keep up the good work on this suit man it kicks but. ;)
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Mike, these are VERY invaluable pointers! I will definitely make some of those changes tomorrow:) as for the forearm, I ran out of material, I plan to fix that too.

Thank you so much, I needed those pointers now:) :)
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Lots of great IM's out there, this is definitely one of the best. Lots of great ideas on this build :thumbsup
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Wow, that is amazong work. Would you mind sharing the patterns you used for the foam? I would love to do this suit, but to pep it would be rididculous.

Keep up with the amazing work!
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Wow, that is amazong work. Would you mind sharing the patterns you used for the foam? I would love to do this suit, but to pep it would be rididculous.

Keep up with the amazing work!

I am pretty sure he did it feehand but if you want to use a pattern I am making the pepakura files now. Check the link in my signature.
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Apart from the wiring of the eyes, attaching the round hip pods (I forgot to do so, but they are done) and some detail on the paintwork, I would consider it done. :)







I hope you guys like it :)

I wish I could, but the thing is that apart from the helmet, there was no file at all..... it was all the brute force approach..sorry...
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